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Destiny |OT42| Embrace the Not-Knowing

I think we will all be creeping up with blues to begin with.

With 1:1 infusion and less of a jump it should be much quicker then TTK though.
Oh it's like TTK where everything becomes irrelevant and you have to redo it with RoI gear?

I didn't know it was that substantial of an update.

I've pretty much had to talk myself out of jumping back in, really can't go on another three month Destiny binge the way school is right now. All these posts about how much you guys love the game are making me want to just say fuck it and go do it, but I'll do the smart thing. :(

Have fun everyone! Maybe if my schedule lightens up I can reevaluate.
This thread moves fast :eek:

I haven't played Destiny since the launch of the game so I have a few questions.

1) how is the leveling experience now with all the changes?
2) being an outsider for all the different expansions it seems like most of them centered around new raids, which relates a bit back to my first question. Can I avoid having to do any of that and level all the way through without having to grind the same mission over and over? Excuse my lack of knowledge here.
3) If I only made it to level 18 when the game first launched would it be best to start over completely? Part of me wants to just use the boost but I'm leaning towards leveling from scratch and using the boost on an alt
4) I assume I'll still get the pre-order bonus stuff if I buy the physical collection (even though I didnt pre-order)

Quick note before I finish. Don't take question 2 the wrong game. While Destiny has changed a lot I still have a good idea of the type of game it is. Grinding endgame stuff and missions is fine to me if its fun gameplay. Just mainly worried about the leveling experience related to that question. Thanks everyone in advance.

Okay so there are two different 'levels' in Destiny the first one: you character Level goes to 40 (so you have 22 level left). This won't take long and mostly requires you just to complete most of the main story missions/quests. The main part of the grind is your light level which is what you foccus on after you hit 40 (essentially the average of all your gear) which caps at 335 at the moment. You increase your light by getting better gear, which you get through engrams, strikes, cruible, raids. Any piece of gear that is legendary (purple icon) or exotic (yellow) can be infused into any other legendary or exotic item at a 1:1 ratio. So for example infusing a 310 gun with a 320 gun will increase the first guns level to 320 while consuming the second gun. This allows you to continually upgrade your favourite weapons and armour. No idea about the preorder bonuses and my advice would be to save the boost for your second character once you have experienced all the missions and quests you have missed since Vanilla (mostly Taken King and the new Rise of Iron content).

Hope that helps, may be a bit confused to start but it's pretty simple once you get your head around light levels and infusion.
PSA for postmaster hoarders:



Woah, what map has vehicles?

Bonus question, why are certain maps not in rotation anymore?

I remember back in the day playing some moon map and some other canyon map. Don't see them anymore.

😓😭 rip combined arms....

damn u bungle for abandoning it!?...


Public Events
1st Daily Public Event Gold completion:
1x Legendary Engram(once level 40; upgrade engram before)
15x Destination Materials
15x Legendary Marks
5x Motes of Light
Very low chance of Exotic Shard
4k XP – core, subclass, gear
25x Vanguard Rep
Repeated Gold Public Events:
200x Glimmer
Chance of 2-5 Destination Materials
Chance of 1-2 Motes of Light
1.5k XP
Green/Blue Engram
25x Vanguard Rep
Repeated Silver Public Events:
100x Glimmer
Chance of 2-3 Destination Materials
750 XP
Repeated Bronze Public Events:
50x Glimmer
Chance of 1-2 Destination Materials
500 XP

Didn't realize this was part of that update last week......damn, I might do a lot of public quests in the future to level alt specs.


Dammit - the hype won me over. Guess I'll jump back in for this.

Checking my Bungie/Destiny app, it looks like I'm still a member of Destiny GAF NA West 4. Has DGAF consolidated all of its clans spread out among the world or even country's yet or are there still a bunch of clans spread out s

Mikey Jr.

Dammit - the hype won me over. Guess I'll jump back in for this.

Checking my Bungie/Destiny app, it looks like I'm still a member of Destiny GAF NA West 4. Has DGAF consolidated all of its clans spread out among the world or even country's yet or are there still a bunch of clans spread out still?

Do clans even matter?


So I keep getting Bee, Beetle, marionberry error codes with the game trying to contact the servers. I 've tried other games (Killer Instinct, Dragon Ball Xenoverse) and online played worked flawlessly on those games. My NAT is open wirelress and moderate when connected to ethernet.

