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Destiny |OT42| Embrace the Not-Knowing


They can't continue on this engine. Its not efficient. They can if they want to pad out D2 just like they did with 1, with barely any new areas added over 2 years and recycling stuff into oblivion but thats not ideal. A sequel needs to have a more epic scale, they also want dat metacritic bonus lol. Destiny 1 has a few boring sandboxes that only got slightly interesting with Dreadnaught. Dropping last-gen is a good thing, but from what I gather the engine is just a pain for this sort of thing.

And the weapons and armor, after 3 years still the same stuff? Nah. It'll be a great opportunity to ditch or overhaul some, such as Fusion rifles.
So, my new Hunter is up to The Taken King campaign. I've noticed two big changes since my last character went through the game when TTK came out: first, the drop rates are much higher in the early going. I'm getting new gear literally every mission (and there are a LOT of missions). To the point where I don't even bother leveling things up since I cycle through them so fast.

And second, the Taken War starts alongside the main campaign. So instead of starting Petra's line of quests after fighting Oryx, I'm collecting stuff from Fallen and Taken for her first quest during the opening mission. The grind is somewhat reduced as I can work them in tandem.

Also new, the TTK missions open up at the same time as the House of Wolves - which itself opened up before the main campaign concluded, since it starts with the mission on the Fallen ship from the original campaign. So at that point, the campaign forked into three directions: House of Wolves, original (Black Garden arc), and Taken King.

I did them in order, but it meant you can theoretically watch the Queen's ship get blown up at the opening of the Taken King, and then see it show up to capture Skolas at the end of House of Wolves. Probably should keep TTK under lock until House of Wolves is wrapped.....

I'll do a longer post on the new 1-40 experience when I get there (currently level 32). It's been interesting in a mostly good way, but definitely highlights some of the problems witht he leveling and loot design in a way I did not expect.

Did someone ever tell you they changed the silver bought crates and now they only give cosmetic stuff (ornaments) and no gear (like the desolate set it used to)? Since that was a big turn off for you.


Unconfirmed Member
The person who discussed easily leveling through the faction heavy weapon synthesis-- that's just straight level, not Light, right?
They can't continue on this engine. Its not efficient. They can if they want to pad out D2 just like they did with 1, with barely any new areas added over 2 years and recycling stuff into oblivion but thats not ideal. A sequel needs to have a more epic scale, they also want dat metacritic bonus lol. Destiny 1 has a few boring sandboxes that only got slightly interesting with Dreadnaught. Dropping last-gen is a good thing, but from what I gather the engine is just a pain for this sort of thing.

And the weapons and armor, after 3 years still the same stuff? Nah. It'll be a great opportunity to ditch or overhaul some, such as Fusion rifles.

You act like on Sept 8th, 2014. The Bungie guys responsible for creating the engine just said, "We're done" and left the company.

Realize that Bungie created that engine in-house. Which means they can improve it as they go. Sure they had some rough spots, that we're now aware of, but I'm sure those rough spots were probably priority number 1 for the engine team since they were first discovered.

They've had literal years to improve on this thing at this point.

This is also why Developers don't share this kind of information with users. Users hear about a problem, and have no concept of the processes in place to fix said problem. Bungie could literally never mention anything about their engine tools again, and you'll still have people 4 or 5 years form now talking about how bad that engine is, and how it takes 24 hours to move a rock.
My Destiny 2 predictions/wishlist:

Existing planets and locations will for the most part be included, but with overhauled zones. (Example: The Tower will still be a place, but it will be larger/reworked; Earth might feature different locales either in addition to a reworked Cosmodrome, or replacing it altogether. Player ships will be a personal "social space" that will have quality of life features (walk around, get bounties at your comm terminal, talk to some crew members/NPCs, etc. - think Normandy from Mass Effect but smaller). Possible limited space flight/combat, but honestly I really don't think they will or should mess with going down that path.

