Might want to bring your hunter, I'm sure your Titan could make it, but recommended light is 320.Snap okay, sending you a FR now. Is my ~312ish Titan I'm on now okay for this NF or should I switch over to my ~325 Hunter?
Might want to bring your hunter, I'm sure your Titan could make it, but recommended light is 320.Snap okay, sending you a FR now. Is my ~312ish Titan I'm on now okay for this NF or should I switch over to my ~325 Hunter?
Might want to bring your hunter, I'm sure your Titan could make it, but recommended light is 320.
If you have the stones for its chest running will net you a fair few.
After collecting 100 flakes on the Dreadnaught I had 90 odd.
Also blue engrams, PoE, and reward packages.
I didn't see this before hopping in D:. My Titan was getting bopped I'm sorry. Berserk fucking sucks on that strike, kept getting killed by the Phalanx majors since you can't stun them. The legendary I got is actually an upgrade in the slot I needed the most on this character so I really appreciate the carry though.
If you're doing NF on any other characters hit me up, otherwise I'll see if McArkus wants to do some CoE or something.
Yay, we made it!
One MoT less to get and made my way to LL 330 thanks to the drops, so I couldn´t be happierThanks again guys!
Yes, Im still here just doing some vault cleaning and missing missions on alts
Sorry, we keep missing each other.I don't need it, but I'd like to get a better artifact if you want to help out.
I have about 50 3oC, zero saved exotic engrams, and maybe 10 legendary engrams. I'm happy just having the 3oC and playing lol.Seeing people with thousands of motes/coins and dozens of engrams when I'm sitting over here with like 900 motes, 220 SC and 40 3oC is just like goddamn lol. I'm jealous, but you all honestly deserve it for sticking with the game and being as dedicated as you are so mad props there. I'm in kind of a weird spot where I got next Friday - Sunday off from work so I'm tempted to see if I can be raid-worthy by Friday; I'm only at ~320 LL right now which I don't think will really matter much once RoI hits. However I work Tuesday-Thursday weird hours so I don't know how much time I'll be able to have in by Friday, and not having a massive stockpile of engrams and factions etc to immediately cash in is going to hurt me there. I'll just wait and see I guess.
That space fill up yet?Me and McArkus are doing CoE and have room for a 3rd. I need to make at least two separate runs for quest purposes on my Titan and Warlock but I'm fine doing complete cards if people want. If anyone wants in hit me up or join in, PSN: MrDaravon
It's time for my annual return to Destiny lol. I have a Titan at 270 light and haven't played for quite some time. What's the best course of action for me to be able to handle the upcoming expansion? Grind the crucible or just doing quests? I'm pretty clueless atm. Also was thinking about just starting fresh as a Hunter, but not sure if I can get to the new content in time
That space fill up yet?
Just doing the quests you already have should get you to over 280, which is where I would expect the game wants you to be for RoI single player stuff. Faction rep ranks will also consistently get you higher level gear up to LL 330. In fact, having a character with high level gear will make it easier to have a second character, as you can transfer guns and have infusable gear for the second character to get its light up faster. It's what I did for my Hunter and Warlock.
No problem.Yeah Negativedude jumped in, sorry.
Just curious if anyone else that preordered Rise of Iron from Best Buy received their digital download code. I received mine an hour ago and obviously it's not working. Do they usually send out the digital codes prior to a game's release date?
So if they kept Shoulder Charge normal when Peregrine Greaves are equipped, that means they felt that Shoulder Charge in general was too strong. Why don't they just say this, the excuse about the new artifact is just another lame irrational excuse.
So if they kept Shoulder Charge normal when Peregrine Greaves are equipped, that means they felt that Shoulder Charge in general was too strong. Why don't they just say this, the excuse about the new artifact is just another lame irrational excuse.
I'm not sure I follow. The shoulder charge changes are all due to the new artifact. Peregrine greaves being nerfed was because of the artifact too. The greaves themselves weren't the problem. The new artifact though eliminates sprint cooldown which means you can basically constantly be bringing shoulder charge up with little penalty. Greaves just exacerbated the problem, they didn't cause it.
Uhhh... was this there before?
Chill the fuck out, you haven't been able to buy any of the expansions on disc. It's always been downloads.So you can't buy ROI on its own on disc, you HAVE to buy the Collection?
the fuck?
All their expansions have been DLC. And if you are a first timer, they've released physical copies ($60) with the vanilla game and latest dlc.So you can't buy ROI on its own on disc, you HAVE to buy the Collection?
the fuck?
All their expansions have been DLC. And if you are a first timer, they've released physical copies ($60) with the vanilla game and latest dlc.
So the collection isn't anything different that they haven't done before.
If you go to the psn store, you should be able to buy ROI. $30.I bout TTK on disc but had Vanilla Destiny from Day 0 on disc, will I be able to get ROI as a download?
I bought TTK on disc but had Vanilla Destiny from Day 0 on disc, will I be able to get ROI as a download?
I'm pretty sure it will be the only way.Is the skeleton key the only way to get strike specific loot in RoI or an additional way to make the process easier "aka strike specific loot is still dropping without the key"?
There is no physical version of Rise of Iron. It's digital only. Either you get it standalone or it's a download code that comes with the Collection disc.
Is the skeleton key the only way to get strike specific loot in RoI or an additional way to make the process easier "aka strike specific loot is still dropping without the key"?
so I can buy the £25 psn code on amazon and it will work?
can anyone list all the buffs you can get. my warlock has three for some reason even though ive done the raid, coe and strikes with my titan.
Yeah RoI is being sold as standalone digital expansion. If you have the Destiny base game, Dark Below, House of Wolves and Taken King already, then it will work.
What do I need to do to get all five infections and if it's simple can someone help me do it real fast? I don't get to play much during my work weeks so I'm trying to get this done real fast before next week.