Does this community have a server on Discord? Or Gaf in general, maybe?
A friend and I just got to level 40 and are planning on binging this weekend. What should we try to do/complete before Rise of Iron?
Once you can earn marks, cap up by doing dailies.
A friend and I just got to level 40 and are planning on binging this weekend. What should we try to do/complete before Rise of Iron?
Did Rumble grind last night with Nami. Took us about 4 hours to get 100 wins each. Just need Doubles now.
Did Rumble grind last night with Nami. Took us about 4 hours to get 100 wins each. Just need Doubles now.
Did Rumble grind last night with Nami. Took us about 4 hours to get 100 wins each. Just need Doubles now.
GrimoireJust out of curiosity, what are you grinding for?
Couldn't get antiquated runes to drop doing COO tonight, meanwhile one random playing in the same instance with us got something like 6 in a row to drop. Is there something they were doing to get so many ARs to drop?
i still have zero rumble wins after 2 years
Just out of curiosity, what are you grinding for?
How does grinding Rumble work? Just start the game and then one person leave so it counts as a win?
You all are a basket of deplorables. I got my Rumble wins legit
Wait - How did you get that Cat Emblem again?![]()
Wait - How did you get that Cat Emblem again?![]()
Wait - How did you get that Cat Emblem again?
I'll take that free grim anyway I can get it!
The same Bungie dev who confirmed new weapons dropping in Crucible on reddit just confirmed that the Matador is coming back as a postgame drop when RoI hits.
Thorns and matadors?
Oh my....
Thorns and matadors?
Oh my....
I want an OG Felwinters Lie. And bring Shot Package back!The same Bungie dev who confirmed new weapons dropping in Crucible on reddit just confirmed that the Matador is coming back as a postgame drop when RoI hits.
Hm...can Jolly Holiday be completed in a private match? Askin' for a friend.![]()
Court of Oryx.What is the best way to acquire wormspore? I want to stack up over the next week.
Equip a wormspore ghost and either farm the dreadnaught for nodes or... just do anything on the dreadnaught, you'll get wormspore when you pick up any engrams (obviously set the ghost as necessary depending on which you choose).What is the best way to acquire wormspore? I want to stack up over the next week.
Raid HM + all challenge modes at 5:30 CST/4:30 BST.
Anyone who wants to do a raid, just play for the sake of it, do challenges or help can join.
I would like one helper because I think we've got two HM newbies right now.
1) nOoblet16
2) Hzoltan69
3) mocolostrocolos
4) Dhruv
The only meta I strive in. We back boyz!
You mean Eyasluna's and Matadors. Thorn is dead after the nerf.
Sorry I meant CET.What time would you like to start? 4:30 BST is an hour from now. On the other hand, 5:30 CST is 8 hours from now. Even if you meant CET it still doesn't coincide with 4:30 BST.
So, when?
The other day I played for the first time in forever. I'm still as awesome as I remember. There was even a new strike!
I want an OG Felwinters Lie. And bring Shot Package back!
I'll join ya, always wanted that gun. PSN: Light_Knight_Sky.
I'll be free at about 2pm EST my time, so we can sync up.
P.S. Cool name bro, totally not similar to mine X'D (I'm teasing)
I vote YES for Shot Package.
Bungie needs to stop trying to balance the game.
So I'll be on for sure tonight to any Xboxers out there who want to do stuff, hopefully raid and finish off the moments?
The Tiger is back? It's time for Bungie to sell the emote we've all been waiting for...
Welcome back friend.
Jumped back in to the game yesterday. Playing Crucible definitely felt weird after being on Overwatch for the past few months. I'd like to prepare for Rise of Iron and my characters are around the 300-308 range. What's the fastest way to the level cap now? Kinda hard to schedule raids with my that still the only way to get the highest level gear?
Thorns and matadors?
Oh my....
What's probably happening is his runes are being charged and then it pops up that he got one. Best way I found to get an antiquated rune is leveling up rep with Eris or the Raid.
Court of Oryx.
I have 400-500 wormspore and barely anything uses it.
Equip a wormspore ghost and either farm the dreadnaught for nodes or... just do anything on the dreadnaught, you'll get wormspore when you pick up any engrams (obviously set the ghost as necessary depending on which you choose).
There's no point trying now, as soon as you hit the cap the new content will drop and it will render all the effort you put in worthless (ie: it will likely bring you up to the current cap with little effort).
Blue gear used to be the way to slowly level your light, but currently it only drops around 250, even legendary finds are mostly around 260.
Occasionally an engram will drop to your level or above, and raid gear sits in the 300-320 range for normal mode, but trying to get to levvel cap in 6 days is completely pointless.
Just play what you want to and worry about the light grind again next Tuesday.
I'll join ya, always wanted that gun. PSN: Light_Knight_Sky.
I'll be free at about 2pm EST my time, so we can sync up.
P.S. Cool name bro, totally not similar to mine X'D (I'm teasing)