Deku Tree

Players http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=216999259&postcount=383

I think the bigger question is how much stuff from D1 will be carried over? I wouldn't be surprised to see entirely new classes.

I'd talked to a loose-lipped person in the know who said it would be very, very little to transfer over. But players from D1 would have a care package of some sort in D2.

That said, D2's still in early stages, so that's subject to change.

And of course I can't divulge any sources so feel free to disregard my post as worthless conjecture.

Well this is exactly what I've heard, so it's not worthless conjecture. But yes, with Destiny, anything can change at any time.


Yah that's not how software dev works. Not at this scale and timeline.

There's absolutely no way they're going to build a platform for the next few years on a foundation that is so limited by the previous gen, a gen they've now dropped all support for.

It would stunt their creativity and ambition from the start.

And while the game is absolutely going to be familiar, and the core of it is likely to remain almost identical to what we have now in terms of actual gameplay, all the little embellishments to the game systems, and all the ways they'll expand upon the current model (larger instances, more players in each place, etc...) won't allow for seamless transition of all old content built in an engine that can't support these things.

I agree that it will look very different but it will also feel and function incredibly similarly. I expect patrol zones to be similar but matchmake larger zones so you actually run into more people. I think story missions will have more separate unique and dynamic environments exclusive to them rather than jury rigging on top of the patrol areas.

Past that, items and classes and enemies could be entirely different.

This is exactly what I said in my previous post.
I personally think that classes will be the same, with perk and ability tweaks/additions to each sub class, and maybe some interesting way to hybridize sub classes.
This is exactly what I said in my previous post.

I think you've been interchanging engine with assets, which are two very different things.

I'd say without a doubt, Destiny 2 will use the same Engine as Destiny 1. Likely, a modified/improved engine, but it's going to be the same engine. This shouldn't be up for debate.

The main thing we're going back and forth on here is if assets from D1 will carry over to D2, or if D2 will break apart to be it's own unique experience front to back.
You act like on Sept 8th, 2014. The Bungie guys responsible for creating the engine just said, "We're done" and left the company.

Realize that Bungie created that engine in-house. Which means they can improve it as they go. Sure they had some rough spots, that we're now aware of, but I'm sure those rough spots were probably priority number 1 for the engine team since they were first discovered.

They've had literal years to improve on this thing at this point.

This is also why Developers don't share this kind of information with users. Users hear about a problem, and have no concept of the processes in place to fix said problem. Bungie could literally never mention anything about their engine tools again, and you'll still have people 4 or 5 years form now talking about how bad that engine is, and how it takes 24 hours to move a rock.

Yeah, this talk of them building a brand new engine just because they don't have to develop for last gen is odd. They will iterate on the engine they already have. The game will look bether and be more ambitious just by the virtue of not having to develop for PS3/360. They're not going to start from ground zero all over again. I guarantee you that they have been iterating the engine tools over the past 2 years, but it wouldn't make sense to start from scratch.


My Destiny 2 predictions/wishlist:

Existing planets and locations will for the most part be included, but with overhauled zones. (Example: The Tower will still be a place, but it will be larger/reworked; Earth might feature different locales either in addition to a reworked Cosmodrome, or replacing it altogether. Player ships will be a personal "social space" that will have quality of life features (walk around, get bounties at your comm terminal, talk to some crew members/NPCs, etc. - think Normandy from Mass Effect but smaller). Possible limited space flight/combat, but honestly I really don't think they will or should mess with going down that path.

Its a given that ships will have more features in a sequel. They're essentially loading screens now. I don't think they should do space battles but using it as a personal hub would be likely.

The Tower probably won't be cut off anymore. Or it will be replaced by a bigger hub where you can do more things.
There's absolutely no way they're going to build a platform for the next few years on a foundation that is so limited by the previous gen, a gen they've now dropped all support for.

It would stunt their creativity and ambition from the start.

And while the game is absolutely going to be familiar, and the core of it is likely to remain almost identical to what we have now in terms of actual gameplay, all the little embellishments to the game systems, and all the ways they'll expand upon the current model (larger instances, more players in each place, etc...) won't allow for seamless transition of all old content built in an engine that can't support these things.

