Should I keep going?
Should I keep going?
Court of Oryx is a good place, but it depends what your LL is?
I had something weird happen. I dismantled a 341 mark into a 335 mark and it became 342. What.
You're gonna have a hard time getting raid ready if you don't do all the main quests as there isn't much else you can do to start. You just have to endure like when we all had to play through the vanilla story.First mission done. So uninspired I can't take it. The writing is on a whole new level of embarassiing. I really enjoyed The Taken King, even with its cheese, at least its locations and enemies were visually interesting. So far this feels like It was made by Bungie's c-team. Should I keep going?
First mission done. So uninspired I can't take it. The writing is on a whole new level of embarassiing. I really enjoyed The Taken King, even with its cheese, at least its locations and enemies were visually interesting. So far this feels like It was made by Bungie's c-team. Should I keep going?
Hmm, not sure where you could farm at that level. If you haven't done the RoI story yet, that should net you a decent amount of engrams and raise your light a good amount. Then try and get high enough to do the heroic strikes and at that point, you can run those for engrams farming.329
i just started the newDLCexpansion
Dunno. I got mine right after it switched from static to dynamic. Delete static, redownload as dynamic and works great. Something seems to have screwed it up with the update last week I think.Why is the RoI theme still borked on the PS Store?
Is there a Gaf clan?
in the case of the Gjallrhorn incredibly self indulgent like it's bigger than the actually fucking story.
I have to admit this time around it's not grabbing me as much. I really thought the Gjallrhorn quest and the whole recycling of old year 1 guns as huge deals make it a lot less interesting and in the case of the Gjallrhorn incredibly self indulgent like it's bigger than the actually fucking story.
Dunno. I got mine right after it switched from static to dynamic. Delete static, redownload as dynamic and works great. Something seems to have screwed it up with the update last week I think.
Is there a Gaf clan?
Wait!!! The static RoI theme, not the other Destiny theme(s).Interesting, so delete the Destiny vanilla theme? I'll give it a shot.
I wouldn't say there was nothing memorable about getting it. I'm pretty sure everyone here remembers how they got their Gally. That's pretty memorable.Yah I thought it was kind of up its own ass and, as you said, self indulgent.
Gjallarhorn was just a broken weapon that defined the first year of Destiny's loot. There was nothing intrinsicly special about it. There was nothing memorable about getting it. It was just RNG fucking the userbase over as they piled over each other to try and get the one weapon that breaks apart all encounter designs.
Themes have been messed up on PSN for about 2 weeks. Sony is working on it.Why is the RoI theme still borked on the PS Store?
Maybe this has been touched upon, but is the "Complete strikes in the SIVA Crisis Strikes playlist" from the book filling up for you? I completed 2 and it says 0/20 on the book.
Anyone else experiencing this? Am I missing something?
Why is it that Lord Saladini is allowed to fight without a helmet and we're not?
You mean strikes that have been "sivafied" vs the random ones on the playlist? It says on the book description "playlist", so I'm assuming you'd just have to complete those. I did Omnigul and Sepiks.Is there a difference between SIVA Strikes and Heroic SIVA Strikes?
When he hits Rank 2 you get the quest for the legendary weapons. Rank 3 is for the Exotics. You gotta put in the work.How do I get the "Back in the Sattle" quest line from the Gunsmith? Do I need to level him up first or something? That's the one thing I never did in Destiny lol. Hated using his terrible white guns for data.
Wait!!! The static RoI theme, not the other Destiny theme(s).
Themes have been messed up on PSN for about 2 weeks. Sony is working on it.
When he hits Rank 2 you get the quest for the legendary weapons. Rank 3 is for the Exotics. You gotta put in the work.
I wouldn't say there was nothing memorable about getting it. I'm pretty sure everyone here remembers how they got their Gally. That's pretty memorable.
Lord Saladin does what Lord Saladin because Lord Saladin is...Lord Saladin
You must've just been different, because a lot of people here(including me) freaked out when we got our Gallys and were insanely happy.I got it at one of the multitude of Skolas kills that all blend together because it was just farming bullshit because of that gun.
Fount out earlier that Crucible is not available anymore if you don't buy the DLC. I shouldn't be surprised but I think this is a dick move. To take away content I've been able to play just like that is quite annoying.
Didn't buy the new DLC yet, probably won't for a while, as I've played TTK a lot these past few weeks.
Fount out earlier that Crucible is not available anymore if you don't buy the DLC. I shouldn't be surprised but I think this is a dick move. To take away content I've been able to play just like that is quite annoying.
Looks like my nephew was telling me the truth-- I thought he couldn't find the page or something. But not even the bottom three? Is it a timed lock out? That does suck...