That's Destiny, baby.I ran a damn circuit around the Moon for two hours to collect 10 Soliton Flares only to be told I need to wait basically a week before I can complete the Exotic Sword quest, WTH.
That's Destiny, baby.I ran a damn circuit around the Moon for two hours to collect 10 Soliton Flares only to be told I need to wait basically a week before I can complete the Exotic Sword quest, WTH.
How many strange coins are people holding onto to go into RoI with? I am currently at 600, thinking of just keeping 500 and anything I have above that buying heavy ammo synths. I kinda want to get it to 1000 and then just spend anything above that but I don't think I will get there before RoI.
Xbox Raid? Need 3
So does that mean you want to run one or nah? We talking now....I was trying to get an Xbox group earlier... Actually found an amazing LFG team. Took about 45 minutes for a full, fresh raid.
We started a second run, but I had to leave after Golgy. (One dude was too scared to use the apps to transfer his guns, so we spent about 20 minutes in the tower between the runs). Come on, man.
Buy RoI and taken king digital for 50. If you go destiny collection you'll have everything sans RoI on disc (RoI will be digital) but you'll be paying 60 if you go that route.Its $20 in the store.
So does that mean you want to run one or nah? We talking now....
Ha I think you guys are fine.
Everybody freaks out about this stuff prepping for an expansion, and 2 weeks in you will have no use for those coins (or whatever you hoarded) as usual.
All I'm doing is hoarding exotic engrams because there's no point decrypting those right now.
Normal clash matches never feel this campy.Some of these are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow. I swear it feels like three matches when playing a single match.
No Dans allowed.
Invite Dan and he doesn't show up. He's like the guy at work who bitches about not getting overtime and when you ask him he's like uhhhh I have stuff to do.
The Collection is your best bet, I think youll regret the physical disc pretty fast unless its the only game you plan on playing. Plus if you change your mind later there's no easy way to only buy Vanilla digitally and you're forced to rebuy content. If you need help building your new character on Xbox, feel free to add me, always lookin for new Xbros. GT: ThingontheFloor
Thanks, duders - will add you and hit you up when I get set up, which should be sometime next week.Option 1 sounds right. Hit me up on Xbox One when you're settled, gamertag is "Lee" - I just started a new character so I can help on that guy. Also, you'll be eligible for the Refer a Friend thing. I already have that done but someone here might need it.
A crucible train is when we gather into a team and play crucible. We do other stuff too, like talk about our feelings, discuss our favorite reality shows, and braid each others hair.
I wanna join ;_;
You'll have to play me in SFIV and beat me at least five times.
You'll have to play me in SFIV and beat me at least five times.
Buy RoI and taken king digital for 50. If you go destiny collection you'll have everything sans RoI on disc (RoI will be digital) but you'll be paying 60 if you go that route.
You giving up on V then?
Until it adds more everything. It's like playing Destiny with exotics or legendaries, blue and green weapons only. And no abilities.
Alriiiiight getting my feet off the ground in this game, gonna take me a while to get used to the bungie crosshair being on the bottom 1/3rd of my screen.
Play some Iron Banner to Rank 5 and you'll go up quite a bit. Otherwise you're in a good place to start RoI. I imagine after a day of RoI you'll be at or around 335 if you weren't already, so no real need to grind it out ahead of time.
*Double post - sorry - meant to edit this into the one above.
Called Sony and they refunded $29.99 to my PSN wallet,(for my ROI pre-order) paid the additional $10 (for Destiny the collection) and now I can ditch my disc.
Just in case anyone has OCD like myself and would pay $10 to not have to have a disc in their machine haha.
Ah ok that makes me feel less odd haha.I paid $120AUD for this back when TTK launchedBut that's because I got a second PS4 and REALLY wanted to switch to digital.
Been busy this week. Was anything PvE shown for Rise of Iron? I watched most of the live stream, and skipped through the matches; it seemed Crucible focused, as was the BWU.
Called Sony and they refunded $29.99 to my PSN wallet,(for my ROI pre-order) paid the additional $10 (for Destiny the collection) and now I can ditch my disc.
Just in case anyone has OCD like myself and would pay $10 to not have to have a disc in their machine haha.