Yeah post game reward. I was stunned.Did this just drop from regular crucible?
Definitely interested in this if your backs are up for the carry. Haven't raided yet but I'm 375-380 on all 3 chars. Probably won't be looking to run until Sunday so if the train has come to a halt by then, no worries at all. PSN is Thrillho.
Haven't had a chance to do the raid at all so this would be swell.
I'd certainly be interested. Need the monitors.
Cool! I'd be very interested. PSN is downbluff.
TFW you get cockblocked by physics, so close yet so far.
We got two done today. I'll send you guys a message on PSN so we can keep track of who still needs it. It's easier if we run 2 people through at a time, so it'll probably 2 separate runs.
Anyone needs a trials carry?
Finally got my third flawless (FOUR HOURS), going to help out now.
HMU with your PSN ID.
Sent an fr if you're still around.Would ask for a train but it seems everybody is playing trials.
Great job you guys! Aksis phase 2 on first try, like a well oiled machine!
Nightfall anyone?
Indeed! Thank you all for the smooth run and the explanations throughout the raid. I really appreciated the relaxed atmosphere
If you still have spots left I'm up for it.
Anyone needs a trials carry?
Finally got my third flawless (FOUR HOURS), going to help out now.
HMU with your PSN ID.
I'll joinYeah there's room. Need one more.
Got this today, never had a roll like this before. Good lord.
Seeing as Hard Mode raid is set to release at the next weekly reset, me and some of my buddies are looking to carry folks who haven't had the opportunity through the entire raid, monitors for the Outbreak Prime quest included. Not sure how much interest there will be, but we are willing to keep helping out as long as there are peeps who need it over the course of the weekend.
Experience/Light Levels are NOT required. I'll make sure to explain every encounter as thoroughly as possible so you can come out of the raid ready to help others.
If you're interested, feel free to quote me on here or send a message to cloud945076 on PSN.
Also, why don't they let us do anything useful with legendary marks? I'm always at the cap, so it makes no sense doing any activities which reward legendary marks. A simple thing, like being able to purchase a radiant box (or some silver dust, even) for 150-200 marks would go a long way to keep me invested in playing.
Turn 125 legendary marks into 3 at the cryptarch chasing a god roll!You can always use them to buy materials like spirit bloom etc. to donate for faction rep & chase god rolls.
Morning DGaf! I would like to gather a group to do a newbie WotM raid this weekend, with me and another 1-2 experienced GAFers as sherpas if possible. We will be getting all chests, siva fragments and monitors if required. All light levels above 355 are welcome to come, only things you have to bring is patience and be in the mood for a chill run and some good laughs!
We´ll be doing it Sunday 16th September at 18:30 BST (UK time). My game time is limited to approximately 3 hours, so let´s see how far we manage to get. To join, just quote this message indicating you´re interested.
I´ll save 1-2 spots for another sherpas willing to help us, and 3-4 for first-timers. In case you want to get familiar with the raid mechanics beforehand, I strongly recommend you watch this videoguide:
And in case you´re also interested in getting the monitors for the Outbreak Prime quest, this two guides can give you some details about how to get all the monitors, including the 4th one (the trickiest one)
So, to sum up:
Newbies WotM run - Sunday 16th 18:30 BST (UK time) - PS4
1. JJShadow77 (Sherpa)
2. (Sherpa)
3. (Sherpa/Newbie)
4. (Newbie)
5. (Newbie)
6. (Newbie)
I´ll repost this throughout the day
Morning DGaf! I would like to gather a group to do a newbie WotM raid this weekend, with me and another 1-2 experienced GAFers as sherpas if possible. We will be getting all chests, siva fragments and monitors if required. All light levels above 355 are welcome to come, only things you have to bring is patience and be in the mood for a chill run and some good laughs!
We´ll be doing it Sunday 16th September at 18:30 BST (UK time). My game time is limited to approximately 3 hours, so let´s see how far we manage to get. To join, just quote this message indicating you´re interested.
I´ll save 1-2 spots for another sherpas willing to help us, and 3-4 for first-timers. In case you want to get familiar with the raid mechanics beforehand, I strongly recommend you watch this videoguide:
And in case you´re also interested in getting the monitors for the Outbreak Prime quest, this two guides can give you some details about how to get all the monitors, including the 4th one (the trickiest one)
So, to sum up:
Newbies WotM run - Sunday 16th 18:30 BST (UK time) - PS4
1. JJShadow77 (Sherpa)
2. (Sherpa)
3. (Sherpa/Newbie)
4. (Newbie)
5. (Newbie)
6. (Newbie)
I´ll repost this throughout the day
Any Hunter and Warlock looking to do the Prime quest?
