So i got Gjallarhorn earlier today and it dawned on me that this expansion is really not adding anything to the game.
Yes there are a few new spaces, gear and quests, but what has Bungie really done this time? Where is the innovation? As far as I can see, it's just more content on top of the new mechanics and QOL updates they did last year with TTK. Everything is an updated or remixed version of an existing location, mechanic or idea. Archon Forge for instance, as fun as it can be, is literally Court of Oryx in a less convenient location with even less convenient drop rates.
Quests still have me running around vast expanses chasing triangular shaped drops. The Splicer Fallen are pretty much exactly the same as the normal Fallen. People are still running around in the Crucible the exact same way they've been running around for the last two years.
I wasn't really expecting much to change given the scope of the expansion and the timeframe it was made in, but I'm sitting here with virtually no interest in the new Raid and no desire to farm Strikes and chase blues all over again.It's not like the game is dropping me interesting shit like the transition from HoW to TTK. I'm just infusing everything I already have because why use anything other than Hung Jury and an Exotic Sword? Even Gjallarhorn pales in comparison to the fantasy brought on by the Swords and yet it was used to give the expansion's marketing campaign some weight.
I felt lost in the beginning of The Taken King because there was so much new stuff and so much to do. I feel lost in Rise of Iron too, but for a different reason - because I've seen all of this shit already.
Yep, its really half assed. I'm 350 light and cba to do anything else. Horn Quest is sitting there, Archon forge is a hot mess, Khostov is crap and I doubt if I could get better PvP gear than I already have
I know some people like it but the questification of everything is terrible, esp as you have no idea what you're aiming for 90% of the time. The 350-65 hard stop has also fucked me off no end
As ever the game will live or die by how replayable the raid is and PvP