Some of the stuff he talked about
The order during the templar sequence, initially the oracles spawned first instead of confluxes
There was a lot of debate about the delay the Templar gives when before he detains you, this is meant to slow down spamming rocket usage
The room everyone hides in during VoG when Legions spawn was unintended and something they didn't come across in testing as it was the result of them adding the second path down to the gorgons and not sealing it off before the end of the fight.
The drop section of VoG required reworking the Halo engine so that velocity wouldn't kill you, in Halo just going too fast can kill you
He left Bungie in anger when at one point the wipe screen was removed as he felt it was important, and gave the player a heads up on what they needed to do (e.g. oracles destroyed)
The platforms were inspired by Mega Man and Mega Man 2
Luke said the most fun part of designing the raid was personally writing the description text and skill tree for each gun, people thought "Fatebringer" was a little too on the nose
He has a "fetish" for drops, and put the start of Crota as the drop to tell the player you're entering a different world
the bridge encounter was one of the original raid designs, and while he liked the idea, said it has too many holes and makes it way too easy to cheese
The Thrallway was meant to be harder and more a fast paced jump and escape, he feels it didn't quite get there.
He like relics, as they lead the focus to just one person in a large fireteam. And the reason you kill a swordbearer in Crota's End to get the relic was to give the player some immediate back ground about the relic they were using as without the grimoire you don't know anything about the relic in Vault of Glass
King's Fall - A mid to late development was the addition of taken to Warpriest and Golgoroth, this allowed them to introduce the presence of Oryx and that he's watching you complete the raid, the names of the King's Fall places were added late in development to give it a real feel that you're in Oryx's world.
The Raid after Rise of Iron (Destiny 2 I guess?) doesn't have a name
He has no idea how you suicide skip the maze in KF
He doesn't like the one bubble strategy, it's "boring" and feels they need to do a better job testing to prevent easier than intended ways around
The "dick" wall was inspired by Double Dragon where cement blocks come out of the wall
He wishes they found a way to reduce sniper damage to Golgoroth as standing 10 feet from something and shooting it isn't great, they initially were hoping for it to be more stick a shotgun in Golgoroths gut and fire away
Basketball Court of Oryx -- After VoG the team wanted to make more secrets that were a lot harder to find and it was the result of that
The early testing of VoG led to Luke yelling a lot at his team because they were so terrible. Most of them came from MMO's and were terrible at shooters so he'd berate and be proven right by the post game carnage, that's how they knew they were onto good ideas
Malice was an idea where they wanted a gun to be a collectable, he wanted a dominant PvE gun but not PvP, Jon Wisniewski (Sp?) came up with the overdrive concept (can cause you're own death).
He also really likes Crystal Geyser sparkling water with natural peach flavour.