F U Crucible. Stop giving me Shit Shitter Pro drops and give me a Party Crasher for once.
Brah, I need those SSPs to go with all the Panta Rhei's the Cryptarch gives me instead of 1000 Yard Stares... ;_;
Plus it's 3 waves of bosses with modifiers. It's fun the first few times, but gets kind of repetitive.
I would say if you want to get back into the game, nows the time to do it because RoI is next month as a big content drop and one month should be plenty of time to get some what ready.
Brah, I need those SSPs to go with all the Panta Rhei's the Cryptarch gives me instead of 1000 Yard Stares... ;_;
All the old bosses plus some new taken ones. They also reworked the old ones with new mechanics so they are all technically new.And presumably, it's just the old bosses?
So I am just starting Destiny. Any tips a beginner should know?
Hey Gaf,
Scheduled a sherpa for CM Golgoroth who disapeared on us. Anyone want to help a group of four through? Be it teaching or figuring it out alongside us?
Psn: pantsmith, and we're good to go whenever we have a full fireteam
Don't worry, it will eventually.Baby hawkmoon pls drop so I can stop.
Don't worry, it will eventually.with exhumed ):
Anyone on Xbox wanna help me kill oryx heroic mode later tonight?
I attempted it for 5 hours with randoms today.
Don't worry, it will eventually.with exhumed ):
First of all, welcome to Destiny GAF!
Second, Destiny is more fun with friends. If you need help with a difficult thing in the game, don't hesitate to ask for help. However, we've been in kind of a lull here at the moment, but after Rise of Iron hits next month things will be really poppin. So don't become discouraged if you can't find anyone to help, there will be lots of opportunities when RoI drops.
Raiding is some of the most fun that can be had in the game, Hawkian runs raids for newbies every now and then, I suggest you sign up if that interests you.
You should easily reach level 40 by the time RoI arrives, so I wouldn't stress over getting to max light level (since that will change in RoI), just enjoy what the game has to offer.
Anyone on Xbox wanna help me kill oryx heroic mode later tonight?
I attempted it for 5 hours with randoms today.
Dang! Too early for me. I will be on between 10 and 11pm EST. Thanks anyway!I have a crew looking for a 6th starting at around 8:15PM EST if you're free, what time were you thinking? GT: ThingontheFloor
The one I got last night has Exhumed 😥Don't worry, it will eventually.with exhumed ):
I haven't used mine yet, but I used the Omolon Uffern HC for the Shaxx quest and did quite well with it(if you can call it that), it has Sureshot LitC Rifled and Eye of the StormEveryone seems to love the eyasluna. I have one with underdog, rifled barrel, and hidden hand, but I never do well with it. TLW just feels better to me.
Everyone seems to love the eyasluna. I have one with underdog, rifled barrel, and hidden hand, but I never do well with it. TLW just feels better to me.
Just saw this concept art on reddit, had never seen it before. I want it in game now.
I know that feeling bro. Game keeps giving me Spare Change. I don't want a goddamn Spare Change! Give me a PC+1 or Ash Factory dammit!F U Crucible. Stop giving me Shit Shitter Pro drops and give me a Party Crasher for once.
Edit: Just got ANOTHER ONE lol
Or just make loot drop rates better. Either way would be better. Either have crappy drop rates and reforging, or great drop rates and no reforging. It's that easy.Bungie, put reforging in Destiny 2, make Destiny great again.
More like make destiny boring again later.Bungie, put reforging in Destiny 2, make Destiny great again.
Nah, HoW was the most fun Destiny has ever provided. Didn't have to make such a big fuss about RNG and you could actually worry about playing the game instead of worrying about getting a good roll on everything and just making the loot grind frustrating.More like make destiny boring again later.![]()
Sounds like I'm missing the fun. They probably have a HORI pad and using TurboOutside of that one blowout, these matches have been cancer. I swear I kept running into a guy with a turbo button on his Grasp, because it sounded like a steady stream of bullets through my speakers. I've never been able to fire my Grasp like that.
More like make destiny boring again later.![]()
This shit is not fun right now. Gonna switch weapons. So much for the Hawksaw hype.Sounds like I'm missing the fun. They probably have a HORI pad and using Turbo
Exactly. Unless they give the game Diablo 3 like drop rates, I'd rather the game focus on what makes it good, which is the shooting and not have to focus on the loot chase.Why do you say this? Is it because the loot chase overshadows the core gameplay so much that people never grow to appreciate it, players never see the fun beyond getting good gear, so they quit. They think the game is all about loot, without ever seeing the fun of its core gameplay due to all the carrots on a stick.
Outside of that one blowout, these matches have been cancer. I swear I kept running into a guy with a turbo button on his Grasp, because it sounded like a steady stream of bullets through my speakers. I've never been able to fire my Grasp like that.
I don't doubt it. I planned on joining but the lack of sleep from last night's train hit me hard, good luck Gibb, Kadey and coDoctrines and Grasps, the Movie.
This shit is not fun right now. Gonna switch weapons. So much for the Hawksaw hype.
I'll give it a shot tonight if I switch to it.The grasp is only good if you hit your precision shots. Otherwise it's an average gun. And you don't need turbo to get super fast fire with it. Time your shots. Best way to describe it in fighting game terms is to do a combo and pretend it's nothing but 1 one frame links. Fire and halfway before hitting the enemy, fire again, etc. That's the timing I have for mine.