Why is everyone farming Omnigul? I keep seeing this on here and reddit.
It's cheeseable.
Why is everyone farming Omnigul? I keep seeing this on here and reddit.
I think that's the roll it always comes with, but I might be wrong. I love it though. Might be my new favorite of that archetype.Mine came with army of one and. Cant wait to try it out once levelled up.doubles the effect of army of one
It is the fastest surest way to get to 365.
Really? Why? Does it get really good loot drops at the end or something? I haven't ran the new version of it yet
Does the new expansion have a item that jumps you up in level like the last had?
You can farm her in the original 320 from the director and she can still drop up to 365.
Finally got my book to rank 10 and unlocked the gear rolls I wanted. Chest and arms are ornamented up, but it's bullshit it takes 2 days or iron ornaments for the chest and helmet. Blah.
Getting past 365... struggle is real.
Uh, another one.
LOL, another one.
Three straight 386 items.
You can trade in 5 motes of light for 100 rep which is the fastest way for me at least IMOSo how am I supposed to faction grind exactly? 2 hours of heroic stirkes has turned out to be completely pointless. Couldn't even advance a single light level.
So how am I supposed to faction grind exactly? 2 hours of heroic stirkes has turned out to be completely pointless. Couldn't even advance a single light level.
Looking for two partners to set up an extended Omnigul farm.
I'm a 558 Warlock looking to hit 365 on this toon, and then continue to get two more nearly full sets of 365 infusion fodder for my Hunter and Titan.
I'd like a Hunter with an extended Tether and another Warlock running Stormcaller.
Planning on entering the 350 SIVA Crisis heroic strike as a full team of three (arc burn), get to the pre-boss Omnigull fight in the "hill" room, have our Hunter tether where she spawns and shrieks initially (SILENCE HER SCREAMS), and then have us two Warlocks Stormtrance her to death. And the adds she surrounds herself with to extend the Hunter's tether duration. Clean up with high level Zhalo Supercells if she survives the two arc supers, suicide, rinse, and repeat. Arch shotties would probably work too.
High level Zhalos and/or Bolt-Caster arc exotic swords help. A high level Y3 Gjally on the Hunter could probably help too. But the idea is to not rely on heavies so that we don't have to blow synths or waste time on purple crate farming runs. Once we get the system down, it should be pretty easy to kill Omnigul once every two minutes or so, and get her incrementally increasing blue (non-engram) drops to steadily climb to 365.
Mics are nice, but not necessary. Being at or near 350 helps, though if we get this working, not being 350 is probably only a temporary setback. Come with minimal gear on-hand so you have room to pick up lots of trash. We don't want to break to head to the tower, since RNG'ing back into the strike from the playlist could take a while.
My PSN is Mejilan. Please feel free to look me up and enter my party chat. We can coordinate our session from there. Please don't reach out if you only have like half an hour or whatever to farm.
Pro-tip: Don't infuse the non-365 blues she drops. Just wear them to "artificially" boost your average light. Once she's consistently dropping 365 blues for you, that's when you can start infusing your preferred gear or vault the for alts.
we can do the 320 one. Im in for an hour or so
Im jayforone. Can you please add me?
You can trade in 5 motes of light for 100 rep which is the fastest way for me at least IMO
Is anyone down to do some Omnigul farming? Need to go from 362 to 365. I can only bring my Titan with WoL and Raze-Lighter, so any Hunter/Warlock is very welcome
PSN is JJShadow77
It sucks when your doing rank ups and two pieces are holding you back and they never drop. So you do a bunch of rank ups and get nothing of value. FeelsBadMan.
Omnigul shows up and leaves right before her real boss fight. Kill her before she leaves mainly keeping her there with a hunter tether. She will drop items as if you finished the strike.Really? Why? Does it get really good loot drops at the end or something? I haven't ran the new version of it yet
1. Light_Knight_Sky
2. Pandora_012
3. Traitor Weteha
4. Traitor Nicodemic (?)
5. -
6. -
1. -
2. -
3. -
4. -
Eh, to be honest this is exactly what I didn't want to be doing when I picked up Destiny again. I'm sure I can do the raid at 366. Spending hours grinding while little to no result is exactly how I ended up hating Destiny after TTK.
My Nightstalker is readyIs anyone down to do some Omnigul farming? Need to go from 362 to 365. I can only bring my Titan with WoL and Raze-Lighter, so any Hunter/Warlock is very welcome
PSN is JJShadow77
Beat the raid a 4th time. Apparently you get siva key fragments even if you already did the encounter, so technically you could farm the raid for keys.
If anything it's more visually appealing and refreshing.Hell, I'd give anything to walk into those areas I posted above again to grab more shots.
Beat the raid a 4th time. Apparently you get siva key fragments even if you already did the encounter, so technically you could farm the raid for keys.
Tfw you're stuck on light level 343 on all your 3 characters for 2 days now.
It makes sense. Given this is less content than TTK. And TTK was setting up for a year of no new content other than boring events and the small April update.
They always have some new and cheap way to halt progress. I never ranked up factions and such because the grind was awful. Now it's the main way to progress. How boring.
What the hell is CoE that people keep talking about?
I know about Prison of Elder (PoE) and Court or Oryx (CoO)
My Nightstalker is ready
PSN: XenoRaven
358 Stormcaller reporting for duty? I'd like to hit 365 and stick around long enough to get extra 365 gear for my two alts.
PSN is Mejilan.
What the hell is CoE that people keep talking about?
I know about Prison of Elder (PoE) and Court or Oryx (CoO)
Can you open the siva chest if you have a key and your on your 5th raid?
Can you open the siva chest if you have a key and your on your 5th raid?
What the hell is CoE that people keep talking about?
I know about Prison of Elder (PoE) and Court or Oryx (CoO)