I need for 2 characters ..
PSN is sajj316
Edit: also can do nightfall
I'm down. Give me one sec...
I need for 2 characters ..
PSN is sajj316
Edit: also can do nightfall
Need CoE Full Sigil for all 3 chars, anyone?
I'm down. Give me one sec...
Ok, now we need one more for CoE runs. I'm going use a booster, so join on either sajj316 or princeakuma23
Running for full card ..
Thanks again to this great community.
Once again, thank you Drizz and Xplicit with the huge help to the light house.
Here was the super sweaty final boss with Drizz (thing on the floor) and All of my Hate (Aluminnator) against a top 10 on XB1 with NO mercy:
Holy moly, what happened to OT? 1 hour since post.
What the Sam hell is a discord? Isn't that like a lack of an agreement?something something Discord
How do I get in the discord chat?All discussion moved to Discord. All that's left in the OT is LFG and brag posts.
All discussion moved to Discord. All that's left in the OT is LFG and brag posts.
how do you get in on the DGAF discord?
How do I get in the discord chat?
OT41 will drag along until E3. If there's some exciting news then it'll be gone before E3 itself. Even if there's no news the speculation will drive a lot of posts.
But until then..... tumbleweeds.
So Discord has stolen the populace. That and I guess general Destiny burnout.
That said, someone send me an invite please. Forgot to join when it was put up during that week 2(?) reveal.
I have no idea how to invite someone
Uncharted 4 will steal me away next week.
Holy moly, what happened to OT? 1 hour since post.
something something Discord
This is the first time I've posted in OT41, Discord is where I spend my time now.
All discussion moved to Discord. All that's left in the OT is LFG and brag posts.
So Discord has stolen the populace. That and I guess general Destiny burnout.
Here was the super sweaty final boss with Drizz (thing on the floor) and All of my Hate (Aluminnator) against a top 10 on XB1 with NO mercy:
Anyone fancy helping out on VoG normal run?
Taking my young brother and his friends through it, they're pretty bad tho so I'd need 2 people to help do the heavy lifting.
At Templar.
PSN - Souldestroyer199
Oh lord, my voice. But that was exiting to re-live.
brag posts.
It's HIgh Noon...
Give me 5 mins, I'll help.
Sweet, thanks, probably need at least one more to carry them through it
I can hop on and help. No mic tho - charging at the moment.
PSN: ThatGuyFern
Here was the super sweaty final boss with Drizz (thing on the floor) and All of my Hate (Aluminnator) against a top 10 on XB1 with NO mercy:
Trials bounties anyone?
Trials bounties anyone?
still looking?
I skipped last week timekeeper trials map, now i am questioning myself if i should have skipped this week since its asylum -_-
still looking?
If you can't find a 3rd, I could help in 30-40 minutes. My wife should be getting home soon with lunch.
If Jaf doesn't mind
No need to wait if you can find a 3rd. If not, I should be around most afternoon