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Destiny |OT41| Don't Worry, Leave Happy

I like the changes that have been made to heavy spawns, but I think special ammo needs to be a bit more scarce. Also, I think it would be better if players didn't start the game with special but instead the map spawn with special to retrieve. Bungie needs to use ammo spawns to promote movement around the map to a greater extent than they have in the past. If they just give the ammo out to everyone, players will just snipe at each other from their respective sides.

Heavy spawn is better but still broken, esp in clash were it spawns too late in the game. It should trigger at a certain score not a time in 6's


Snipers were & are tuned to be competitive in the fast paced, mobility based Destiny of Y1, which is why they're 'easy' to use. They needed to be easier to use because people were way harder to hit than in other shooters.

Problem is everything in the game that was conducive to pushing a sniper/defensive player has been nerfed to shit (except Juggernaut/Skating I guess), leading to this boring ass hardscope/sit back and team shoot playstyle.

Rather than nerf snipers, I wish Bungie would just realise they made a damn good game that needed only a few small changes, rather than the stupid amount of nerfs we've had.

Man everything I reaad (and play) of year 2 seems like a huge step down from year 1. We thought it was bad with the holy hand cannon trinity, but at least it was fun. 3 very different guns, with very different playstyles, as well as the red death, messenger, MIDA floating around being viable. Snipers weren't super aggressive AA monsters, and exotics guns actually had a lot of character, from the Vex Mythoclasts -holy shit its full auto- to the Gjallahorns -this kills stuff in twenty seconds wow-.

'Balancing' seems to have KO-ed the bits that make the game...different. Fun weapons, fun abilities. Newer exotics feel less different from standard purples, more granular effects - few notable exceptions, but way too many duds. I'm not saying the guns are bad, but they're certainly not special.

The guns people seem to crave now are god rolls, i.e minor stat differences that yes make the gun more effective, but not in a varied way. It's a little less muzzle climb, a little more damage, a little lower fire rate. In year 1 we craved the elemental primaries, or amazing guns like the black hammer, or the Gjally..

I don't know.

I hope RoI rectifies this dull approach.
Bounties that need heavy kills are dumb.
Getting 334 items when you're 335 is dumb.

Edit: Finally got the final weekly bounty done on my third character. IB ends on a sour note due to tedious grind for heavy kills.


You know I hate you right?

o rly?

Already tried and reverted. Made people use their Icebreakers even in Trials.
Post from earlier about spawning without special:

People used icebreaker and sidearms during that period to switch weapons between rounds since they would retain ammo. That is no longer the case with icebreaker. However, they reverted the special ammo economy at the same time as closing that work-around. If someone still wanted to use icebreaker or invective the entire match to avoid not sparing with special, more power to them. Again, it would make the exotics slightly more exotic.


Might as well throw in my 2 cents on the sniping topic.

A point was made earlier that one of the reasons why Sniping is so common place is because primaries are so weak after so many nerfs and that is 100% correct. Primaries just don't do enough, whether it be damage or flinch to counter snipers at this moment.

Now to be fair, a lot of deaths from snipers is really the opposing players fault for putting themselves into positions/lanes where they shouldn't be especially when it comes to certain game types/modes. But, at the same time, there are way too many bullshit kills that shouldn't be happening either.

What's the solution? Nerf? Well that depends on what kind of nerf we are talking about. If its the typical Bungie nerf that we're so use to seeing, I wouldn't want that cause lord knows what stupid shit they would do as history has shown us they have no clue what they are doing as I doubt they play their own game and simply rely on numbers and graphs.

If it were me, I'd make minor adjustments to certain aspects of the weapon class but also the overall crucible experience without trying to bury the weapon type to the ground.

1) Reduce the fire rate of the high impact class. 1kys fires way to fast for the amount of damage output it does. The weapon feels more like a scout quite frankly.
2) minor reduction to ADS, Scope zoom and AA
3) either spawn with no special or spawn with less special ammo to emphasize primary gun battles. As of right now, why bother using a primary when you can take out a sniper or shotgun and be just as if not more effective.
4) Re-adjust the primaries as they are too weak and add some flinch back into the game.

Sniping definitely needs to be addressed as they stand above all else in the Crucible but how its addressed is the real question and concern. I personally don't have faith in Bungie in addressing it which is rather worrisome.


Happy 4th all

Saw the comments on sniping. I suck at sniping. But with the Weapons bubble it's fun. And by fun I mean scummy. And by scummy I mean hilarious.

Thank you henrylovespies


So I'm back to Destiny after a hiatus since a year or so. Seems I have Expansion I and II, what else am I missing? Taken King?

Robot Carnival

Gold Member
so, in PVP situations, what's a good way to deal with Titan shoulder charge when I'm playing as a Warlock? I feel like half of my deaths in the last couple days playing IB were all from getting shoulder charged.

also, what's a good auto rifle to have around? I mainly use scout and handcannon but I want to see if I can do better with an auto. any particular one I can get without invoking the help of RNGesus?


so, in PVP situations, what's a good way to deal with Titan shoulder charge when I'm playing as a Warlock? I feel like half of my deaths in the last couple days playing IB were all from getting shoulder charged.

also, what's a good auto rifle to have around? I mainly use scout and handcannon but I want to see if I can do better with an auto. any particular one I can get without invoking the help of RNGesus?
Shotguns and abuse the warlock melee range.

As for auto rifles, forget about them if it isn't the Doctrine of Passing. Just use the MIDA since you like scouts.
would no scope sniper shots work? since I'm usually rocking a sniper as my special.

Sure, that works. Although the main issue for avoiding shoulder charges is to stay very mobile throughout the match. SC takes several seconds to charge up and then they only have a few seconds (w/o Stand Asides) to unleash it, so it's a fairly limited ability tbh. You usually have to catch people by surprise to pull off lots of SC kills. Just make sure you stay aware of your surroundings, keep an eye on radar, don't hard scope any lane for too long etc. That way you should be able to see the Strikers coming, in which case use their aggression against them. Back peddle and use your primary to take them down before they can shotty you. If you back off enough their SC charge will dissipate before they can use it.


Sure is. The 16 bomb strat is the go-to method every week nowadays, it's honestly the easiest way to kill him.

Thanks. Yeah I started playing again a couple of weeks ago and that's the way I've beaten oryx in all the raids since. LFG does yield some fuckers who can't kill their Knights though.
PoE if anyone cares is Precision kill bonus. Small arms and Berserk.

Nightfall is Va'alus. Arc burn, Brawler, Iron clad and Fresh troops.

This is piss easy, NF just watch out for Psions if it's that roll...but Stormcaller + Zhalo/Bolt-Caster makes this pretty straightforward.
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