Alright i'm up for it. I'll try my best to provide support
I'm not sure if it's level or progress restricted but it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Looking for 1 to do some CoE runs
Alright i'm up for it. I'll try my best to provide support
I'm not sure if it's level or progress restricted but it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Looking for 1 to do some CoE runs
Any tips on how to get off of this 311 hole I'm on? The main thing holding me back is my class item (295), but I feel I'm too low to do anything like CoE with 311 LL, unless I was to find two really great teammates.
If we get a third we can probably carry you
Any tips on how to get off of this 311 hole I'm on? The main thing holding me back is my class item (295), but I feel I'm too low to do anything like CoE with 311 LL, unless I was to find two really great teammates.
do raids, weekly strikes, and nightfalls
Well yeah the raid is an obvious one. I'm meaning more solo stuff. I'm guessing just strikes?
Please watch and upvote if you have a Reddit account:
I've been spamming strikes for rep/purple engrams the last few days, I think I've had a single level relevant price in that time...
What do u need 3rd for?If we get a third we can probably carry you
If you still need help let me know.
Also here to pass space herpes if anyone needs all 5.
Just spent two hours on this and didn't increase in light level whatsoever *sigh* quite embarrassing when I'm only level 255.
Never mind, I still had fun.
There's no point buying anything from Xur this week is there? I assume he'll have exciting new stuff next weekend.
Quarantine failed shortly after institution. Note to self: Corralling sick Guardians is one thing. Healthy, rambunctious Guardians, armed to the teeth and impatient to go back starside...
Any tips on how to get off of this 311 hole I'm on? The main thing holding me back is my class item (295), but I feel I'm too low to do anything like CoE with 311 LL, unless I was to find two really great teammates.
Well, they are required to make use of it in destiny 2.
Not necessarily. They have been champions of "parity" in the past, which isn't promising.
The Big Show lets loose on Titans, endorses Hunters
This was fun, he really knows his stuff. Wonder which gaffer he is..
My Titan has all 5 buffs. Chaos.
Do you actually need the run, or would you just be looking to help out?
So what's the current Crucible meta? What's strong and what's weak?
*sigh*Rip quickscoping self res warlocks. Now i get an assist for my troubles.
Yes, this was a headshot.
NoEverything's actually quite well balanced now, imo.
Rip quickscoping self res warlocks. Now i get an assist for my troubles.
Yes, this was a headshot.
Any tips on how to get off of this 311 hole I'm on? The main thing holding me back is my class item (295), but I feel I'm too low to do anything like CoE with 311 LL, unless I was to find two really great teammates.
Seriously. They nerfed Sunbreakers armor because you couldn't one shot them with snipers(at least, that was one reason).Removing the ability to snipe people out of their supers was a mistake. Real shame for PvP in 2.4
When is the next Iron Banner?
Removing the ability to snipe people out of their supers was a mistake. Real shame for PvP in 2.4
Buff primaries
When UR and NLB are the best primaries in the game....Primaries are absolutely fine where they are.
I threw this together for reference.
Assuming Plate 1 is where Oryx slams his fist, this shows the makeup of where your team should be, minus relic runner.
Once Ogre one is down, Knight 1+ will spawn, with accompanying adds.
Once Ogre two is down, Knight 2+ will spawn, with adds, and so forth.
Titans in the center should have weapons of light, and blessing of light while doing the majority of the damage to Ogres. Plate holders should at least help with their own ogre before refocusing on Knight #+ and adds.
Once your runner has the relic, everyone bail to the center, and hide in the bubble with the titans until the brand/aura is brought back with the runner/relic holder.
If you can not kill your knight before bailing to center, let the titans know so they can execute it.
Call out for clearing vessel or knights before Oryx slams his fist. Once he opens up his chest, shoot the black orb in the center, and stagger him, now clear any remaining adds.
Wait in the brand/aura until Oryx reclaims his light or whatever, then get ready to kill the knights that spawn on top of the front 2 plates, then focus on killing the adds that are spawning, trying to get into the shade bubble in the front.
Use a sunsinger warlock to bait the sword hit, and take him out as quickly as possible with snipers.
Reset, do it all over again.
Do this 3 times, and on the fourth run, once you are in the middle with everyone, stagger Oryx, clear adds, and everyone get to a bomb(we usually number people, not plates). Usually one of the Titans in the center will be platform 4s bomb detonator.
This should leave 1 titan, and the relic holder. The relic holder and titan in the center should be shooting at Oryx's chest pretty much non-stop as the bombs are going off.
If not, the bombs do not register. You wipe.
If everything worked correctly, Oryx should have no health from the detonations.
But don't celebrate just yet. Rush to the front, and get ready to do a final DPS check on his chest.
The End.
That Big Show video is great. I'm super surprised he knows his stuff. It's pretty cool.
If you can take direction from people willing to sherpa, you'll be fine. I've taken people as low as 297 into the thing and we've finished it. I'd love to help you out, but I won't be home for a few more hours.
Anyone doing NF?