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Destiny |OT42| Embrace the Not-Knowing


I think I've hit my limit of doing strikes for a chance at exotic engrams. I'll just accept that I'll never get the new warlock helmet or Robocop sidearm.

Deku Tree

DeeJ has said a million times in his role playing mode that "Our little Guardians are going to be going on this 10 year journey with us."

Whether all of our gear will carry over remains to be seen, but we're definitely not going to have to start from scratch in the next game.

You realize how trollish you come off when you say stuff like this?

You're basically saying, "I'm disregarding the evidence against my point of view, who can even tell the quality of that evidence. My own speculative evidence fits my needs, and therefore comes from much more reliable sources."

Deej also said "vault space is not gonna be a problem anymore" (I'm paraphrasing on memory) in one of the first RoI reveals. Then vault space didn't change at all.


You realize how trollish you come off when you say stuff like this?

You're basically saying, "I'm disregarding the evidence against my point of view, who can even tell the quality of that evidence. My own speculative evidence fits my needs, and therefore comes from much more reliable sources."

I'm doing nothing but paying attention to the evidence. All the evidence we have supports what I'm saying. Please, feel free to get specific.

The way the game is currently vs everything Bungie's ever said is a massive tell. Deej saying things is not evidence of anything.
Logged on thinking i was going to do the raid on my third character, then realized i have not started the ROI story :(, cannot equip the artifact.

Also, got a sniper to drop in crucible. "20/20 AMR7" is it any good? The scopes on it are Longview and ambush, perks are underdog, perfect balance and hidden hand. Thoughts?
I would like to start around 6 PM Central. It would be a fresh raid, somewhat blind, as I understand some of the early mechanics. I guess 365+ is preferred, but not necessary.

1. RunningRiot (TKRunningRiot)
2. Graffgor (Dr_Boris_Goltz)
3. j2theizzay
4. ???
5. ???
6. ???

Looking to throw my hat in the ring if this is going ahead?
I'm doing nothing but paying attention to the evidence. All the evidence we have supports what I'm saying. Please, feel free to get specific.

The way the game is currently vs everything Bungie's ever said is a massive tell. Deej saying things is not evidence of anything.


"Luke Timmins explained to GamesRadar that Bungie recognizes players have made significant time and monetary investments in their characters...

...It's a long-term thing and with these adventures that we're adding my contract to you--and any player--is that your Guardian will always be there."
Looking to throw my hat in the ring if this is going ahead?

Sure thing, but j2theizzay got in with another group, so we're back down to 3 now. Boris and I will be doing crucible until we fill up.

I would like to start around 6 PM Central. It would be a fresh raid, somewhat blind, as I understand some of the early mechanics. I guess 365+ is preferred, but not necessary.

1. RunningRiot (TKRunningRiot)
2. Dr_Boris_Goltz
3. AngryPuppyEsq
4. ???
5. ???
6. ???





The Owl Sector website contained a link to that page. It dates back to after the first team beat the raid. The node and key you get are unique per account. People think this has to do with solving the final monitor mystery in the raid. My knowledge of encryption languages is non-existent, but perhaps someone else knows how to interpret this.


I'm doing the legendary marks run if anyone wants to join. Daily crucible, daily story, public event and a few heroic strikes.

PSN: Nicodemic


Just started my download of ROI, should be done in a few hours. Won't be able to do much before reset but it's all good. Looking forward to getting my LL up and hopefully running some content with DGAF.
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