Have one more slot for a blind Xbone Wrath of the Machines raid. Gt is HippoAvenger, shoot me a message if you'd like an invite.
I have this exact roll and I think it is amazing for PvE. Very powerful imo.Am I crazy for thinking this is really good, at least for PvE?
No Triple Tap/Firefly, but it feels super good in all other regards and I like explosive rounds in PvE. I like how this feels better than The Wounded that I have (which doesn't have TT/FF though).
I just hit 340 and honestly have no idea how I'm going to progress. All rares I get top off at 340 and legendaries are only one or two points above that. I'd rather not grind for blues.
Bigmanny287Our group is raid ready and we need one more for Wrath of Machines, we're starting at 6PM PST/ 9PM EST. We're on PS4 so message me if you want in. Tag is: WolfLycan543
I got a 365 artifact from the raid, why not try that?
Also, you can grind Eris Morn rep for a chance at an artifact of up to 365.
i love how Bungie takes the problem of Court of Oryx being too far out of the way by making Archon Forge even further away. There's never anybody here.
So crunched some numbers super fast for leveling the factions:
31 Strange Coins gets you 1 rank up (WITH EXOTIC MARK), also requires Xur:
Trade coins for Heavy and trade in heavy
57500 Glimmer for 1 rank up (with Exotic Mark):
Buy Armor or Weapon materials from Gunsmith and trade in at person
580* Legendary Marks for 1 rank up (with Exotic Mark):
Buy whichever material required for faction with marks and trade in
110 Motes of Light with Exotic Mark
Whats an exotic mark?
Also is it really only 11,500 glimmer to level a faction through parts?
All good man. Hit me up if you want to play anytime.Adding you tomorrow. I play like mad when I can (which is the last few weeks), but if I'm busy with work (which is the next few weeks), maybe just several hours a week.
Oh, and thanks to the_id for adding me to run a couple strikes. LL 345 now, so I gained a point. And sorry for the last bit--I thought I had my mic on but I had turned it off to talk to the wife and forgot to turn it back on. lol
Need 2 ppl for Omnigul farming, preferably Hunters for extra damage. I have Weapons of Light so it should be easy.
Ill send you a party invite as soon as I find my micVIN-BUC (PSN)
anyone got the raid MG yet and have impressions? Or a video :3 Haven't been able to raid since yesterday it's slightly killing me lol
They're going back to the old way of raid loot? Nice.Raid MG, Sniper, Hand cannon and Pulse are from hard mode.
Bungie needs to increase the Siva offering drop rate for Archon's Forge.
Is archon forge really worth doing? Grinded a bit and it was a waste most of the time, why the hell would you get blue engrams most of the time? They are useless past 340.
Ill send you a party invite as soon as I find my mic
We're going to do another run in the raid in about an hour. Have a spot.
All I ask is.
You have a 499 Horn
Mastered the art of three element swords
Loves the riverdance
Is not scared of 80s B horror movie flicks
And isn't scared of heights like me
Is archon forge really worth doing? Grinded a bit and it was a waste most of the time, why the hell would you get blue engrams most of the time? They are useless past 340.
Showed up at the Archon Forge for the first time, just to see what's up.
Stumbled upon two other people, made my offering, and suddenly we are like 6 people chaining offerings for more than 30 minutes.
Completed a heck ton of bounties, filled up my postmaster with blues and purples and had a great fun: from what I've read on here about the forge I was one heck of a lucky guy right? ^^
Bungie needs to increase the Siva offering drop rate for Archon's Forge.
Well... I'm Irish... and I'm familiar with River Dance...
They need to let you carry a single green, blue, and purple at any given time instead of literally one of them.
I think the problem with that is that there is only a single console, how would you choose which offering to use? It wasn't a problem in CoO with the 3 separate statues, I guess they could add 2 other console to solve that problem.
I think the problem with that is that there is only a single console, how would you choose which offering to use? It wasn't a problem in CoO with the 3 separate statues, I guess they could add 2 other console to solve that problem.
Raid MG, Sniper, Hand cannon and Pulse are from hard mode.