Amazing. That angle is really narrow so well done. That's precision vs mine, which was more "omggrenadepunchemptytheclipshooteverybodypunchmoreargh!"
Amazing. That angle is really narrow so well done. That's precision vs mine, which was more "omggrenadepunchemptytheclipshooteverybodypunchmoreargh!"
Hard light is better at cqb I guess. I don't use it because recoil is a mess. I have a pretty good roll on a Citizen which I prefer. That Righteous that the new monarchy vendor Is selling is better than both imo.
Easily doable.I'll help out on the Oryx HM if needed.
I'm working on the Crucible quest (only thing that's left for my MoT). Currently at Pulse Rifle kills part of the Weapons Master quest. #soon
Weekend vendor is here:
No backup plans
Radiant dance machines
The impossible machines
Dragon's breath
Legacy Primary weapon engram
Xur is selling:Weekend Vendor?
Can anyone help me and my cousin finish Kings Fall? We need 4 people, he has never finished it before and we are on the Oryx checkpoint.
I'm getting a little worried about my Y2 triumphs.
I've almost wrapped up the PVP portion but still need all three challenge modes and oryx hard.
To be completely done
It's Golgoroth CM this week.What is the CM this week? I don't do Golgoroth's with the newbies usually but otherwise yep.
What is the CM this week? I don't do Golgoroth's with the newbies usually but otherwise yep.
WipedOut is an AAA sherpa! Not many people can sit around for 3 hours and endure wipe after wipe...
WipedOut is an AAA sherpa! Not many people can sit around for 3 hours and endure wipe after wipe...
I had the power of vodka behind me.![]()
It's the only way. If you're around this weekend I might need your sherpa skills for some heroic strikes and a nightfall to level my newborn Titan...
We spent 3 hours on Golgy last night. It was embarrassing how long it took. Gaze holder dying, another person kept getting DC'd. Random deaths. Someone had a blessing bubble instead of weapons (That person shall not be named :eyes![]()
We finally got it done for 3 people who needed it though.
We spent 3 hours on Golgy last night. It was embarrassing how long it took. Gaze holder dying, another person kept getting DC'd. Random deaths. Someone had a blessing bubble instead of weapons (That person shall not be named :eyes![]()
We finally got it done for 3 people who needed it though.
Haha.. So frustrating. I finally got it done on normal mode this week, first try. I tried with randoms (on hard) for two hours earlier this week.
I thought PS4 players never wipe? At least that's what you always say whenever you're watching a stream and us Xbox guys wipe... (That's what happens when you raid with Koro)
I still love you man! Getting rid of the roadkill nominee is a bummer
My god. Do you have a youtube channel? I would subscribe in a heartbeat. I am struggling so much in IB games this year. If i play aggressive i lose to groups of people hanging back together, if I hang back some Titan just runs up to me and kills me with either the shoulder charge or the Universal Remote. Doesnt help I am playing as a stupid Warlock.
WipedOut is an AAA sherpa! Not many people can sit around for 3 hours and endure wipe after wipe...
God damn did I go nuts in that last game.
Yeah, Warpriest we always do, sometimes accidentally. Oryx is fun and good to learn as a first time strat honestly.Golgy this week so scratch that. I could have swore I completed that challenge in one of your newbie raids or might have been warpriest.
It's not overly hard and pretty fun, the only tricky bits are making sure the first person gets out in time (don't get greedy with damage) and ensuring the 6th survives the orbs. But it can be a bit overwhelming if a group is also learning the encounter itself for the first time. The main thing with the newbie raids is that I'm trying to respect everyone's time; I never "cheese" or use any exploits of any kind to brute force an encounter but at the same time I want to make sure we actually progress even if that means missing out on some nuances and golgy CM doesn't make the cut unfortunately.Is the gogoloth challenge hard, switching the gaze for all six players seems like an easy enough feat.
He's in the wrong clan.
Last week, he 'bombed the run' on oryx normal..
Yesterday, 3 hours of 'Yeah it's a wipe'.
I thought PS4 players never wipe? At least that's what you always say whenever you're watching a stream and us Xbox guys wipe... (That's what happens when you raid with Koro)
I still love you man! Getting rid of the roadkill nominee is a bummer
What is the CM this week? I don't do Golgoroth's with the newbies usually but otherwise yep.
I will find a way to do GOLGY on my own but will look for your raid sign ups so I can do it with you. I am not new to the game but have had a hard time with kings fall because my group kind of fell apart.
He's in the wrong clan.
Last week, he 'bombed the run' on oryx normal..
Yesterday, 3 hours of 'Yeah it's a wipe'.
Spots for King's Fall newbie raid tomorrow Saturday, July 23rd at 12:00PM EST.
This is Normal mode and a ~280 Light requirement.
Sign up here:
Artifact, motes, and strange coins.What items do you get in the IB rank 3 package? Artifacts only correct?
Artifact, motes, and strange coins.
I believe many from the PSN group said they would be doing golgi CM on the weekend.
Newbie raid signups for tomorrow, I don't currently have enough to be able to do it.
Newbie raid signups for tomorrow, I don't currently have enough to be able to do it.