Glad you got something out of it!Thanks to you both. I didn't get anything to bump my peak light level, but I advanced three pieces of gear so at least I can be 354 with a wider assortment. Dat horizontal progression.
Would anyone be interested in running VoG, CE and/or KF in the late afternoon/evening (EU time)?
Lol, I'm so happy they killed elementary primaries lolnope
If you beat the raid again the week after the completing the raid quest you'll get a token to skip the jumping puzzle (I think that's the conditions). I don't know why everything in this game is so bouncy, it's not very enjoyable or precise.
Nemesis star is mine, 'o happy day!
That sounds like a lot of fun, sign me up!
The Isenfyre Token only launches you to the tower that has a SIVA cluster. You have to climb the mountain to get the other SIVA cluster.
For all three?
The Titan set is pretty ugly.
Sweet merciful Jesus Bungie please give us ANY vendor that will take spinmetal
I've been waiting for Dead Orbit to accept it, but it seems like it's never going to happen. Do the other two factions take it?
I love the arms and legs. The chest is okay. Still haven't gotten the helmet or mark so I have no opinion yet.Just finished Raid and got no weapons. Did finally get Helmet and Arms though. Set complete.
The Titan set is pretty ugly.
I finally got the Thorn exotic quest today. Boy do I not look forward to getting void kills in the Crucible with a Titan.
I kinda soloed my way to the Nightfall boss, without a plan to kill it. Don't suppose any kind souls would be willing to jump in and lend a hand?
Dead Orbit was taking spinmetal either the first or second week of RoI, pretty sure. I dumped quite a bit into them.
It was the week before RoI that Dead Orbit took spinmetal.
I currently have 5, I've had 9 total. You should have said, I'd have taunted you about it.
(It's really fun in PvP, pumping that initial burst = almost instant kill)
Sure thing!
The arms look good with other gear, but the complete set looks atrocious. Especially the "Dong Mark".
Awesome. I'm gonna create separate lists, in case anyone would rather just run one or two of them.
Vault of Glass - late afternoon/evening (EU time)
1. Ambitious
2. Zakalwe
Crota's End - late afternoon/evening (EU time)
1. Ambitious
2. Zakalwe
King's Fall - late afternoon/evening (EU time)
1. Ambitious
2. Zakalwe
Lol, I'm so happy they killed elementary primaries lolnope
Awesome. I'm gonna create separate lists, in case anyone would rather just run one or two of them.
Vault of Glass - late afternoon/evening (EU time)
1. Ambitious
2. Zakalwe
Crota's End - late afternoon/evening (EU time)
1. Ambitious
2. Zakalwe
King's Fall - late afternoon/evening (EU time)
1. Ambitious
2. Zakalwe
When they killed elemental primaries, they also made it so that you could legitimately drop shields with a kinetic weapon. I don't know if you remember what it was like shooting Wizards and Captains in Y1, but let's just say that that those primaries were pretty much required in endgame. I had to go farm Found Verdict to be able to reliably kill captains at Skolas.
It was a good thing when they removed them. It makes PvE much more balanced when you don't have to tune with the assumption that people have elemental primaries.
Vault space is next to none. Have to dismantle exotics I don't use. Something something we don't have to worry about vault space anymore.
Skeleton keys, lads,
where do I find them?
who do I have to kill?
I'll go, all 3. I might have a couple of friends interested but I need to confirm.
May I join as well. Never done the old raids but if you want more experienced players I understand.
Psn: Talos_AI
This, since they max at 340, u want to decrypt them on your main. If you move them to your alt, they will decrypt at that lower level.decrypt them on your main so that they decode at 340 - then pass them onto your alts and use them as infusion fuel
The simple solution would be to make kinetic weapons more useful while keeping elemental primaries. Also, Found Verdict ain't a primaryWhen they killed elemental primaries, they also made it so that you could legitimately drop shields with a kinetic weapon. I don't know if you remember what it was like shooting Wizards and Captains in Y1, but let's just say that that those primaries were pretty much required in endgame. I had to go farm Found Verdict to be able to reliably kill captains at Skolas.
It was a good thing when they removed them. It makes PvE much more balanced when you don't have to tune with the assumption that people have elemental primaries.
decrypt them on your main so that they decode at 340 - then pass them onto your alts and use them as infusion fuel
This, since they max at 340, u want to decrypt them on your main. If you move them to your alt, they will decrypt at that lower level.
Cool. Looks like everyone's down for all three raids, so I might as well merge the lists.
VoG + CE + KF - late afternoon/evening (EU time)
1. Ambitious
2. Zakalwe
3. Silvard
4. xuchu
The simple solution would be to make kinetic weapons more useful while keeping elemental primaries. Also, Found Verdict ain't a primary
Now, anything with burns is a pain in the ass. At least before, you could go through them fairly easy, but now you really can't except for Zhalo and arc burn.
And besides, elemental primaries came from the major endgame content, like raids, trials, etc. it would make sense that you can only get the best weapons from that stuff. That's the whole point of those being called the endgame.
Except the weapons from, let's use VoG as a perfect example, weren't used for the burns, but for how good they were. People used Fatebringer because of its perks and how smooth it was. People used VoC because it literally didn't move when you shot it. The weapons were good because they were good, not because they had burns on them. Those guns were just simply better than all the others, the burns had very little to do with that.The FV comment was about how ridiculous Captains were to kill. I completely agree that endgame weapons should be very good(which is hit or miss in Y2/Y3), but that doesn't mean a burn is the solution. Also, they added Small Arms/Specialist to Heroic/NF where they weren't in before and I would argue clear speeds are on par or quicker than before.
Except the weapons from, let's use VoG as a perfect example, weren't used for the burns, but for how good they were. People used Fatebringer because of its perks and how smooth it was. People used VoC because it literally didn't move when you shot it. The weapons were good because they were good, not because they had burns on them. Those guns were just simply better than all the others, the burns had very little to do with that.
There was nothing negative about the burns and it gave the endgame weapons that uniqueness that they should have.
Like I said earlier, the simple solution is to just nerf the shields or buff kinetic weapons. The best elemental weapons weren't used for their burn, like Fatebringer, VoC, or Mythoclast. Hell, the only elemental primary currently available, Zhalo, I forget that thing even has arc on it sometimes because it's just a plain good gun, I don't care about the element.You basically needed a burn weapon to take down anything with Shields. Atheon's Epilogue saw a lot of use. So did Oversoul Edict and the CE Auto along with Word of Crota. All were wholly average guns that were only good because of burns. The elements weren't the defining feature but they were still a big part of the problem.
There was a negative about the burns. Enemies' shields were huge because of them and forced you to element match and it made kinetic weapons useless in most content that had shielded enemies.
No no. nightfalls are worse with burns because even foot soldiers could one shot you with a rifle. pretty much every enemy has a burn rifle so certain nightfalls like the saber strike's first encounter were impossible if you didnt have a bubble titan.