I'm on the fence about matchmaking. I've played with the best and the worst of the destiny player base. Me and LFG have either been team first try or team why didn't you tell me you don't know what to do, but the one consistent thing has always been mics. Every person i've ever had to dig up from lfg, r/fireteams or gaf has had a mic.
The division has matchmaking for everything and that means players with no mics or who have mics and you can hear their music or hear them eating but they still won't say anything.
I feel like its a tossup whether it would actually improve the game or not.
The division has matchmaking for everything and that means players with no mics or who have mics and you can hear their music or hear them eating but they still won't say anything.
I feel like its a tossup whether it would actually improve the game or not.