Sorry, Kadey, for making that nf run harder, lol.
I sent a FR. I'm playing with a couple randoms now so idk if they have a Stolen or not.
Edit: I just got enough black wax idols for a Stolen.
What's the easiest/quickest way for a 314 Titan returning to Destiny after a while to get to at least 330?
Raise different factions up,they give pretty good reward packages now, they max out at 330. Gunsmith goes up pretty quick from field testing the guns, do Strikes from the strike playlist and bounties from patrols to level up The Vanguard and either Dead Orbit, Future War Cult or New Monarchy. Crucible is also a great way and when it comes up (it just ended) Iron Banner is fantastic for it. There are also Reputation boosters you can get and use, which are great for leveling up factions fast.
At a bit higher level doing Challenge of Elders at the Reef (once a week) and Nightfall (once a week) are good ways to level up as they can give high level items.
Honestly Iron Banner is the fastest way to level up, rewards pop all the time now and can go all the way to 335. The problem is that it's once a month.
JTripper, we are the best at communicating without using mics. xD GG man, thanks for the help!
What are the chances that any potential Destiny 2 legacy rewards for being a Year1/2/3 player are tied to your Bungie account rather than to the console family you're on, much in the same way promotional shaders and emblems are? I'm a Year 1 X1 player and a Year 2 PS4 player and I want to continue forward on PS4 (unless a PC version is announced) but I'm afraid I might miss out on some stuff if I do. D:
Thanks for the NF, Kadey and Reluctant!
Yo, what'd Daryl do to get banned?
Thanks for the info. I've been wanting to do HM King's Fall but no one really invites the 316 light dude among the other higher levels looking to join on LFG. I've been getting pretty bored with the PvE stuff and never really played much PvP but when Iron Banner returns I guess I'll play.
Haha yeah, that went pretty smooth. Surprised we got through 2 antiquated runes so quickly. Thanks again!
I know how you feel dude. I used to have a regular raid group we were all 315 and under, but the HM raid was possible. Now they all quit playing and I'm sitting at 320, and LFG wants 330+.
Noob question:
Is it normal to get much more glimmer/money in patrols? I'm doing the first patrol mission and my glimmer went from 300 something to 2000 something!
Also, am I doing Patrols right? I'm trying to satisfy the quest requirements but even after playing the first patrol mission for almost 90 minutes I've only met half the requirements.
That was a let down. Got a 335 helmet during IB week. Destiny decides ali need a 334 IB helm last night, then reset NF decides I need a 334 saint-14. I need ghost or guanlets, not helmets. Currently stuck at level 333.
My reward for the Nightfall for the past 4 weeks has been Three of Coins. Nothing else
The game is passing me off today. I'm trying to complete the first patrol quest and I simply can't. One of the required objectives is to survey an area. I've done many missions in the first patrol mission and I haven't gotten a survey mission. Is there a way to select the mission type in the patrols?
That's lovely. I need it.Just got a shader from Shaxx's bounties. I never even heard of it before. Kingspyre.
My reward for the Nightfall for the past 4 weeks has been Three of Coins. Nothing else
The game is passing me off today. I'm trying to complete the first patrol quest and I simply can't. One of the required objectives is to survey an area. I've done many missions in the first patrol mission and I haven't gotten a survey mission. Is there a way to select the mission type in the patrols?
I'm trash at PvP. Like, a complete liability. My Kis like 0.4. I feel like I move half as fast as everyone else. I feel like I can empty a clip into anyone and they'll just one or two shot me every time.
How can I fix this?
The videos in this post are a great place to start:
Thanks, that whole link is a goldmine. I had no idea about 80% of that stuff.
Thank you. I'll try this today.You need to look for this icon
Noob question:
Is it normal to get much more glimmer/money in patrols? I'm doing the first patrol mission and my glimmer went from 300 something to 2000 something!
Also, am I doing Patrols right? I'm trying to satisfy the quest requirements but even after playing the first patrol mission for almost 90 minutes I've only met half the requirements.
God roll is:
Torch scope / (Life Support/ Triple Tap) / Hand-Laid Stock / (Firefly / 3rd Eye)
The first options (LS, Firefly) are for PvE, the 2nd options (Triple Tap, 3rd Eye) are for PVP.
Running heroic strikes. Anybody want to join? One spot open. Bring your zhalo. If you don't have one it's cool.
God roll is:
Torch scope / (Life Support/ Triple Tap) / Hand-Laid Stock / (Firefly / 3rd Eye)
The first options (LS, Firefly) are for PvE, the 2nd options (Triple Tap, 3rd Eye) are for PVP.
It's not a glitch. If you turn in his other bounties after finishing the main weekly bounty, they will count towards the next weeks true meaning of war. Also, IB weeklies count towards it as well.Does anyone else have this weird (and amazing) glitch with the Shaxx bounties? I completed the quest line 3 weeks ago, and all of the 3 weeks since when I pick up the bounties with my 3 characters the following happens:
My hunter shows that I've already completed 3 of the bounties
My titan 4
My warlock 2
The bounties themselves don't show that they're complete, but all I need to do is complete 2 bounties on my hunter, 1 on my titan, etc. to fill the weekly bounty up and get the reward. So good.
It's not a glitch. If you turn in his other bounties after finishing the main weekly bounty, they will count towards the next weeks true meaning of war. Also, IB weeklies count towards it as well.