CoE in 2 shots! Very nice guys! Big thanks to Androo and Pewho!
Word! Pewho is a random dude I found on LFG. He's proven quite reliable considering where I met him haha
CoE in 2 shots! Very nice guys! Big thanks to Androo and Pewho!
I really wish we had PSN/X1 flairs next to usernames. I know the few of us X1's are out here somewhere.
Start finding people to run CoE with. The first runs should be for armor/weapons from Variks, and then you can boss rush everything after for higher LL rare gear. King's Fall raid is the other option, with challenge modes dropping even better gear. With the exception of the Sniper Rifle and Machine Gun, most of the weapons from KF are booty, so you can use them for infusion on the good stuff you get from other activities. Just let people know what you're trying to do, and hopefully there'll be somebody online at the time that's willing to lend a hand!Mostly Heroic Strikes and some Crucible now and then.
Quickdraw still the GOAT
How are you playing trials this week?
How are you playing trials this week?
I have a ? for you, DGAF'ers: Is there a certain rep you're trying to increase before RoI and why?
Currently working on the Gunsmith rep (8), currently feel like there's something beneficial. I'm also gonna get FWC & NM to 30, too.
Depends on the things you need to complete. If they are any in raid challenge mode, or court of oryx, you are SOL.So... I haven't play in a while. Is it possible to get the Moments of Triumph done in the next 10 days, or am I just SoL this year?
So... I haven't play in a while. Is it possible to get the Moments of Triumph done in the next 10 days, or am I just SoL this year?
All of them right to the edge.
Raid starting soon.
If you're on the list, get your bathroom breaks done, and shove that food down.
30 minutes from now.
1.) GutZ31
Raid starting soon.
I'm missing 7 fragments.
T2 Ogre with 3 Wizards or 1 Knight, Thalnok, Balwur, T2 Wizard with Knights, and all three challenge mode boses :-(.
Which of you lovely people play on the Xbox One? I would love to do Challenge of The Elders as I've never done it before and thought it'd be a good time to do that before the new DLC lands. I should say I'm light level 312 as I haven't done King's Fall on heroic.
Which of you lovely people play on the Xbox One? I would love to do Challenge of The Elders as I've never done it before and thought it'd be a good time to do that before the new DLC lands. I should say I'm light level 312 as I haven't done King's Fall on heroic.
You can find me on Xbone! GT is HippoAvenger. I should be on in around an hour, feel free to send me a friend invite and I'll add you back!
I can do the challenge with you as well, although my light level is only 305 and I've also never done that challenge before.
Add me on Xbox: The LamonsterI really wish we had PSN/X1 flairs next to usernames. I know the few of us X1's are out here somewhere.
Does anyone want to do PoE 42?
Agreed. It seems like IC added less boost and more vertical lift to combat skating. After 2 years it's incredible that they would do something like this and not even mention it.
Add me on Xbox: The Lamonster
I want top tier players like Shiv and Saithan. I don't need scrubs.
I really wish we had PSN/X1 flairs next to usernames. I know the few of us X1's are out here somewhere.
Anyone want to do Nightfall? PSN is jen867530nine
edit: im starting it join in if u want
Hey guys, has it been revealed yet what the required minimum level is going to be for ROI?
I've only finished the Taken King stuff just today, so I'm currently level 40. Light 206. Obviously I know I've got another 10 days or so to get it higher still.
Xbox One NeoGAF club will be a huge help w/ this. Can't wait for it to roll out to everyone.