Think I am done with Crucible until they bring primaries up a notch. Shotguns are just fucking stupid.
Every time I got killed this morning I looked and saw
Mida Multitool
Think I am done with Crucible until they bring primaries up a notch. Shotguns are just fucking stupid.
What is the most efficient way to farm these? What was your routine?
Jesus. Are you going to decrypt them all at the same time? I'd love to see that happenI only have about 8 legendary engrams saved. I focused more on exotics...I have 100 of those.
Jesus. Are you going to decrypt them all at the same time? I'd love to see that happen
For me, I've just ran strikes or crucible marathons, popping a 3oC at the beginning of each strike or match. The Exotics add up over time. Legendaries drop fairly often also.
Sometimes you'll get lucky and get two Exotics to drop at once, too.
I can jump on too, if needed. 335 Titan, PSN PorthMinster.
Lots and lots of strikes. It's taken me about 80 to get that many. Every time I get an exotic, I'll leave the next game without popping another coin (or switch characters). I know you can get them this way, but I've never had one drop from a public event. If I see one I run away because I see it as a waste of a coin
You, sir, must've bought a legacy engram.I opened a exotic engram from Xur and got a 160 Bad Juju. How do I get this weapon to a higher lvl? I don't see an option to infuse
I opened a exotic engram from Xur and got a 160 Bad Juju. How do I get this weapon to a higher lvl? I don't see an option to infuse
Go to the Exotic kiosk on the wall in the Vanguard room (Zavala, Cayde-6, Ikora). You got the Y1 version, but you can buy the Y2 version from the Exotic kiosk. It's usually X exotic shards or Y legendary marks.I opened a exotic engram from Xur and got a 160 Bad Juju. How do I get this weapon to a higher lvl? I don't see an option to infuse
Getting a raid group going. Helping out a friend get Oryx challenge mode done, which we have a HM checkpoint for.
After that, he's gonna bow out, so if you want do a full regular/hard raid, we'll probably be up for it.
1. HaRyu (PSN: Harlan_Ryudo)
2. deafmedal1
3. uberllama <-- guy who needs Oryx challenge
We'll also need a reserve member when uberllama leaves (in case we're up for running a full raid)
Getting a raid group going. Helping out a friend get Oryx challenge mode done, which we have a HM checkpoint for.
After that, he's gonna bow out, so if you want do a full regular/hard raid, we'll probably be up for it.
Getting a raid group going. Helping out a friend get Oryx challenge mode done, which we have a HM checkpoint for.
After that, he's gonna bow out, so if you want do a full regular/hard raid, we'll probably be up for it.
1. HaRyu (PSN: Harlan_Ryudo)
2. deafmedal1
3. uberllama <-- guy who needs Oryx challenge
We'll also need a reserve member when uberllama leaves (in case we're up for running a full raid)
Need to complete oryx challenge to finish my year 2 triumph, but not really feeling motivated to do it. Tried earlier in the week only to have servers lag at the end and oryx not take the full damage, it's pretty easy to do, but now I just don't feel like doing it. I would rather spend the time grinding mats. I just can't seem to get worked up over ugly shaders and emblems.
I'd like to do the full hard raid. I don't need to do the challenges as I already did them on normal, but we could still try to do them, as they guarantee a high-level drop, don't they?
Who the fuck is deafmedal1?
Glad I'm not him thenA terrible singer..
I'd be down for it. StrykerIslandGetting a raid group going. Helping out a friend get Oryx challenge mode done, which we have a HM checkpoint for.
After that, he's gonna bow out, so if you want do a full regular/hard raid, we'll probably be up for it.
1. HaRyu (PSN: Harlan_Ryudo)
2. deafmedal1
3. uberllama <-- guy who needs Oryx challenge
We'll also need a reserve member when uberllama leaves (in case we're up for running a full raid)
You, sir, must've bought a legacy engram.
Which means you have to go to the exotic kiosk by the vanguard, and buy the Y2 version for 150 (or was it a 175?) marks. Then you can infuse that.
edit: Marks, Marks.
Did you buy a Legacy engram from Xur? Those can't be infused, they always decode into Year 1 weapons. They're really only there for collectors to finish their Year 1 collections.
Go to the Exotic kiosk on the wall in the Vanguard room (Zavala, Cayde-6, Ikora). You got the Y1 version, but you can buy the Y2 version from the Exotic kiosk. It's usually X exotic shards or Y legendary marks.