Are the issues related to the patch that will be going up later and Bungie prepping for ROI, because i'd hate not to be able to play the game I took day off work for tomorrow.


Is everyone starting right when it unlocks in the early morning? I want to but I am afraid I would be wasting time if the servers are getting overloaded.
Is everyone starting right when it unlocks in the early morning? I want to but I am afraid I would be wasting time if the servers are getting overloaded.
You know some idiot kids are probably going to DDoS the game tomrrorow. I'm taking Wednesday off instead of Tuesday. This ain't my first rodeo.

Mikey Jr.

I guess....not? Especially if everyone on your Friends list is already DGAF. But I got a lot of non-Destiny heathens populating my Friends listing.

Im part of gaf clan 42.

Im assuming there are atleast 42 clans? I don't even know who is in them. And honestly, who cares? Everything gets matched in this thread.

That's one of my problems with destiny. Clan features suck ass.

Why can't it be 1 big clan, with updates, and you can talk to other clan members, etc etc.


So started the game back up yesterday for the first time in a long time. See some things have changed since spring of this year. Also, a weird thing happened where all of my gear and weapons told me I had upgrades but didn't. The little green plus on each item. Not sure why that happened. Also, was cleaning out the vault and inventory. I had a few items that I wasn't sure was worth holding onto or not.
Has anyone here successfully gotten all the ARG buffs on a character that initially had only some of them?

TTK launch was pretty smooth, as was vanilla Destiny. I wouldn't worry too much, but I'm taking Wednesday-Saturday off to play :D
Diablo 3's "Error 37" traumatized me forever. Never waste PTO on launch day.


So started the game back up yesterday for the first time in a long time. See some things have changed since spring of this year. Also, a weird thing happened where all of my gear and weapons told me I had upgrades but didn't. The little green plus on each item. Not sure why that happened. Also, was cleaning out the vault and inventory. I had a few items that I wasn't sure was worth holding onto or not.

this was a weird bug w/ the last update. Super annoying, but harmless.


So I played Destiny on X1 but have since ordered the Collection on PS4 which comes tomorrow!

Matty_8787 on PSN if anybody wants to add me for any future runs or anything!
Has anyone here successfully gotten all the ARG buffs on a character that initially had only some of them?

Diablo 3's "Error 37" traumatized me forever. Never waste PTO on launch day.

Haven't been able to. My warlock got stuck with 2. Meanwhile my Titan has all 5. I don't want to campaign on my Titan


Ladies, Fish and Gentlemen!

Are there any last minute Raid CM sherpas going this evening?

I have a friend who is only short Golgy CM that I would like to finagle into a group :)


Question about edging:

A couple of my reps went over.. is the item lvl determined when you rank up, or when you receive the package from the NPCs?


Question about edging:

A couple of my reps went over.. is the item lvl determined when you rank up, or when you receive the package from the NPCs?

Last time this happened, it was when you rank up. Otherwise ppl would be collecting packages at the postmaster.


Last time this happened, it was when you rank up. Otherwise ppl would be collecting packages at the postmaster.

Faction packages don't stack... So if you went over, I'd just wait until tomorrow to open it. I accidentally rolled over FWC on one of my guys the other day, but I'm going to pick up the package tomorrow.

If you forget to pick up the package, then rank up again, you'll only have one package waiting for you. I think, in vanilla, they used to stack.
Ladies, Fish and Gentlemen!

Are there any last minute Raid CM sherpas going this evening?

I have a friend who is only short Golgy CM that I would like to finagle into a group :)

Happy to help.

Not sure if this is allowed, but this is what my character is carrying and in the vault. See anything I am holding onto that is not needed? Some things I kept for collector's purposes.


Most of the Kings Fall raid weapons are bad, especially the AR, HC, RL and Fusion. You can safely delete them, not even worth collecting.

For others you have to know the rolls and perks, can't say otherwise.

Also, no reason to keep Y1 versions of exotics if you have the Y2 ones.


Not sure if this is allowed, but this is what my character is carrying and in the vault. See anything I am holding onto that is not needed? Some things I kept for collector's purposes.


Cannot tell without seeing perks.

Google the perks and see if you like the sound of them. Try out the weapons and see if you like how they feel.

There are tonnes of reviews of perks and weapons online that will let you know which are good for PvE and PvE respectively.


Can't lurk anymore - I'm too excited for ROI! Can't wait to hit up the new story, raid, and revel in the new armors, weapons, quests, and secrets!
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