So Im at 397 overall. decrypted 2 exotics today and both came out at 397. I thought itt was always at least 1 higher?
Nope. You could be 399 and get mostly 399s.
That's how it is once you get close to 400.
So Im at 397 overall. decrypted 2 exotics today and both came out at 397. I thought itt was always at least 1 higher?
That's the thing, their unique abilities are so nerfed now that they don't even matter. I love my Chaperone, I used to win 1v1 battles against Universal Remote in Y2 but now I'm getting killed all the time by Matadors at the same range I used to kill UR users. The Ill Will hand cannon is much better that The First Curse if you get one with rifled barrel. Palindrome and Eyasluna are better than Hawkmoon. Every other HC is better than Thorn now. Why would I equip an exotic pulse rifle if I have a Hawksaw, PDX-45, Grasp, Clever Dragon? How many times have I killed someone with a ricochet round from Hard Light? What about the joke it is now the Focus Fire perk from Suros Regime, I actually do less DPS in a meta where DPS is all about. Full Auto Invective is a waste because my first shot never kills a Matador user from range. The long range kills I can do with my Saladins Vigil put Telesto and Plan C to shame
I think that the only exotic guns that are worth using now are the Scout Rifles, but they only really shine in larger maps. There's really no point in using Exotics now, they have become guns with very situational perks where once in a blue moon during a match that perk will be the difference between winning or losing the duel but the rest of the time it will be outclassed by a legendary counterpart.
With artifacts that give exotic perks they eliminated half the exotic armor ones too
RIP Exotics
not really still just gives people more opportunities for synergy with their loadouts.
I didn't know public events gave out exotic shards.
This is the first tuesday in forever I have off, so I want to do some reset raiding tomorrow.
If anybody has a spot open let me know, otherwise I'll make a list before reset![]()
Maaaan. I was farming materials for the Dark Drinker quest and tried out some new exotics (which weren't leveled). At the cryptarch I get an exotic helmet from a purple engram, the only item still below my current light level of 397!
....but I forgot to swap my leveled weapons back in so it decrypted at 394.... Sigh... playing when tired leads to mistakes
I really wish Bungie implemented a system where they would just remember the highest item level ever equipped on a character and take that number to base future drops on instead of currently equipped light level. Would save all the swapping around in crucible also.
This is the first tuesday in forever I have off, so I want to do some reset raiding tomorrow.
If anybody has a spot open let me know, otherwise I'll make a list before reset![]()
I'd be down for this if you're still looking.Looking for 2 for casual trials for bounties and if we're lucky the 5 wins emblem.
PSN: Nicodemic
I'd be down for this if you're still looking.
Does gaf have a clan on X1 I could join??
There is technically one but it doesn't get any use. We generally use Discord to find each other.
I think they were just surprised you were using a shotgun...Good games everyone.
Anyone want to do NF before reset? Join on me.
PSN jen867530nine
Edit: Have one can still use one more. joinnnn
Edit 2: We're at the boss if anyone wants in
Wotm hm starting around reset, i can run x3.
1. me
2. grave?
3. ambitious
You guys still available?
Okay, need at least 3 more. Then we can startI'm here
Let's go!Wotm hm starting around reset, i can run x3.
Okay, need 3 more. Then we can start
Let's go!
1. me
2. grave
3. ambitious
4. zonysux
Okay, need at least 3 more. Then we can start
I can join.
Wotm hm starting around reset, i can run x3.
1. me
2. grave
3. ambitious
You guys still available?
That is 6 i think.
Running hard mode with a first timer is not ideal, we would wipe left and right lol. And i don't know if ambitious is online.
Edit: he's here, so we need 1 more.
Inthink you meant the other guy. I've ran this raid multiple times.