I'll be doing this with mine:Jesus. Are you going to decrypt them all at the same time? I'd love to see that happen
No, I play the Strike even if I don't use a coin. You get a rewards boost for playing a streak of Strikes without quitting. So even if I know I won't get an exotic twice in a row, I still play as there's a good chance I'll get a Legendary. The same applies if I have to play Omnigul of Flayers: they won't drop Exotics but there's a good chance they'll drop LegendariesI see. Thanks.
Just saw this. Thanks for the offer, but we vanquished!
So you quit every other strike? Then you enter another one and pop a coin?
Getting a raid group going. Helping out a friend get Oryx challenge mode done, which we have a HM checkpoint for.
After that, he's gonna bow out, so if you want do a full regular/hard raid, we'll probably be up for it.
1. HaRyu (PSN: Harlan_Ryudo)
2. deafmedal1
3. uberllama <-- guy who needs Oryx challenge
4. CREMSteve
5. babyghost(?)
6. Authentic/Ruthless(?)
We'll also need a reserve member when uberllama leaves (in case we're up for running a full raid)
Engram farming progress:
I've got about 12 3OC left to last until next week. All characters are on the verge of levelling vanguard and factions
Authentic, are you ok with doing Oryx first so that we can get that out of the way or did you prefer to just do the raid from the start?
I've got no will power, I have to decrypt as soon as I get an exotic. Though I do have 2 exotic chest pieces still undecrypted only because I'm pretty sure I already have every chest piece in the game.
RNGesus is not good to me. Got 2 special weapon exotics yesterday and both decrypted into Plan C...already had it and it's also the the only special weapon exotic I own.
That's the game telling you to use the Plan C. Love that weapon.I've got no will power, I have to decrypt as soon as I get an exotic. Though I do have 2 exotic chest pieces still undecrypted only because I'm pretty sure I already have every chest piece in the game.
RNGesus is not good to me. Got 2 special weapon exotics yesterday and both decrypted into Plan C...already had it and it's also the the only special weapon exotic I own.
Can I do both?
Where's mah invite at?
We just killed Warpriest, one of our group just left so we need one more.
Normal mode, KF, challenges.
Ready to carry on as soon as you join.
Light Level needed?
300+? Anything as long as you're confident it doesn't matter.
Add me, psn: astropoff
Getting a raid group going. Helping out a friend get Oryx challenge mode done, which we have a HM checkpoint for.
After that, he's gonna bow out, so if you want do a full regular/hard raid, we'll probably be up for it.
1. HaRyu (PSN: Harlan_Ryudo)
2. deafmedal1
3. uberllama <-- guy who needs Oryx challenge
4. AuthenticM
5. CREMSteve
We'll also need a reserve member when uberllama leaves (in case we're up for running a full raid)
Ok, we need one more. We'll be doing Oryx HM first, btw. Then we'll do the raid from scratch.
We just killed Warpriest, one of our group just left so we need one more.
Normal mode, KF, challenges.
Ready to carry on as soon as you join.
Getting a raid group going. Helping out a friend get Oryx challenge mode done, which we have a HM checkpoint for.
After that, he's gonna bow out, so if you want do a full regular/hard raid, we'll probably be up for it.
1. HaRyu (PSN: Harlan_Ryudo)
2. deafmedal1
3. uberllama <-- guy who needs Oryx challenge
4. AuthenticM
5. CREMSteve
6. throwawayname
We'll also need a reserve member when uberllama leaves (in case we're up for running a full raid)
Doing the NM Oryx raid to get the 3 challenges. Is anyone interested?
PSN: Wretched_Walrus
I am.
Cool, we start as soon as we get 6. Might need to hit up LFG for the rest
Oryx NM challenges
1. Wretched_Walrus
2. Slaziman
3. Mocolostrocolus
Doing the NM Oryx raid to get the 3 challenges. Is anyone interested?
PSN: Wretched_Walrus
I can join also. How many people do you need?
Full now. Sorry!
So I have Open Nat, and all this morning I kept getting contacting destiny servers and beetle/anteater codes.
Is it a problem with my inter et or with Bungie servers.
So I have Open Nat, and all this morning I kept getting contacting destiny servers and beetle/anteater codes.
Is it a problem with my inter et or with Bungie servers.
Wow, that's rough. I have similar luck sometimes
I'd love to decrypt them all but I know I'd get no benefit from it now. I have every exotic I want and I'm 333, so I'm only going to get a tiny benefit anyway, if any at all. It's so tempting though!
That's the game telling you to use the Plan C. Love that weapon.
Its quick charge and hip fire bonus make it pretty deadly. I'm pairing it with Finnala's Peril/Eyasluna and doing OK, although obviously I'm not setup for ranged encounters.I use it in PvE sometimes and it owns but Im scared to use fusion rifles in PvP, plus Id have to give up TLW.