Looking for an Oryx checkpoint, can I steal it off anyone?
The Last Word is still popular, but inconsistent. Also high impact hand cannons with range perks.
Bullet hose ARs are king. Doctrine of Passing (Trials) Arminius-D (Gunsmith) Soulstealer's Claw (Variks)
Hawksaw (Crucible vendor sells the standard)
Mida to some extent.
Sniper with a good scope.
Party Crasher.
Definitely not meta, but my fave: High Impact Scout Rifle (Max range) with a Fusion Rifle (Thesan with AC or any really.)
For most people it'll be a bullet hose auto rifle with super high stability + sniper or a Pulse Rifle + shotgun.
Best AR is Doctrine of Passing (as long as it has Counterbalance). Alternatively, the Gunsmith Arminius (if it has Braced Frame and Counterbalance). These are extremely reliable and easy to use. They melt at mid to close range so they pair well with a sniper.
Best Pulse Rifle is probably the vendor Hawksaw. It works well at mid to long distance and thus pairs well with a good shotgun.
Alternatively: for actual sweats (playing top tier teams in 3s), max-range Hand Cannons are the only viable weapon choice. They may not be as good for regular Crucible but up against guys who know how to duck into cover quickly it's the only way. You won't see anybody (or hardly anyone) playing sweats with something other than Thorn or a max range Eyasluna/ Finnala's.
Sure. We have a cp? I know thirsty, axo, dmh and Bobby rawlings might have interest as wellHey Xbox people, want to get a few oryx challenge mode runs done before reset? I know, no one actually plays this game...
Still looking? I think I have it
We had a few games of SoM v SoM, with tears and blaze going invis UR/Shotgun. I get were the complaints about it come from now (UR) that shits broken
Great fun though, its a shame GAF hasn't picked up on 3v3's
Where's the best place to find a max range Eyasluna?
If you start ranking up and matching sweatier peers in 3s and Rumble this becomes more commonWaving at the beginning of a Skirmish match means they want to wave off Heavy, correct?
First time I'm seeing this.
If you start ranking up and matching sweatier peers in 3s and Rumble this becomes more common
I always find it funny when top tier players load into Rumble their lobbies are so sweaty that people don't even wave - everybody just ignores heavy, it's unspoken and just understood that it's dumb to use.
You'd get less if you stopped using that aimbot.
Anyone wanna do Trials to 5/7/daily, Nightfall or two CoE runs? Or Heroic strikes for Exotic Class item?
I'm running heroic strikes right now to farm shotgun kills for the grimoire card. Shoot me a message if you want to run a couple.
Hey Xbox people, want to get a few oryx challenge mode runs done before reset? I know, no one actually plays this game...
That's the weirdest reason to run strikes. Wanna run the nightfall? I have a third
If you need a body I could run Wipedout's account. I need some infusion fodder for his PvP gear since I'm still stuck at ~318.
I don't have one, but perhaps one of them does.Sure. We have a cp? I know thirsty, axo, dmh and Bobby rawlings might have interest as well
Have played with Robinson before. Can confirm. Snipes too good.
Hey Xbox people, want to get a few oryx challenge mode runs done before reset? I know, no one actually plays this game...
Sure. We have a cp? I know thirsty, axo, dmh and Bobby rawlings might have interest as well
They used to, believe they still doDo mythoclast kills count for the fusion rifle grimoire card?
You'll want to make you you finish all the story missions and main quest lines. They give some pretty good rewards. Also, equip the highest lift level gear you find as you receive it. That way, you should progressively find higher light level stuff. The only gear you should worry about keeping are legendaries and exotics. Everything else is just temporary to get you up to higher light levels.
For now your main source of progress will be Engram decryptions at the Cryptarch (there's one in the Tower and another in The Reef).
You'll get engrams from just about every activity, and they will often (but not always) decrypt higher than your current light at the moment of decrypting. Basically this means when you're about to decrypt an Engram you should put on all your highest Light items.
Meaning let's say you like Hand Cannons and hate Pulse Rifles. If you get a higher light Pulse Rifle than your hand cannon...you don't have to use it, but you should at least equip it before decrypting something to increase the potential range of the decrypted item's
Moreover, don't ignore the following options:
1. Gunsmith. By turning in his bounties and ranking up with him you get to buy 280 Light Legendary weapons for like 2500 Glimmer.
2. Factions: Vanguard, Crucible, New Monarchy, Dead Orbit, Future War Cult. As you rank up with them, they'll offer stuff for sale. Do the Daily PvP challenge every day for those guaranteed 15 Coins.
The actual best way to rank up requires 2 other people looking to gear up. It's playing Trials of Osiris during the weekend. You'll probably lose every match but you'll still complete bounties which pay off 50 Marks, a chance at Trials Legendary gear from the bounties and also from endgame rewards. You should get one item or another every 4-5 matches, and if you lose quickly enough it's basically an amazing farm for a quick and sloppy Legendary setup.
Don't mention True. Only been regularly raiding with that guy for five or six months. Haha.
Hey Xbox people, want to get a few oryx challenge mode runs done before reset? I know, no one actually plays this game...
Finished UC4 last night, any other DestinyGaffers tried the multiplayer? Thoughts?
They used to, believe they still do
Still looking? I need a run to 90k on my hunter. Have boosterCoE farming anyone? Got a booster. this would be speed runs, not sigil high scores
Still looking? I need a run to 90k on my hunter. Have booster
Be there in a secondsure..join me in orbit..PSN same as gaf.
Caught him once in a full invis Universal Remote Felwinter's lobby. My blood pressure went up just imagining how I'd have raged playing that match.Yeah I've watched Astroid stream Rumble and practically every enemy is someone he knows. They're all talking to each other in his chat, like "ok guys, let's do no Thorn this game." It's so silly.
I think since hitting 335 on all 3 characters whilst maintaining the ability to go 5-5-1(Titan smash, Hunter Blade/GG, Warlock Storm) my motivation for grinding everything PvE has diminished a bit.
So, the promised day is here. Ape spent long enough badgering me to collect myposts into a blog, and so I finally did it. Here, without further ado, is The Lighthouse.PvP
Here it is:
I promise I won't be shoving the site in y'all's face. Instead, it'll be more of an archive for any of the good, longer form posts from the OT. I had fun learning a bit of Ruby on Rails and Jekyll (used by Github pages) to hack it together from a template I found. Web development has changed a lot since I learned HTML4.0 in high school.
I don't care at all about traffic to the site, and as proof don't have Google Analytics enabled. But feel free to click around and read through the posts. As always, I love any feedback from DGAF.
A few posts I have in mind for the future:
Thanks so much for putting up with me and my long-ass posts. I've enjoyed working on my writing skills for y'all and hope you've enjoyed the output.
- Your One-Stop Titan Guide
- Gun Talk - The Chaperone
- Light System - Post-April Update
- and more!
Are the actual stats for Red Spectre any good?
There is definitely a new super exploit floating about.
I rather like it. Different, interesting. You initially get mowed down a LOT by people who have the hang of it and have some upgrades running. But sticking with it will get you better.
Your link to GAF is broken (http://neogaf.com/search.php?searchid=15189123)
Yeah, for that archetype I'm pretty much set with the Hatchet and a nice NM roll.Nah, the stats are glitched in-game. It's actually the same archetype as Monte Carlo, nothing special.