Anyone playing COE?
I'll be on in 20-30 minutes if you're still looking to run a card, PSN is the same as GAF. I also need to run my Warlock through this weeks NF if you're up for that.
Anyone playing COE?
I need people for either Nightfalls or CoEs. Anyone wanna join up?
I need people for either Nightfalls or CoEs. Anyone wanna join up?
PSN? If so, I'm in orbit & can run either/both.
Yeah I'll join for CoE, give me 5 minutes.
PSN: KurtNiisanPSN? If so, I'm in orbit & can run either/both.
EDIT - joining on ruthless.
Anybody for trials?
Anybody for trials?
We need one more for a bounty run. PSN is Trakan.
wait, high rof ARs are actually good in normal pvp? i've been back to playing destiny for the last few weeks, and i haven't tried them or noticed many people using them.
seemingly everyone and their mom is using a doctrine in my games..
maybe i just haven't noticed.
what about the next ROF tier (the IB one, the dead orbit one, etc)?
So, the promised day is here. Ape spent long enough badgering me to collect myposts into a blog, and so I finally did it. Here, without further ado, is The Lighthouse.PvP
Here it is:
I promise I won't be shoving the site in y'all's face. Instead, it'll be more of an archive for any of the good, longer form posts from the OT. I had fun learning a bit of Ruby on Rails and Jekyll (used by Github pages) to hack it together from a template I found. Web development has changed a lot since I learned HTML4.0 in high school.
I don't care at all about traffic to the site, and as proof don't have Google Analytics enabled. But feel free to click around and read through the posts. As always, I love any feedback from DGAF.
A few posts I have in mind for the future:
Thanks so much for putting up with me and my long-ass posts. I've enjoyed working on my writing skills for y'all and hope you've enjoyed the output.
- Your One-Stop Titan Guide
- Gun Talk - The Chaperone
- Light System - Post-April Update
- and more!
maybe i just haven't noticed.
what about the next ROF tier (the IB one, the dead orbit one, etc)?
Has anyone done any stats on the full auto peek and it's affect on TTK for pulses and scouts?
Does anyone have Atheon CP and a few mins for a quick and dirty quest step?
Got two to the morgue from Shaxx did not realize it was a crucible weapon, not the greatest perks with full auto and exhumed but at least it has rifled barrel. It is so hard to get Crucible weapons you want with the right perks, I wish they would stop giving me armor. Anyways went flawless on my Warlock for the first time.
what if I enjoy Trials but suck at PvP?either way I might have to take you up on that offer... what weapons do you prefer?
Trials anyone? Never been to the lighthouse and would like to go 😢
I don't think anybody has a cp but if we find enough people I'm down to do a vog hm run.
I've got a max range two to the morgue which I need to tryout
Anyone up for CoE?
Was the plan, yes. Got a booster too.If talking a full 30/90k card I can do one.
Was the plan, yes. Got a booster too.
Fr accepted, i'll join up on you.Added you, my psn is tp_Drewz.
Just need 1 more.
Tier 12 Bladedancer dream is a reality! With all the right armor perks much effort for 6 second faster blink strike ;_;
Crest of Alpha Lupi
God, that max ammo count for longbow/LDR/her fury makes me a sad pve player. bungie pls.
Bungie probably thinks there is nothing wrong.
That special ammo nerf in pve is imo the worst/most annoying thing in the april update.
Bungie: "Too many people use 1kys..."
Why would I switch from my 1kys (which had 24 shots and is down to 18 with double sniper ammo boost) to another sniper with even less ammo? I think I can carry 11 rounds without boosts and 14 with both boosts for the longbow. That's just ridiculous.
The HMG ammo nerf hurt the raid machine gun, but I feel like it's not that bad as I don't use it that often anyway, but the sniper and shotgun nerf... ugh.
This game has got to have the sweatiest most garbage matchmaking in all of fps history
try strikes?
try strikes?
The matchmaking is pretty bad in that playlist, as well...try strikes?
try strikes?
Great post! And a great site! The ideas and thoughts you have about the PvP aspect of the game are too good to just to be posted here!
I write about more than just PvP, ya know? <.< >.>
Anyway, your affection for only the PvP part of my writing is why I made sure to implement tags, so you can just browse the PvP posts.
Anyway, thanks for encouraging me and my writing. I'm proud of what I've put together.
By the way, the site supports multiple authors, so if you or others want to contribute posts, I can put them up too.
Nice! I found a good PvP combo with Tier 11. My gloves are shit quality (like 82% at 332) but they're INT / DIS, HC Reloader and Increased Grenade Throw Distance.
I haven't found a single other pair of gloves in Year 2 with that combo yet. I was really hoping for an Armor vendor refresh this update in addition to weapons for a chance at this roll. Oh well.