This is exactly what I said in my previous post.

They can do all of this without having to build a new engine. Their development tools don't stop being iterated just because they released the game. They're not going to build a new engine, they will use the same engiNE with upgrades. I can almost 100 percent guarantee this.


I wouldn't be so certain.

I mean, both sides of the conversation have good points about this. But the Destiny engine can already do more with the drop of last gen.

We already have a larger object limit per zone. New Zones have way more vertical-ness to them as well.

It is certain though, imo.

Yes they added more density to the new RoI areas, but all the interlocking systems that had to be designed with last gen in mind are still present. There's no escaping these things without a complete overhaul.

We're not going to be running through D1 content in D2. They're absolutely not going to take the current levels and just add more stuff, that would be extremely backwards and I don't know why anyone would even hope for it.


There's absolutely no way they're going to build a platform for the next few years on a foundation that is so limited by the previous gen, a gen they've now dropped all support for.

It would stunt their creativity and ambition from the start.

And while the game is absolutely going to be familiar, and the core of it is likely to remain almost identical to what we have now in terms of actual gameplay, all the little embellishments to the game systems, and all the ways they'll expand upon the current model (larger instances, more players in each place, etc...) won't allow for seamless transition of all old content built in an engine that can't support these things..

Again, not how software dev works.

There will be no ground up foundational change. There isn't the time or budget for it and the scale of the project they are working at is too big to get done 4 years.

It will be a heavily modified Destiny 1 engine. Which is just a heavily modified Halo Reach engine. Which is just a modified....


Could I get an invite to the discord if anyone has it?


It is certain though, imo.

Yes they added more density to the new RoI areas, but all the interlocking systems that had to be designed with last gen in mind are still present. There's no escaping these things without a complete overhaul.

We're not going to be running through D1 content in D2. They're absolutely not going to take the current levels and just add more stuff, that would be extremely backwards and I don't know why anyone would even hope for it.

I think he means that D2 can be a completely new experience, but on a 2.0 version of this engine.

I don't know how the engine fares right now, but I thought they had issues adding and changing stuff during the run of D1, not just launch. Which doesn't sound good for a shared world shooter that thrives on expansions.

Its a good engine, it can handle lots of enemies on screen and doesn't seem to dip. I also like the draw distance and all. Destiny has really good gameplay and thats what kept the game alive during the worse half of year one. Halo's always been good in that regard.


Again, not how software dev works.

Yes, yes it is. I don't know why you keep saying this, there's more precedent for what I'm saying here.

There will be no ground up foundational change. There isn't the time or budget for it and the scale of the project they are working at is too big to get done 4 years.

Of course there will be. This is just a sequel. Like any franchise. The cycle is perfectly fitting for a brand new game.

Destiny is not WoW. It was never, ever going to be one game built upon for 10 years. This was never their intent, and every single piece of information we know about the way the game was built points towards this.

It will be a heavily modified Destiny 1 engine. Which is just a heavily modified Halo Reach engine. Which is just a modified....

They can do all of this without having to build a new engine. Their development tools don't stop being iterated just because they released the game. They're not going to build a new engine, they will use the same engiNE with upgrades. I can almost 100 percent guarantee this.

Ok, forget about the engine talk. I got sidetracked there.

D2 /will/ be a separate game to D1, though. It's going to be a sequel, not an expansion. They'll rebuild the core of the game without the limitations they were tethered with last time.

Destiny 2 will be a very similar game to D1, but it's not going to be the exact same game. This isn't WoW, it was never designed to be added to that way.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Posting for new page.

Blind Raid Tonight 7PM EST.

I understand that the debate is tonight so this will mostly be a trial run for next week. We will stop at 9PM.

We need just one person. Requirements:

- Be Around Light Level 355 or above
- Not have done this raid before.

Quote and add your name please.

