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Destiny |OT42| Embrace the Not-Knowing


I don't know. That +1% decrypting system seems more fair then getting worse gear once you reached near max level in TTK. Remember the 285 Stratergy. (Decrypting engrams with your gear at 285 since you had a better chance of getting 300 light pieces then if you decrypted at 295.)

I definitely love this as an improvement


So what's the best use of my legendary marks?

Can't remember names, but for PvE weapons apparently the Crucible vendors Hand Cannon is meant to be good, also the Scout Rifle at the Dead Orbit vendor is meant to be OK too. I'm currently tossing up which to get first. I do like my Scout Rifles though.


The Cryptarch's Bane
in love...
all else is irrelevant, I'm exploding heads again and that's all that matters


Just did the jumping puzzle on my Titan as Well in about 8 minutes or so........you can easily see the folks struggling to even make it past the few first couple stories of rocks......I have a feeling a lot will never see the top of this puzzle.

The checkpoints are very unforgiving until you get way up there

Will be on tomorrow Xbox one if anyone needs help with it

Deku Tree

"As stated in the Patch Notes once you hit 350 Light you are going to have a 50% chance to get +1 Light items."

I don't remember reading that exactly in the patch notes.

Seems like Bungie is making the grind longer just to punish the 1%er preparers on twitch.

Patch Notes said:
Legendary Engrams can now decode up to 365 Light
Legendary Engram Light value will slow from their fast progress at 350, up to 365
Within that range, Engrams will grant the player something with higher Light about half the time

Do those two statements sound the same to you? Was that really "as stated in the patch notes"?

To me it's like: "Will slow" more like "we slowed it down as much as we possibly could while still technically allowing minuscule basically non existent progress to happen"


I just dismantled a garbage legendary weapon, gave me 1 legendary mark. WTF, it's like Bungie is asked to be kicked in the nuts.


I thought the expansions and DLC were after the main mission? I just got the first Crota mission and it's on the moon and it's only level 8? I'm currently level 12.

Can anyone shed some light on this? I looked up that Crota is the Dark Below first expansion but I'm trying to do everything in order. Why is this unlocked at level 8 when it's supposed to be after vanilla?


That last mission for the Gjallarhorn...

I didn't know (or maybe I didn't hear) that you couldn't stay in that little room where the ghost was repairing the Gjallarhorn. I killed A BUNCH of Fallen... until the first Captain with that special weapon... when I stepped out to pick it up, I noticed that the repairing was only at 1%.


I continued killing everyone and eventually there were no more Fallen. I was only at 50% of repair at the time, so I just stood around waiting until it was finished.

Didn't like the next part. It made me dizzy as hell, jumping around to the ammo boxes.

Glad that dying didn't mean you had to restart. I imagine they figured a lot of people would be blowing themselves up with their new rocket launcher.


Can anyone shed some light on this? I looked up that Crota is the Dark Below first expansion but I'm trying to do everything in order. Why is this unlocked at level 8 when it's supposed to be after vanilla?

Does it have a Dark Below logo above the mission marker? There are quests which talk about Crota and Oryx in the vanilla story


Does it have a Dark Below logo above the mission marker? There are quests which talk about Crota and Oryx in the vanilla story

Ah okay. Nope, it looks just like a normal mission. I just didn't want to start any DLC before vanilla so I was making sure.. lol


Buy 350 LL stuff in the tower. Weapons first then armor.

Might want to get a shell, too. I'm still stuck with my janky 335 KF shell and I'm at something like 347 or 348. My artifact is bunghole, too... 338, I think.

I am SO TIRED of the Hive... After doing the first story mission and hearing the lore, etc, I got a literal pit in my stomach when Thrall and Wizards started showing up. GTFO, PULLLEAZE.


Can anyone shed some light on this? I looked up that Crota is the Dark Below first expansion but I'm trying to do everything in order. Why is this unlocked at level 8 when it's supposed to be after vanilla?
When TTK launched Bungie restructured vanilla Destiny's quests do include the first 2 DLC.

Deku Tree

If I infuse my Gjallarhorn into the Iron one, can I buy a new one later from the kiosk?

Might want to get a shell, too. I'm still stuck with my janky 335 KF shell and I'm at something like 347 or 348. My artifact is bunghole, too... 338, I think.

I am SO TIRED of the Hive... After doing the first story mission and hearing the lore, etc, I got a literal pit in my stomach when Thrall and Wizards started showing up. GTFO, PULLLEAZE.

Oh yeah buy a ghost shell and a class item both!
So I still have all of my year 1 exotic weapons and armor. If I dismantle them, does it let me get the blueprint so I can purchase the year 2/3 versions of them?


Mrs. Harvey
I lucked out when going to get my medallion at the site. A bunch of guys were doing the forge and I just tagged along. Got a bunch of stuff.
Does anyone know how do you level up playing supremacy? Does it drop good stuff at the end of matches?
The post game legendaries will drop at high LL. The blues are capped at 340.

It's definitely faster to level up doing heroic strikes since those blues drop at higher LLs. I usually get 1-2 per strike.

Supremacy is good if you want to make progress on the book or Shaxx bounties/quests.


Of two minds on the LL thing; on one hand I can see why they went this route as it prevents hardcore hoarders from totally leapfrogging progression and hitting the current max LL, which in turn prevents people from complaining that they've maxed out all content etc super quick. And in theory I support the idea that you should need to play the game for a while to get upgrades and whatnot, the problem is the way they're going about it is extremely artificial.

That said though most of the hardcore twitch streamers etc probably have enough stashed to still brute force their way from 350 to 365 before the raid hits regardless. I honestly think this was done more to extend the playtime of the expansion as opposed to penalizing the 1%, especially since they have to expect some small amount of people to hit 365 for the raid on Friday anyway.

In either case I've already made plans to play Battlefront with a friend this weekend, there's zero chance I'll be raid-ready by Friday lol.


Oh yeah buy a ghost shell and a class item both!

During one of my MotePlosions at FWC, I got TWO class items (at the same LL - woot!), so I'm set there. I bought two guns and I'm back up to 170 marks or something, so I've got to bite the bullet and just get a ghost.

Are they all about the same? I should just get one that looks fresh, right? Maybe one that gives glimmer for fallen kills....


Of all the times for my internet to crap out on me. Was enjoying the new strike until I got repeatedly booted from the game...
So I noticed something today, if you prefer a certain type of Legendary armor models (minus VoG/CE) you can actually go after them now.

Vanilla Vanguard/Crucible: FWC Chroma
Vanilla/TDB Factions: Queen's Wrath/ Iron Banner Vanilla (?)
TDB Vanguard/Crucible: DO Chroma (Warlock/Hunter), NM Chroma (Titan)
HoW Vanguard/Crucible: NM Chroma (Warlock/Hunter), DO Chroma (Titan), Iron Banner HoW (?)
TTK Vanguard/Crucible: All Factions, Engrams.

You can even get the old class items to match now, the only problem is some of the armor will have faction branding over it. I see the old IB stuff in the database and I think I heard you can buy it now but I'm not sure, so I left those (?).
This combined with the current Vanguard/Crucible stuff being the starting gear really makes me think this is the big sendoff to old gear and we won't be bringing anything forward to 2.

Do you know where the Titans armor drops that has the fur collar? The chestpiece in this picture-
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