I need to run CoE for the card this week, anyone else?
PSN AdmiralMidget
PSN AdmiralMidget
I'm at the NF boss solo right now, if anyone wants to drop in for quick loot.
I'm at the NF boss solo right now, if anyone wants to drop in for quick loot.
Still looking?I need to run CoE for the card this week, anyone else?
PSN AdmiralMidget
Anyone want to join us?Yup need one more
Edit: 2 more...
Lumi and Murdaro are super hard to play against because their style is so damn aggressive that it sort of breaks the mold of what you're used to in Trials. It's an instant push and they spend very little time in one spot "scouting the area" as most players do in Elimination. They just romp forward and catch most people off guard.0 - 2 against Murdaro now
Drizz, Igor, and I took him to 3-5
I made mistakes in early rounds that cost us the overall win.
On the plus side we came back strong and beat the 2nd final boss
Look for 2 to do CoE
I need to run CoEI'm down
PSN is sajj316
Up for anything else ..
Lumi and Murdaro are super hard to play against because their style is so damn aggressive that it sort of breaks the mold of what you're used to in Trials. It's an instant push and they spend very little time in one spot "scouting the area" as most players do in Elimination. They just romp forward and catch most people off guard.
Let's do it Shiv!
Need one more
I need to run 10 Heroic Strikes for a FWC Exotic Cloak.
Then again, I'd rather starve than play a strike.
I'll never get this cloakSo much cool stuff in this game is gated behind PvE, it's a shame considering shooters are generally multiplayer focused games.
I need to run 10 Heroic Strikes for a FWC Exotic Cloak.
Then again, I'd rather starve than play a strike.
I'll never get this cloakSo much cool stuff in this game is gated behind PvE, it's a shame considering shooters are generally multiplayer focused games.
Ape said he wanted to run some strikes for an exotic class item tonight fyi.
Not home, would've been nice thoughApe said he wanted to run some strikes for an exotic class item tonight fyi.
Where were you two hours agoIt is time. Join up.
Sorry I had to bail man, sleep is neededCoE, need 1
I haven't been on all week because of U4, but I'm logging in now. Anyone up for multiple CoE/NF/Raids?
Gonna be out of town for the day tomorrow, and dunno what time I'll be home. Otherwise I'll be on Monday.I'll do 3x COE tomorrow if you want to team up then.
He's running them now, but how do they actually work? I've been mainly doing the challenge and the couple of heroics every week.
Here is a hilarious 1v3 that i had today mostly just because of how fucking close to death i was and that guy just would not bust out a primary to finish me off. Look at that titan just trying to hardscope everything lol (DRIZZZ!!!)
Still needing people? Coz I'll join.Anyone down for a COE?
Still needing people? Coz I'll join.
I am back sexy lads!
Anyone up to brief me of all the new things since chammenge mode in Oryx?
Welcome back Blue Foliage!
Quite a lot has changed and you should go through the multiple patch notes on to catch up as there were a lot of changes. Weapon balancing (nerfs) and changes to infusion (1:1) are the two major ones.
Doing it. A lot is changed. I like it.
Lumi and Murdaro are super hard to play against because their style is so damn aggressive that it sort of breaks the mold of what you're used to in Trials. It's an instant push and they spend very little time in one spot "scouting the area" as most players do in Elimination. They just romp forward and catch most people off guard.
Playing super aggressively as a team has honestly always been the best way to play trials, it's the same tactic my trials buddies and I have always used since so many teams just snipe all the time, and if you push them instantly they fall apart because they have nothing to really counter you with. Back in Y1 TLW and Thorn could have helped you out somewhat against that sort of team, but in Y2 lol good luck.
EDIT:RIP DGAF OT. It's a Saturday and they've only been 3 posts in 2.5 hours.
There's still quite a few people using the discord chat. Personally, Discord is just way more mobile friendly than NeoGaf, but I still check back here every once in a while.Playing super aggressively as a team has honestly always been the best way to play trials, it's the same tactic my trials buddies and I have always used since so many teams just snipe all the time, and if you push them instantly they fall apart because they have nothing to really counter you with. Back in Y1 TLW and Thorn could have helped you out somewhat against that sort of team, but in Y2 lol good luck.
EDIT:RIP DGAF OT. It's a Saturday and they've only been 3 posts in 2.5 hours.