Who wants to do some Archon Forge in order to do the Outbreak Prime quests.
I'm a Hunter
I would, but mine is also a Hunter.
Who wants to do some Archon Forge in order to do the Outbreak Prime quests.
I'm a Hunter
Who wants to do some Archon Forge in order to do the Outbreak Prime quests.
I'm a Hunter
I would, but mine is also a Hunter.
I'm a Titan, hit me up if you need someone for the engine puzzle later since that one cant just be done with a "random" character but needs a fireteam full of people who've used monitors
Just had my worst IB match of the entire week. BUT I GOT A NEW GHOST!
Y2 (came with the April update). I quite like it, although the zoom is too high.Got this yesterday, is it a Year 2 or 3 Exotic?
fucking wrecks in PVE but is pussified in PVP
Finished my last two IB bounties.
Two fusion rifles.
Bungie plz.
Need a Warlock to do the OP Quest for the Engine portion... anyone?
PSN: ShadowKayos
GraveRobberX requesting help with Outbreak Prime Quest please
Now hear me out
I want to get all 3 of my characters up to the Raid part
Can 2 people help me with my characters and reach just up to that step on all 3 characters
Should take less than a hour due to all 3 chars have completed some parts of Step 1
Just want to have them up to the Raid part, that I can knock out next week
So anyone available to help me out?
GraveRobberX requesting help with Outbreak Prime Quest please
Now hear me out
I want to get all 3 of my characters up to the Raid part
Can 2 people help me with my characters and reach just up to that step on all 3 characters
Should take less than a hour due to all 3 chars have completed some parts of Step 1
Just want to have them up to the Raid part, that I can knock out next week
So anyone available to help me out?
Well since there are people who want Outbreak Prime quest help, I need to do the raid again or kill the first raid boss 3 times and afterwards enter the code. I'm a warlock. Let me know if anyone else is up for it.
I'll be on later. I can help. I have a Titan that needs to do the whole thing and a Hunter that is up to the first math puzzle I think unless I mixed them up. I already did the whole thing on my warlock.
Well since there are people who want Outbreak Prime quest help, I need to do the raid again or kill the first raid boss 3 times and afterwards enter the code. I'm a warlock. Let me know if anyone else is up for it.
Can you help kayos and me? We need a warlock to enter the code at step 3. SmileyFM on PSN
Can I help if I already did that part? I don't mind, but I'm not sure if I can.
Yup, you can just pick up the engine from Shiro
Starting a fresh WotM, doing all monitors:
1. Dr_Boris_Goltz
2. TKRunningRiot
3. Gunstar77
My PSN is same as my username.
I have a checkpoint at Aksis Phase 2, with every monitor activated. I would like to finish this raid. PS4.
1. AuthenticM
Did you leave the raid? Monitors are deactivated once people leave, you cant load back into a checkpoint with monitors
Starting a fresh WotM, doing all monitors:
1. Dr_Boris_Goltz
2. TKRunningRiot
3. Gunstar77
My PSN is same as my username.
You still got room for 3?
Sorry just 2 now.
1. Dr_Boris_Goltz
2. TKRunningRiot
3. Gunstar77
4. AuthenticM
Finishing some stuff up. Got room for me?
Yessir. We're doing banner while we wait if you want to join up.
1. Dr_Boris_Goltz
2. TKRunningRiot
3. Gunstar77
4. AuthenticM
5. kayos90
I never finished phase 2 on my Titan. I am game.
PSN Khorgano
Anyone on ps4 looking to start step 2 of the raid exotic quest in about an hour? I need a Titan and warlock if anyone needs it.
So apparently the raid gauntlets heavy ammo perk works on anything considered fallen...
Yay, second raid clear, with monitors this time. Such a fun raid. Thanks for the help folks, especially JJShadow for setting us up with the monitors.
What is step 2 again? Nightfall, crucible, etc?
If so, titan here. PSN: Nicodemic
IB train forming soon? I need a rideIf you still need help Grave. Otherwise, PVP.