Fig, what's "Storm Posse"? Totally caught me off guard, clan name hasn't changed for a whole year. RIP Ladies of Strong Back!
Haha, this is gonna be an interesting conversation.
Fig, what's "Storm Posse"? Totally caught me off guard, clan name hasn't changed for a whole year. RIP Ladies of Strong Back!
Long time no see Destiny Gaf.
With the new expansion coming out Sep 20, what should I be doing to get caught up and ready? My light level is ~315 I think, last I played I had a ~half complete set of HM raid gear on 3 chars.
If you haven't completed the year 2 triumphs and still want to, you'll have to start those before reset. One of the triumphs is to collect all 50 calcified fragments, and since t3 court of Oryx bosses rotate along with the raid challenge modes, this week is the last week that the current t3 boss and the current challenge mode will be available before RoI. The other notable triumph that has a time requirement is to get an exotic sword, which requires you to complete a part of the quest and wait until the next reset.
Otherwise, I can't think of much. Pick up whatever y2 vendor gear or trials gear you want to have, since everything is changing. Also, gear drops a lot more generously from pretty much everything, check out the Challenge of Elders and all of that stuff to get your light up to 330 pretty easily.
Thanks. I got the three exotic swords and I thought I had 50 calcified fragments already (you need 50 for touch of malice right?). Challenge of Elders is new to me though.
Fig, what's "Storm Posse"? Totally caught me off guard, clan name hasn't changed for a whole year. RIP Ladies of Strong Back!
Can't thank the awesome CrudeDiatribe enough for all the help he's given me the last couple weeks that I've relapsed into Destiny.
Tried titanfall 2 and battlefield 1. Meh experiences both of them. I guess i'll stick to destiny.
I'm game. Need to finish cards.Anyone for CoE?
I'm game. Need to finish cards.
Okay, lemme delete you from my friend list so I can accept this FR.FR sent.
Sending an FR, Eyeron80.
Golgoroth CM turned into a full run of King's Fall...good stuff, guys. Got the second to last fragment that I needed, and completed the raid set, which bumped up my legs with a 334. Got a pair of Sunbreakers, which were the #1 class exotic I was looking for (still want alchemist's raiment though), and maybe best of all a 335 artifact, so scratch that off the list. LL is now sitting pretty at 334. All in all, a great haul.
That was real dumb.
I was doing CoE solo earlier. I was at the last boss, with one or two more hits to go. I died.
I had to quit. I'll do the cards this weekend.
Can't thank the awesome CrudeDiatribe enough for all the help he's given me the last couple weeks that I've relapsed into Destiny. His guidance made sure our team absolutely smoked the Golgoroth challenge tonight. Now to challenge the king next week and best heroic KF!
Fig, what's "Storm Posse"? Totally caught me off guard, clan name hasn't changed for a whole year. RIP Ladies of Strong Back!
There is literally a whole clan of bubble titans. From the name to class, everything.
And they still got smacked.There is literally a whole clan of bubble titans. From the name to class, everything.
Three 334's.
This is retribution for the Gjallarhorn and Crux drop.
Still, legendary emote hype. Woo-hoo!
Edit: Anyone want to run CoE? Need to finish a card.
Golgoroth Challenge Mode - 9:30PM EST - PS4
1. Agent_of_Atlas
2. Mcarkus
3. Slimy Snake / TheNegativeDude
4. Rehsa
5. Aziloth
6. Shinogu126 (PSN)
I'm in orbit waiting for Agent to finish the sword strike. Everyone else about ready? My PSN is Moridhin
Cool.I'm down for a run.
Three 334's.
This is retribution for the Gjallarhorn and Crux drop.
Still, legendary emote hype. Woo-hoo!
Edit: Anyone want to run CoE? Need to finish a card.
Yeah, it was from NF. Got slow clap.So you can get a legendary emote from NF. I'd still like to get that as a drop one of these days. I wonder if you can get that from the weekly crucible bounty rewards.
Yeah, it was from NF. Got slow clap.
Class item from house of judgment rank-up, what a kick in the nuts.
Golgoroth CM turned into a full run of King's Fall...good stuff, guys. Got the second to last fragment that I needed, and completed the raid set, which bumped up my legs with a 334. Got a pair of Sunbreakers, which were the #1 class exotic I was looking for (still want alchemist's raiment though), and maybe best of all a 335 artifact, so scratch that off the list. LL is now sitting pretty at 334. All in all, a great haul.
What strategy did you use for the challenge?
Bridge strategy, as taught by Aziloth.
Bridge strategy, as taught by Aziloth.
Bridge strategy, as taught by Aziloth.
So DGAF, it is Labor Day weekend and we're going camping tonight through Sunday. I need the Golgoroth CM but will not be available till Monday. Will any of you that still need it want to wait and do it then? I also need a Hard Mode completion so maybe even a full raid? Let me know DGAF, and thanks in advance.
I have the checkpoint if you want it
Moments of Triumph left:
-Challenge Mode Calcified Fragments (Golgaroth, Oryx)
-King's Fall Raid Heroic
Meanwhile I still have exotic quest for No Time To Explain (Need the Eye of Atheon from VoG), and The Chaperone (on the Jolly Holiday portion of the quest) to complete.
So close...
Also I guess since I finished The Mountaintop now more crucible bounties are open to me now? What's the difference??