1) SlimySnake (PSN: TheNegativeDude)
2) _Dez (PSN: rcmdez)
3) MiamiWesker (PSN: dvader654)
4)Whoyouare (PSN: manicstreet)
5) Shiv47 (PSN shiv2099)


My group spent the last 3 days levelling up so we could clear the raid today, got up to aksis and two of the guys had to come off then the rest just felt lazy and said "alright let's call it a day". I pretty much want to finish it before reset so went on lfg to find a group and it seems "have emblem" is the new "must have gjallahorn". its weird because aksis is not even a complex/hard fight


I haven't been able to keep up with everything the last few days, so I'm not sure if this is common knowledge or not, but the Gunsmith packages drop 365+ rewards.

I picked up a 370 primary when I rolled him over on one of my alts this morning.

If you still have him edged on one of your toons, make sure you are max light before opening up your package.
I'm sure this is asked all the time, so I apologize---I haven't touched Destiny for eons it feels like. I played The Taken King a ton the first month or so, got up to 318 Light, and stopped cold turkey. Coming back in now, is there any reason to keep any of my equipment? Or is it all junk I can pretty much trash



Some of y'all are fucking crazy if you think Destiny 2 will not be a gigantic sales monster. It doesnt matter if it wipes the slate clean and it doesnt even gives us a "special emblem" for playing destiny 1. I have 2k hours in Destiny and im pressing that pre order button as soon as its up, i really dont care that my gjallahorn, my perfect pvp build, even my fully leveled bladedancer will stay behind. You are all fooling yourselves if you think any significant number of people that played Destiny seriously wont buy D2 because "oh god im losing my character".

I think the Sollution will be that Bungie will pull a mass effect 2. Where Bioware let you keep your character in appearance but everything changed from an abilities/perks perspective and so it was essentially a blank slate.

i wouldn't be too keen on having to level up the movement abilities of a class again. But otherwise a mostly fresh start sounds great

I'm sure this is asked all the time, so I apologize---I haven't touched Destiny for eons it feels like. I played The Taken King a ton the first month or so, got up to 318 Light, and stopped cold turkey. Coming back in now, is there any reason to keep any of my equipment? Or is it all junk I can pretty much trash

Some of the legendary gear you can infuse to higher light levels. So if you have a piece that you like you should keep it and just level it up to year 3 numbers


Posting for new page.

Blind Raid Tonight 7PM EST.

I understand that the debate is tonight so this will mostly be a trial run for next week. We will stop at 9PM.

We need just one person. Requirements:

- Be Around Light Level 355 or above
- Not have done this raid before.

Quote and add your name please.

1) SlimySnake (PSN: TheNegativeDude)
2) _Dez (PSN: rcmdez)
3) MiamiWesker (PSN: dvader654)
4)Whoyouare (PSN: manicstreet)
5) Shiv47 (PSN shiv2099)

Fuck, if I could get off work early enough, I would so be there. Catch you guys after the reset and hopefully I'll reach 360 tonight.


Big thanks to: Biggy, Manny, WeTa and Akai for the boss kill, that was good fun. Special thanks to Tyler for his great explanations and calm talks.
DeeJ has said a million times in his role playing mode that "Our little Guardians are going to be going on this 10 year journey with us."

Whether all of our gear will carry over remains to be seen, but we're definitely not going to have to start from scratch in the next game.


I think the Sollution will be that Bungie will pull a mass effect 2. Where Bioware let you keep your character in appearance but everything changed from an abilities/perks perspective and so it was essentially a blank slate.

i wouldn't be too keen on having to level up the movement abilities of a class again. But otherwise a mostly fresh start sounds great

If they took this route, I would be completely fine with it. Isn't this the same situation with our character at the start of Destiny minus designing them for the first time?

DeeJ has said a million times in his role playing mode that "Our little Guardians are going to be going on this 10 year journey with us."

Whether all of our gear will carry over remains to be seen, but we're definitely not going to have to start from scratch in the next game.

Maybe he means our Ghost?

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