Got back in but I'm level 0 with 0 light level lol
Got back in but I'm level 0 with 0 light level lol
Got back in but I'm level 0 with 0 light level lol
Everything was lost...Got back in but I'm level 0 with 0 light level lol
LL0 Solo Flawless WOTM. Do it.Well time to commit suicide
Good while it lasted
Bungie owes me 6 Green Engram's I lost!
That was Weapon Parts and Armor Material!
Supremacy is so chaotic. Hard to win with randoms.
No common capture points or areas to work together as a team and everyone just runs their own way.....
So you can just turn in weeklies any day instead of waiting for last day for biggest buff?
61 crests..
lost by 2 at the end...
You'd want something like Braced Frame and CB with that archetype.
Bungie wants you to win 50% of the time.
Supremacy is easily my least favorite game type in Destiny and one of my least favorite game types in any FPS I've ever played. I hope to god Iron Banner being tied to this mode is not a permanent thing, because its fucking awful.
I'm getting really frustrated trying to boost my light level. I'm at 356 and have been running strikes to get it up, but I'm having to go through 3 different levels just to go up one light level. I want to do the raid, but I feel like I'm getting burnt out already.
Is there any other option to get me up to 365? Or do I have to keep grinding these strikes. It's kinda messed up, I'm not having fun anymore.
Yup, terrible. That and shotguns are ridiculous.
85% win rate.
Same. Doesn't seem like I'll be playing anymore tonight.Xbox logins still broken? Wife and I still can't get online, getting booted right after character select