Tomorrow from 11 to 1 I'll be thinking of you all. I know we've never met, but you're my friends. I am thankful for you guys.
DGAF is Drizz-GAF
Tomorrow from 11 to 1 I'll be thinking of you all. I know we've never met, but you're my friends. I am thankful for you guys.
DGAF is Drizz-GAF
Somebody looking for someone to do something?
Good, that's 10 over here. I will be settled in by then.
If you're down for 10 p.m. EST tonight, it'll be you, me, and GustyGardens.
PSN: GibbShift
Just wanted to post one last time in Doc's last thread. I'm going to try and be a little kinder, and a bit more patient like our good friend. I'm thankful for all of you that contribute here, and for the bonds of friendship we've been able to form through what was just supposed to be some dumb video game.
Be good to one another. See you in #42. It's going to be special.
Tomorrow from 11 to 1 I'll be thinking of you all. I know we've never met, but you're my friends. I am thankful for you guys.
DGAF is Drizz-GAF
Good, that's 10 over here. I will be settled in by then.
If you're down for 10 p.m. EST tonight, it'll be you, me, and GustyGardens.
PSN: GibbShift
Which is why they should just include matchmaking already. Having to LFG with randoms is basically the same thing, only we're the ones doing all the work.Raids with LFG can be the worst ugh lol
Which is why they should just include matchmaking already. Having to LFG with randoms is basically the same thing, only we're the ones doing all the work.
Enable matchmaking for a certain difficulty as soon as you cleared the raid on that difficulty. Voila.
Enable matchmaking for a certain difficulty as soon as you cleared the raid on that difficulty. Voila.
Enable matchmaking for a certain difficulty as soon as you cleared the raid on that difficulty. Voila.
Now this is something I can get behind.
Most people that really want matchmaking are those that have never done the raid...
So in the end that really doesn't solve all that much.
Activision: "You're fired."
Bungie should hire you.Enable matchmaking for a certain difficulty as soon as you cleared the raid on that difficulty. Voila.
Well, you solved that problem.Enable matchmaking for a certain difficulty as soon as you cleared the raid on that difficulty. Voila.
Enable matchmaking for a certain difficulty as soon as you cleared the raid on that difficulty. Voila.
It's not about implementation, similar systems exist. It's that Bungies philosophy is strictly anti-matchmaking for raids. Why? Who knows.
When you guys first started developing raids for the first time, philosophically were there things that set a raid apart from the rest of the content in Destiny that you’re like ‘Okay this is what makes something a raid as opposed to a strike?’
Absolutely, there was a mandate that we had the ability to break the rules. No matchmaking is a huge thing. We can design with the assumption that you're playing with people who you are invested with. Even if they’re not your friends, you've put some amount of investment in being able to play with them and they’re not this resource to you. The fact that we can account for you having voice communication is big.
As compared to a strike?
Yeah, in a strike we have to assume that maybe you’re probably not talking to each other. The ability to assume that they have verbal communication opens up a lot of possibilities that otherwise don’t exist. We can put you in a crisis as a group which is a very different thing than just people who aren't talking to each other who have to somehow work together. We can't put a great deal of pressure on them, and we’re specifically supposed to put you under pressure. It’s a group of people in a crisis, that’s what we’re putting you in, and you have to solve your way out of it.
I'm sure their philosophy is not letting certain people ruin the experience for others. A couple months ago I was doing the Restorative Mind strike with a friend and a random. At the boss, the random grabbed the orb that you need to put into the block to start the boss fight and just sat there with it using laugh emotes for at least ten minutes.
There was nothing we could do but wait. Imagine that in a raid setting.
Bungie should hire you.
They touched on that again in the most recent GI post:
This. People that want raid matchmaking should play Restorative Mind from the director and report back how many times you actually finish the strike with the fireteam you started it with.
It has raid-lite mechanics and that's enough to have people troll it or ragequit out constantly.
This. People that want raid matchmaking should play Restorative Mind from the director and report back how many times you actually finish the strike with the fireteam you started it with.
It has raid-lite mechanics and that's enough to have people troll it or ragequit out constantly.
Which is why they should just include matchmaking already. Having to LFG with randoms is basically the same thing, only we're the ones doing all the work.
No.Does CoE have MM? Can't remember right now, don't think it does which is silly.
Does CoE have MM? Can't remember right now, don't think it does which is silly.
matchmaking is not hurting people who want to still search for raid/nightfall teams.
It is one of those things that benefits people who want it, and does nothing to harm the people who don't care for it.
Luke talked about "attunements" a long time ago and why he doesn't think it fits Destiny. It's not happeningSomeone really should tweet this to Deej.
Welcome! There's a lot to learn about Destiny. Asking random Q's here works, or you can google stuff and usually you're gonna find the best answer in the Reddit links (versus gamefaq forums, bungie forums etc).So, I think I want to try mt hand at a Hunter sniping build, since I really enjoyed doing sniping on Overwatch. Hopefully it won't be too difficult.
Just getting through the introductory parts, now.
matchmaking is not hurting people who want to still search for raid/nightfall teams.
It is one of those things that benefits people who want it, and does nothing to harm the people who don't care for it.
Got to say, hand cannon + sniper rifle combo is beautiful. Headshots for days.![]()