A new character named Tyra Karn is the centerpiece for Guardians looking to acquire the new Iron Lord artifacts. She sends players out into the Plaguelands to commit mighty deeds in memory of the Iron Lords – a task that should be pretty straightforward for anyone who engages with the new content. Upon completing that task, you gain an item called the Iron Lords’ Legacy, which in turn can be used to acquire one of three artifacts Tyra has on offer in any given week. Over the course of eight weeks or more of play, you should be able to acquire all eight new artifacts.
Each of these artifacts has a game-changing ability attached to it. One offers the option to melee enemy units and gain their allegiance for a short time. A second artifact eliminates your super, but gives you two grenades, two melees, and an increase in all your stats. Each of the artifacts can be combined with exotic weapons and armor, as well as subclasses, to create new and interesting build options. Moreover, every one of the new artifacts is meant to evoke the character of the Iron Lord for which it is named. For instance, Jolder tended to charge headlong into danger, so her artifact eliminates the sprint recharge delay.