You doing a train tonight?
I have been having lots of fun (and moderate success) with a Cocytus. Any of the open maps suit it well.Gonna need to give that a try. Need to get out of using pulse rifles so much, been wanting to use more auto rifles and scouts (besides Mida).
You doing a train tonight?
I'll make a prediction right here. If Bungie doesn't change its method of balance Strikers will be getting a nerf in about 6 months. Striker movement is fun and it has a strong neutral game with a shutdown super. The only thing that could keep Striker use in check is inertia.Why do people keep using the chart to reference hunters are popular and that's why they nerfed them? The chart says nothing at all about popularity of subclasses, unless I'm missing something. It's about K/D ratios. If some subclasses are more effective at killing people/ not dying than others, that seems like an important piece of data in a game that's about that very thing. I'm sure it's not the only thing they're looking at.
The way they were intended? That's a very peculiar statement two years into the game.So like, start using trip mines the way they were intended.
I thought Trip Mines were supposed to be nerfed?
I'm still getting one shot by them and I run max armor.
I'm closing in on 50 exotic engrams so far...these better be useful when ROI comes out!
Can someone help me? I keep getting an error message when trying to connect to the destiny servers on PS4.
I moved to a new country, but I'm not sure if that's the issue (I also have no idea how to fix if it is) because I'm still within Europe.
It's not my internet connection, while I don't have the best connection, it's good enough for other online games.
Anyone have any idea how I can fix this? Or at least what the problem is?
This is not borne out in the 2016 balancing of the game.
I had a partner the other night that rushed the first three rounds (without me and the other guy) and was always the first to die. We managed to win the second round but the second we lost the third, the rusher quit. Leaving just me and the other guy. And he only hardscopes from spawn. Brutal plays.I gotta say, that I HATE that Shaxx puts Elimination in the rotation for win one game in. This mode is hella terrible if you aren't a top level player, sucks any enjoyment for PVP out of my system in like 2 minutes
I gotta say, that I HATE that Shaxx puts Elimination in the rotation for win one game in. This mode is hella terrible if you aren't a top level player, sucks any enjoyment for PVP out of my system in like 2 minutes
Thanks for the run guys. Sorry about a few of the mistakes causing us to wipe, but this was a hell of a lot smoother than that first run. Gained 3 LL but in serious need of a ghost as mines still at 320. Hoping for some good IB drops.Rusty raiding done for the week! Nice job fellas!
Special appearance by Deadly Tacoz to help clear daughters and oryx
So seriousKills are most important in control, so even with 1 flag if you have a 51 k/d chances are you'd win.
Destiny: The Taken King - Legendary Edition - addons on media or codes?
thanks, so getting preowned is a no go![]()
It was a pleasure as always everyone! Would love to be on some more for some pvp games later on.Rusty raiding done for the week! Nice job fellas!
Special appearance by Deadly Tacoz to help clear daughters and oryx
http://www.playboy.com/articles/will-destinys-rise-of-iron-give-players-what-they-wantScott Taylor said:So to be very specific any gear thats come out since Taken King you can infuse to the light level thats coming for Rise of Iron.
The Crucible quests unlock weekly Crucible bounties that can grant rewards similar to Nightfall payouts. They're also apparently involved in the completion requirements for Year 2 Moments of Triumph.I'm so confused by the crucible quest line stuff. Do I just need to do the quests with the red hexagon and two swords in the middle? I also have specific hunter crucible quests (for instance, defeat opposing guardians caught in your smoke). Do I need to do these too?
40mins after rollover and no one's posted where Xur is. Don't worry guys, I've got this.
The Crucible quests unlock weekly Crucible bounties that can grant rewards similar to Nightfall payouts. They're also apparently involved in the completion requirements for Year 2 Moments of Triumph.
The class-specific ones just unlock an emblem.Cheers. So I just need to non class specific ones? Really don't want to bother with smoke grenade kills etc.
Have you tried all the basic things like restarting ps4. Testing the Internet connection in the ps4 network section. Restarting the router?
Maybe try restoring licences? It might also be that there was some different localization thing when you moved (Since you're still in EU, i don't think this would be the problem, but I'm not sure what else it might be), uninstalling and then reinstalling should fix that if it's a problem.
Yup, tried those and no luck.
I tried restoring licences before coming to ask for help, didn't work. I also just uninstalled and reinstalled but no change.
Any more ideas? The Destiny help section on the website has not been any help at all!
So, I contacted customer service again today, and finally was given some proper instructions from a very nice lady named [REDACTED].
I was instructed to delete my game again, turn off the PS4, and unplug it for 3 minutes.
After the 3 minutes, plug it back in, press and hold the power button for 7-8 seconds, or until I hear a second beep.
In "Safe Mode", select "Rebuild Database", the system restarts, and takes you back to normal boot to rebuild.
After it was done rebuilding, I was able to download the game from my library finally!
Renewed Licenses as told by [REDACTED] after the download was done.
Everything is as it should be finally.
Thanks again [REDACTED], you were a huge help!
Xur's items haven't been relevant since the first week of TTK when 3oC were introduced.40mins after rollover and no one's posted where Xur is.
What error? Some errors are specific to poor/unstable connections, others not so much - so it depends on what error you are getting. Also check your NAT settings, if your'e on type 3 then you'll have issues connecting to Destiny. Are you able to play other online games without issues?
I gotta say, that I HATE that Shaxx puts Elimination in the rotation for win one game in. This mode is hella terrible if you aren't a top level player, sucks any enjoyment for PVP out of my system in like 2 minutes
Is there an efficient way to boost ones faction rep other than buying heavy synths from Xur? I'd like to hit 25 in New Monarchy this weekend, but I don't want to deplete my SC stash.
Popping a booster & running strikes, perhaps?
Patrol is the fastest. Just find route and do the kill enemies, VIP and scan objectives. It goes faster if you have a fireteam. I usually do earth and make my way towards Rocket Yard.Is there an efficient way to boost ones faction rep other than buying heavy synths from Xur? I'd like to hit 25 in New Monarchy this weekend, but I don't want to deplete my SC stash.
Popping a booster & running strikes, perhaps?
What's the key to leveling up Vanguard quick? Crucible seems to level up so much faster.
Patrols can lead to a quick level up.
Xur's items haven't been relevant since the first week of TTK when 3oC were introduced.
He's basically a heavy ammo & 3oC vendor at this point. They might as well just leave him up all week.
What's the key to leveling up Vanguard quick? Crucible seems to level up so much faster.
Farm ether seeds from Draksis then buy heavy from Variks
Patrol is the fastest. Just find route and do the kill enemies, VIP and scan objectives. It goes faster if you have a fireteam. I usually do earth and make my way towards Rocket Yard.
Heroic strikes w/ a booster isn't bad but not as fast. You might have to deal with crappy randos as well.
If you have lots of MoL you could donate some of those for a quick rank up too.
You should get 44 rep for the scan and kill enemies patrols and 55 for VIP (assuming you have a VG rep class item equipped). With a team, this can go very fast.I did notice the other night I was getting 100+ faction rep per Strike, while the most I've gotten while on patrol was 25 rep. Is patrol more efficient because you can knock more of them out in the same time you can complete 1 strike, thus acquiring "more points/hour" type thing
You should get 44 rep for the scan and kill enemies patrols and 55 for VIP (assuming you have a VG rep class item equipped). With a team, this can go very fast.
Heroics w/ a rep booster and streak give 240 rep per strike. It's not bad rep/hour tbh, but again you can get stuck with crappy randoms or annoying strikes like Undying Mind. Although, with the new modifiers heroic strikes could go a bit faster and be more fun.