Running Night fall 3 times if anybody wants in. Already started it, only one spot open. Join KeanBurke
Does completing the NF still give the xp buff? Thanks
Damn that sucks. I'm 320 right now, would NF reward higher gear?Unfortunately not.
Damn that sucks. I'm 320 right now, would NF reward higher gear?
Thank you sir!Nightfall drops up to 335 so yeah
It drops legendaries up to 330 and exotics up to 335, but be reminded that the current system is a +6 system, so you will only get rewards up to 6 light higher, so if you are 320, you won't get anything higher than 326 until you raise your light.Damn that sucks. I'm 320 right now, would NF reward higher gear?
It drops legendaries up to 330 and exotics up to 335, but be reminded that the current system is a +6 system, so you will only get rewards up to 6 light higher, so if you are 320, you won't get anything higher than 326 until you raise your light.
Are faction packages the same where they only drop legendarily up to 330?
so, in PVP situations, what's a good way to deal with Titan shoulder charge when I'm playing as a Warlock? I feel like half of my deaths in the last couple days playing IB were all from getting shoulder charged.
also, what's a good auto rifle to have around? I mainly use scout and handcannon but I want to see if I can do better with an auto. any particular one I can get without invoking the help of RNGesus?
If you're on PS4, I apologize as I might have been one of the offenders. I discovered Striker Titan in PVP this weekend after playing almost exclusively Hunter previously and I kind of went ham with SC.
Also, general question for you guys. Is Hard Light even used by anyone anymore? I got a 330 on this week and had a hell of a lot of fun with it in IB.
Hi guys, I haven't played this game in months. I'm 312 but would like to be higher, without having to raid.
How would my time best be spent?
Hard Light is generally not used, since the current meta favors high RoF primaries, but it's still pretty good. For the most part, I don't feel like you have to use the most popular/OP guns anywhere except maybe for Trials.
The New Monarchy auto rifle is very good and available now, no RNG required. The vendor version has range and stability. It probably wouldn't hold up in Trials but I use it successfully in Skirmish and Clash.so, in PVP situations, what's a good way to deal with Titan shoulder charge when I'm playing as a Warlock? I feel like half of my deaths in the last couple days playing IB were all from getting shoulder charged.
also, what's a good auto rifle to have around? I mainly use scout and handcannon but I want to see if I can do better with an auto. any particular one I can get without invoking the help of RNGesus?
Hi guys, I haven't played this game in months. I'm 312 but would like to be higher, without having to raid.
How would my time best be spent?
What is the NF this week?
If you're on PS4, I apologize as I might have been one of the offenders. I discovered Striker Titan in PVP this weekend after playing almost exclusively Hunter previously and I kind of went ham with SC.
Also, general question for you guys. Is Hard Light even used by anyone anymore? I got a 330 on this week and had a hell of a lot of fun with it in IB.
The New Monarchy auto rifle is very good and available now, no RNG required. The vendor version has range and stability. It probably wouldn't hold up in Trials but I use it successfully in Skirmish and Clash.
Paired with a sniper, you have almost total range coverage. Even at the far end of midrange a quick body shot can be followed up by a burst from the auto for a kill.
You won't beat a rushing shotgunner but you really shouldn't be standing still waiting for them anyway. Or be ready to quick scope them![]()
That was a successful Iron Banner, I think. I went from 306 at the start of the tournament, to 329 at the end of it.
My artifact is holding me back, though. Is there away to get something higher than a 320 without Raiding?
Tier 3 Court of Oryx can drop artifacts up to 335.
Tier 3 Court of Oryx can drop artifacts up to 335.
Hey. I'm getting back into Destiny, mostly because I like the multiplayer. I'm only level 297, is there any way I can get up to 330 just from playing the competitive multiplayer, or do I still need to mess around with PoE and Strikes if I want to get to max level?
Hey. I'm getting back into Destiny, mostly because I like the multiplayer. I'm only level 297, is there any way I can get up to 330 just from playing the competitive multiplayer, or do I still need to mess around with PoE and Strikes if I want to get to max level?
Hey. I'm getting back into Destiny, mostly because I like the multiplayer. I'm only level 297, is there any way I can get up to 330 just from playing the competitive multiplayer, or do I still need to mess around with PoE and Strikes if I want to get to max level?
The majority of my leveling up is done in PvP. I do strikes and patrols occasionally, but that's mostly to rank up the Vanguard. I really don't bother with Prison of Elder unless one of my friends want to play it.
But yeah, it's super possible to rank up through PvP. You just missed the Iron Banner, which is a nice way to get better gear quickly. Are you playing on PS4? If so, you're free to add me and join me in the Crucible whenever you see me playing. PSN: GustyGardens
Buy some 3 of Coins, too. Xur sells them and they work in the Crucible now.
I literally made my way to Valus solo and got booted. WTF Bungie.
Anyone have 2 stolen runes to use in CoO? I need two more charges to use my antiquated.
I have one if you can find someone with another! PSN is HazardousHalo, I'm on right now.