All the new Rise of Iron stuff has my Destiny addiction acting up again. I haven't played since normal King's Fall, so I've been out for a quite some time. The biggest reason I left was that the regular group I played with were not the friendliest and I was looking for a much more fun, laid back end game content experience.
Don't get me wrong, I took raiding seriously and wanted to contribute and help, but these guys were condescending and insulting to anyone who couldn't play on their level. One particular memory stands out of me trying to get one of my IRL friends playing, got him raid ready, and tried to organize a King's Fall raid where he could learn the ropes. These guys were literally screaming at him at times for doing things less than perfect. That experience was the final straw for me and I dropped Destiny. Didn't want to have to deal with trying to rebuild a solid, semi-regular team from random trial and error with LFG.
Is there an active group of DGAFers on Xbone? I'm sorely tempted to jump back in and I'd love a good group of folks to play with. From what I've gathered in these community threads, I feel like I could actually have fun again.