all of my hate
Man, blink is so broken.
Man, blink is so broken.
Thanks for joining! Crap loot is par for the course with me lol.Thanks for the run. Sorry for the crap loot.![]()
Should have seen how it was before the slight nerf.
+ QuickDraw and felwinter's lieShould have seen how it was before the slight nerf.
+ QuickDraw and felwinter's lie
Seems like a a lot of glowing praise for the new Doom game. Gonna give it a shot.
Time to spend this 3.5k coins.
Unlike Halo, this game has super quick-killing primaries. Being de scoped would mean instant death since there's realistically no way to get out of fire in time. Moreover, imagine PvE: you wouldn't be able to DPS with snipers at all.And snipers should be how it is in Halo: Get shot, descoped.
Tired of my PDX getting people to 1% health and STILL getting headshot'd.
And snipers should be how it is in Halo: Get shot, descoped.
Tired of my PDX getting people to 1% health and STILL getting headshot'd.
+ QuickDraw and felwinter's lie
Seems like a a lot of glowing praise for the new Doom game. Gonna give it a shot.
I never bothered to do class emblem stuff. Mind as well do it now.
Unlike Halo, this game has super quick-killing primaries. Being de scoped would mean instant death since there's realistically no way to get out of fire in time. Moreover, imagine PvE: you wouldn't be able to DPS with snipers at all.
This is a bad solution. Aim assistance is a little too high and body shots do too much damage (double body is one of the quickest kills possible). But de scoping doesn't fit Destiny well at all.
For what it's worth, sniping isn't as easy as many people make it out to be. My usual reply to people who think it's automatic headshots is "well you go do that"
Just need at least 2 more,
Ok, back by popular demand and because I can't be on until later Retro Raid Night is making a return.
10:30pm EST - VoG and Crota
2. Shiv
3. Thingonthefloor
4. Deku (maybe)
5. Trance Addix
We do, should be on in about 20 minuteslet me know if you still need 1
You still joining tonight? Walking the dog then will be signing inBungie: "then go play other games"
You still joining tonight?
If anyone out there is looking to run some quick and dirty CoE cards I got a spot open.
PSN CamoKid42
Polygon plz
lol I hear you, but like ocean said, it doesn't work here. I may try H5 again now that they finally allow the X and Y axis to be adjusted to be the same.
*shivers* It was sooo annoying.
You still need one?
Need two for VoG and Crota
100% agree with what you said. Descoping would make sniping impossible for everything. I also feel like most people that say sniping is "easy" probably don't snipe very often, because while the current AA makes it easier, it is still a very skill based weapon. You need to spend a lot of time building good accuracy and instincts and once you do, you can be very deadly with a sniper, but sniping is by no means easy, whatsoever.Unlike Halo, this game has super quick-killing primaries. Being de scoped would mean instant death since there's realistically no way to get out of fire in time. Moreover, imagine PvE: you wouldn't be able to DPS with snipers at all.
This is a bad solution. Aim assistance is a little too high and body shots do too much damage (double body is one of the quickest kills possible). But de scoping doesn't fit Destiny well at all.
For what it's worth, sniping isn't as easy as many people make it out to be. My usual reply to people who think it's automatic headshots is "well you go do that"
Cmon Bungie. When this is the response from a designer to someone in the community there's a problem.
I'm not even mad at him, I'd say the same shit, too.
100% agree with what you said. Descoping would make sniping impossible for everything. I also feel like most people that say sniping is "easy" probably don't snipe very often, because while the current AA makes it easier, it is still a very skill based weapon. You need to spend a lot of time building good accuracy and instincts and once you do, you can be very deadly with a sniper, but sniping is by no means easy, whatsoever.
I'm not even mad at him, I'd say the same shit, too.
Cmon Bungie. When this is the response from a designer to someone in the community there's a problem.
Idk. If you sold pizza and people started saying for reason "X" the pizza wasn't as good as it used to be would you tell people to eat a salad instead? Bad analogy aside, my issue is that Bungie too often answers criticisms and questions with "Go play other games or do something else." I'd prefer they at least spin some bullshit about how important 50% win rate is to them or how skirmish is sweatier than rift. Anything but "deal with it. Go play something else"
The problem is that the person he answered asked if he could make crucible less sweaty and more relaxing, and instead of answering the questions, he completely dodges it with an answer that has nothing to do with the question. That player wants to relax in crucible not strikes, it was a really bad and annoying answer.I'm not even mad at him, I'd say the same shit, too.
The problem is that the person he answered asked if he could make crucible less sweaty and more relaxing, and instead of answering the questions, he completely dodges it with an answer that has nothing to do with the question. That player wants to relax in crucible not strikes, it was a really bad and annoying answer.
Crazy time we live in where a max-Range Legendary Handcannon is the best Handcannon in the game, including Exotics.
I played around with every HC today and nothing comes close to the consistency, accuracy, and range of something like a Rifled Barrel Finnala's Peril (or a LHF or Eyasluna, among others in that archetype).
You can fire a max-Range Finnala's Peril at maximum fire rate with no [noticeable] bloom at medium range, it's wonderful. It's a shame that maximizing Range is so crucial to HC's though now.
That's not the issue. That person asked a crucible question, and he got an answer about strikes. Regular crucible should be relaxing and fun like in HoW, not super competitive. People should only have to worry about playing it seriously of they are doing trials and IB. The problem is that you have to try your hardest and be super focused, otherwise you will get destroyed. Right now, there is absolutely no way to relax in crucible unless you're already a god like player and can destroy anyone in your path withou even trying. The terrible lag in crucible doesn't help the situation either.he didn't get a real response because it wasn't a real question.
it's like writing an angry letter to adam silver about how the warriors are trying too hard.
I'll give you $40 for itShould I trade in UC4 to Amazon for $37.50? Bought it from BB GCU for $48.
Edit wrong thread
a problem with the community.
but that's an awful comparison. the guy wasn't criticizing the quality of the product. he was criticizing the game for people trying to do well in it. i mean, come on. he's literally complaining about competitiveness in competitive multiplayer.
Yeah, giving nonanswers to a question shows how terrible the community is.
By complaining about an aspect of the product he is complaining about the product. Competitive multiplayer doesn't mean it has to be ultra competitive all of the time. Plenty of games have ranked playlists and dedicated competitive modes for this kind of hyper competitive multiplayer and leaves the rest of the multiplayer to having fun. I think Halo Reach even had this. Keep in mind too the history of the matchmaking changes and whatnot and how this same guy claimed that SRL caused sweaty matches not that they implemented SBMM. Again my biggest issue is he completely dodges the question and doesn't address concerns of them turning SBMM back up after changing it in response to player feedback.