I already own Destiny, HoW, TDB. If I preorder the digital RoI collection with everything, do I have to uninstall Destiny and redownload everything, or will the game just download what I am missing. I don't want to have to redownload 30 GB if I don't have to.
Any new Grimoire cards on b.net?
I don't believe so, the latest patch update included the RoI content, the code you receive when you purchase just unlocks the content for you.
if you are going from disc version to digital you will have to reinstall (assuming ps4, not sure how that works on xbox), if not, we all have the same stuff installed and just have access to different parts of it depending on what you own. ROI is already installed if you're up to date.
not yet
too bad, was hoping to read some stuff.
Each ghost worth 5 grim score?
Yeeeeeaaah, I don't think I'm going to get this exotic sword quest done in time. I just can't seem to get a heavy to infuse the sword the last part of the way from 260 to 280 and I don't have the marks to buy a legendary engram.
Brace yourself... Planetary Materials are coming.Well, that was EASY...
I should, at least that's the plan. Trying to set something up tonight too. Again, anyone interested in raiding for moments lets do it. I'm pretty busy with work today so if someone wants to try setting something up lets do it. Got a couple takers already
Sure, GT: Akai XIII.
Um 311 though, so normal? I have a totem CP.
anyone else on Xbox looking to raid tonight?
Just spent almost 2 hours in patrol picking up 6 soliton fragments for the exotic sword quest... looks like I might be able to do Y2 moments of triumph after all. Gonna head to CoO next and see if i can grab the 1 boss I'm missing for calcified fragments.
anyone else on Xbox looking to raid tonight?
Just spent almost 2 hours in patrol picking up 6 soliton fragments for the exotic sword quest... looks like I might be able to do Y2 moments of triumph after all. Gonna head to CoO next and see if i can grab the 1 boss I'm missing for calcified fragments.
you should concentrate on completing the sword quest, since you have to wait for armsday for part of it and thats tomorrow
anyone else on Xbox looking to raid tonight?
Yeeeeeaaah, I don't think I'm going to get this exotic sword quest done in time. I just can't seem to get a heavy to infuse the sword the last part of the way from 260 to 280 and I don't have the marks to buy a legendary engram.
And even after I upgrade it fully, I'd still have to do all the rare material farming and the crucible usage etc. It's nearly 1am, so I think this moment of triumph won't happen for me. I'm not that fussed though, I only got the game three days ago so its to be expected that I won't manage to do absolutely everything before RoI.
Yep! Those were my last 6 fragments so it's now in the wait for arms day portion of the quest. Nothing to do there now but wait.you should concentrate on completing the sword quest, since you have to wait for armsday for part of it and thats tomorrow
The shaders and emblems don't even look that great, imo. And everyone will get bored of them in a few days.
Can you post your GT or send me a PM on Xbox (GT is in my profile). Let's try and get this together.If any XB1 raids are going to happen tonight I wouldn't mind joining, would like to go from the beginning though because I still need the fragment from before the lift.
What are you talking about?
after the patch im getting ass loads of 37 uncommons like 5-10 every strike?
also the blues used to come out between 288-320 for me.. now there all 255 or less.
i guess its free armor materials but still.
also i have the Deuteranopia option on and the uncommons tile is brown
We need two for Normal raid doing all challenges.
We are at warpriest. The only requirement is that you have done the raid at least once.
Psn: thenegativedude
Damnit, Everytime I get in here you're full.We need two for Normal raid doing all challenges.
We are at warpriest. The only requirement is that you have done the raid at least once.
Psn: thenegativedude
We aren'tDamnit, Everytime I get in here you're full.
Done, and ability kills too. Void with titan... :[Brace yourself... Planetary Materials are coming.
So, for the crucible quest for Y2 MoT, I'm on part two of "Crucible Combat." After that quest do I get the mountain top quest?
I need that, my exotic sword, waiting for arms day, T2, Court, 2 Knights with Ogre or 1 Knight with Cabal, T2, Court, Ogre with 3 Wizards or 1 Knight, T3, Court, Balwur, T3, Court, Kagoor, Hard mode completion, golgoroth cm, and Oryx cm. I think it's doable... right???
That kid is 8 years old. No lie.This is Muten running over the other team in rift.
rofl.This is Muten running over the other team in rift.
Didn't realize RoI is out in a week. Hype!
I still believe that PvP will be absolute trash though.
That kid is 8 years old. No lie.