Retro Raid - VoG, CE, KF
Streaming all three runs for funs.
Better late than never, right?
We still have a free spot, by the way.
Retro Raid - VoG, CE, KF
Streaming all three runs for funs.
Better late than never, right?
if your on PS4 send me an invite and ill try with you. Missed out when it first was doable.
PSN Squadon
LL 362 Warlock
I just need the strike for dark drinker as well. But I won't be free till after 8PM PST.
Is this Thorn quest worth doing? I read that Thorn was nerfed into oblivion, or something to that effect.
It's a known issue. There's tons of them. Grimoire bugging out per character, cards not popping at all (Khovostov Pg. 90, Lady Efrideet, Abomination Heist), emblems not showing up (like the 8 artifact one), emblems being delivered but not showing in the kiosk (IB/Trials). That, coupled with the garbage Fromsoft-tier framerate in the Raid is perhaps the biggest disappointment I've got with this expansion.So.. I activated all 8 artifacts and got the book prompt, but I didn't get the trophy. Am I missing something, or did that stuff just bug out on me?
Known bug. Didn't get the achievement on Xbox either, but got the emblem.So.. I activated all 8 artifacts and got the book prompt, but I didn't get the trophy. Am I missing something, or did that stuff just bug out on me?
So.. I activated all 8 artifacts and got the book prompt, but I didn't get the trophy. Am I missing something, or did that stuff just bug out on me?
For sure, I'll be on tonight. Gotta get this quest over withI think I'm at that stage too..I'll have to check when I'm at home. Hit me up if you want to do this - I should be on your FL (PSN = Kinezo)
I solo'd this for the first time yesterday - with a bit of jumping finesse you can make it to the top left ledge above where the portal is. From there you can safely pick the boss off (though beware of splash damage).
I couldn't successfully do the jumping properly on a Warlock but was able to do it on my Hunter. Will try with my Titan today.
It's a known issue. There's tons of them.
Known bug. Didn't get the achievement on Xbox either, but got the emblem.
Some people got both, some unlocked the trophy/achievement but didn't get the emblem, and some got nothing at all lol
Its a known bug, not sure what Bungie is gonna do to fix it.
Can buying engrams from Rahool progress your light level? So far I've bought six legendary engrams and all were at or below my light level for their respective slots. I'm not sure what else to do with my marks.
Is this Thorn quest worth doing? I read that Thorn was nerfed into oblivion, or something to that effect.
So.. I activated all 8 artifacts and got the book prompt, but I didn't get the trophy. Am I missing something, or did that stuff just bug out on me?
Not quite into oblivion. It's not the objective best primary in the game like it was for a long time. But it's still got way higher impact than Hand Cannons in its rate of fire class do. It's still got DoT (now it's reasonable though), still has good range and Final Round and good sights.
If you PvP a lot, Palindrome is arguably a more reliable choice but Thorn is definitely still viable.
How does one even activate the Thorn quest?
Aww no trophy for you
Why do I get the feeling you're not at all sorry for me?![]()
Apparently there's a new classic Bungie ARG mystery thing being worked out, just within the past hour, over on Reddit. One of the devs mentioned on stream earlier that there's a code hidden in Last Exit that nobody has found yet. Immediately, people went looking and discovered two things:
1. The subway marquee has a repeating series of characters on it. (as seen here: There are spaces in the sequence. Using each of the spaces as a new line, it reads:
...early speculation is that it's a simple character swap code, like if you spelled the word "banana" by adding a letter alphabetically, thus "cbobob", to use a simple example, or "nsmsms"... one key to the right on a standard keyboard, to use another.
The fact that there are non-letter characters is fueling speculation that it's of the keyboard position variety.
2. The other thing people found is that in the subway cars, there are panels where advertisements normally are, and they flash different colors when you jump nearby.
So what does it mean? Do the two things work together somehow? We'll see!
How do I deal with being overwhelmed in PvP? I mean the flashy screens, the blinks, the grenades, the one-shot kill, the loud sounds... It's all just too overwhelming. I play Overwatch all the time and I don't experience any of that, it's only a Destiny thing for me and I've been playing this game since TDB came out. Anyone experience the same thing?
What about this crazy hive smoke with runes in it that everyone on reddit is going crazy about right now?
I've noticed that smoke when I played that strike, I didn't really think anything of it and I doubt there's any significant meaning behind it but you never know.What about this crazy hive smoke with runes in it that everyone on reddit is going crazy about right now?
Someone found the secret Hive vape lounge.
What about this crazy hive smoke with runes in it that everyone on reddit is going crazy about right now?
What about this crazy hive smoke with runes in it that everyone on reddit is going crazy about right now?
How do I deal with being overwhelmed in PvP? I mean the flashy screens, the blinks, the grenades, the one-shot kill, the loud sounds... It's all just too overwhelming. I play Overwatch all the time and I don't experience any of that, it's only a Destiny thing for me and I've been playing this game since TDB came out. Anyone experience the same thing?
What about this crazy hive smoke with runes in it that everyone on reddit is going crazy about right now?
Any raids starting soon that need one more?
I could use a third run.
I can get on one as well!I could use a third run.
I can get on one as well!
Yeah, I'm down.That's 3
Need three more. Any takers for a super fast run?
Psn?Yeah, I'm down.
Well there's a bounty that gives Helium.....for running around the moon.Is running around on the moon for an eternity the only way to get helium?
Is running around on the moon for an eternity the only way to get helium?
Is running around on the moon for an eternity the only way to get helium?
nope - the Vanguard vendor in the Tower hangar sells it for marks.
Same as GAF. Hunter is loaded in orbit.Psn?
Need two more for quick raid run.
Need two more for quick raid run.