I haven't run the raid yet so I would like to put my name down for this. PSN is voa127Morning DGaf! I would like to gather a group to do a newbie WotM raid this weekend, with me and another 1-2 experienced GAFers as sherpas if possible. We will be getting all chests, siva fragments and monitors if required. All light levels above 355 are welcome to come, only things you have to bring is patience and be in the mood for a chill run and some good laughs!
We´ll be doing it Sunday 16th September at 18:30 BST (UK time). My game time is limited to approximately 3 hours, so let´s see how far we manage to get. To join, just quote this message indicating you´re interested.
I´ll save 1-2 spots for another sherpas willing to help us, and 3-4 for first-timers. In case you want to get familiar with the raid mechanics beforehand, I strongly recommend you watch this videoguide:
And in case you´re also interested in getting the monitors for the Outbreak Prime quest, this two guides can give you some details about how to get all the monitors, including the 4th one (the trickiest one)
So, to sum up:
Newbies WotM run - Sunday 16th 18:30 BST (UK time) - PS4
1. JJShadow77 (Sherpa)
2. (Sherpa)
3. (Sherpa/Newbie)
4. (Newbie)
5. (Newbie)
6. (Newbie)
I´ll repost this throughout the day
I have both that can do it
Any Hunter and Warlock looking to do the Prime quest?
Xboxeners - I have an Aksis phase 2 checkpoint and I would love to seal the deal, since I haven't finished the raid at all yet. I'm 370LL now, hoping my light and a new crew can help me past the finish line. Any takers?
I can start around 11am Eastern (in about 3 hours).
WotM: Aksis phase 2 on Xbox
1. Clunker (GT: Holden Cawffle)
2. HippoAvenger
Post or PM me if you're down! If we finish quick, maybe start another run on new chars?
Anyone needs a trials carry?
Finally got my third flawless (FOUR HOURS), going to help out now.
HMU with your PSN ID.
Morning DGaf! I would like to gather a group to do a newbie WotM raid this weekend, with me and another 1-2 experienced GAFers as sherpas if possible. We will be getting all chests, siva fragments and monitors if required. All light levels above 355 are welcome to come, only things you have to bring is patience and be in the mood for a chill run and some good laughs!
We´ll be doing it Sunday 16th September at 18:30 BST (UK time). My game time is limited to approximately 3 hours, so let´s see how far we manage to get. To join, just quote this message indicating you´re interested.
I´ll save 1-2 spots for another sherpas willing to help us, and 3-4 for first-timers. In case you want to get familiar with the raid mechanics beforehand, I strongly recommend you watch this videoguide:
And in case you´re also interested in getting the monitors for the Outbreak Prime quest, this two guides can give you some details about how to get all the monitors, including the 4th one (the trickiest one)
So, to sum up:
Newbies WotM run - Sunday 16th 18:30 BST (UK time) - PS4
1. JJShadow77 (Sherpa)
2. Zakalwe (astropoff) (Sherpa)
3. (Sherpa/Newbie)
4. (Newbie)
5. (Newbie)
6. (Newbie)
I´ll repost this throughout the day
Thanks, man.Happy to help, just message me (gt HippoAvenger) when you're ready!
Me. I've never done Trials of Osiris before. I want that Moment of Triumph.
Anyone down for a Nightfall?
I am down JJShadow
Edit: iStrangePixel
Role: new to raid
This time frame works for me so I'd like to join as a newbie. PSN: Gigly
I'm down. Haven't run the raid yet.
I haven't run the raid yet so I would like to put my name down for this. PSN is voa127
I'm down to help JJ. Sherpa role.
Any noob friendly raids forming on PS4 this morning? I'm only familiar with the opening encounter. Hunter @ 370
Any noob friendly raids forming on PS4 this morning? I'm only familiar with the opening encounter. Hunter @ 370
Me too. 369 Warlock, first time.
PSN AdamKoy
Would anyone be up for walking my wife and I through the raid for our first time? We wanted to sort of explore it ourselves, but I don't see that happening in the near future, and with hardmode the odds of us getting left behind is going to sky rocket unless we get in there.
We're available all day today, pretty much.