supremacy is great. i can see why people who don't play pvp at a fast pace don't like it.
IB is forcing me to be ok with my PC, I'm nowhere near any of you in kills and skill but with my bracket of scrubs I'm doing alrightIf I show you guys some of the stuff I pulled off within the first 60 seconds of the game you'd all switch to shotguns.
It has nothing to do with the fast pace, it's just a clusterfuck.
I don't understand. I'm getting shotgun kills, but they don't count towards the primary bounty.
dumbass game.
Same. Doesn't seem like I'll be playing anymore tonight.
Same. Doesn't seem like I'll be playing anymore tonight.
RIP Deku
114 to 112. Kadeys team won against us randos but not by much.
I feel naked without my sniper.
Just having a little fun at Supremecy's expense.
Well we got my Warlock to 5 in IB and finished the weekly and got Thorn.
I haven't seen the Pulse Rifle or HMG even drop.
Just having a little fun at Supremecy's expense.
shotguns aren't primary though
Xbox logins still broken? Wife and I still can't get online, getting booted right after character select
Same. Doesn't seem like I'll be playing anymore tonight.
Getting stomped in Solo Queue
Getting stomped in Solo Queue
This has been true for every Iron Banner ever and I have no fucking idea why Bungie continues to allow it to happen. Unless I'm playing Trials I do not want to matchmake with other fireteams ever. Ever. If you tryhard with a fire team in regular Crucible then you should be matched against other tryhard teams, and if it takes forever to find a match then tough shit for you. UGH.
Hey guys, IB Supremacy -- am I doing it right?
part of the problem is that everyone thinks that you need to jump on an IB train for some reason. it's easy as hell to hit level 5 in IB, and wins don't even matter that much. i think this is also part of the reason why IB connections are always worse.
I was generally lucky, but consecutive joins into blatantly losing propositions needs to be addressed.Wins do matter, though.
It's how you get the last 2 ranks of rep since the bounties only really cover the first 3. And some people get fucked. I had basically a 10+ loss streak and it was super frustrating. And that is from someone who has super high tolerance for this shit.
Hit rank 5 today, is there a rank up buff for alts?
Wins do matter, though.
It's how you get the last 2 ranks of rep since the bounties only really cover the first 3. And some people get fucked. I had basically a 10+ loss streak and it was super frustrating. And that is from someone who has super high tolerance for this shit.
That gun needs stability to be useful.What's the god roll Unbent Tree ?
That gun needs stability to be useful.
Not sure if it rolling counterbalance and braced frame is a possibility on it but that would give you optimal stability.
I feel very similarly, id dare say you could probably just run one character and still have plenty to do all week.Hit rank 5 on second toon in about 2 hours. Up to 386 on my Titan and probably could push 386 on my Hunter as well. Done everything but the raids this week, will save those for Sunday. Not going to be much movement from here, have a staple of weapons at 386 or above to infuse into whatever I want.
Not too sure about keeping a third character going. I could insta level it to 385, but don't ever really enjoy playing as a Warlock. I did that up until TTK but the amount of activities to do now is almost too much to keep up with 3 classes.
PB and CB together might be enough actually.Gotcha; I've gotten 2 with perfect and counter, no braced yet.
3 wins in a row; 3-0 since I switched to Palindrome, all top 3 finishes. Not even mad.