Looking to start up a HM WotM with CM in about 30 mins, need 4, preferably experienced with the raid but not necessarily CM.
1. me
2. Harlan
3. d-psipher
I'm in.
Originally Posted by deafmedal
Looking to start up a HM WotM with CM in about 30 mins, need 4, preferably experienced with the raid but not necessarily CM.
1. me
2. Harlan
3. d-psipher
4. wild_whiskey
Looking to start up a HM WotM with CM in about 30 mins, need 4, preferably experienced with the raid but not necessarily CM.
1. me
2. Harlan
Looking to start up a HM WotM with CM in about 30 mins, need 4, preferably experienced with the raid but not necessarily CM.
1. me
2. Harlan
I'm in. PSN is Vincentgrey
ok! logging on now, will send invitesI can join.
PSN: Talos_AI
Aksis phase 1 and 2 anyone?
Well there's 2I'll go.
I have a 395 Titan I can bring, but I haven't done Aksis on hard. I know the differences, but if you want someone experienced it's no big deal. I'll be ready in about 30 mins as well.Well there's 2
Macello will be ready in about a half an hour
Well there's 2
Macello will be ready in about a half an hour
You should be fineI have a 395 Titan I can bring, but I haven't done Aksis on hard. I know the differences, but if you want someone experienced it's no big deal. I'll be ready in about 30 mins as well.
You should be fine
Edit still need 2 for hm
Well looks like I'm giving up
Alright aksis part 1 and 2 right now. Who wants to help?
East fragments guys.
Alright aksis part 1 and 2 right now. Who wants to help?
East fragments guys.
Alright aksis part 1 and 2 right now. Who wants to help?
East fragments guys.
i'm in if you still need somone
PSN: goldenmegazx
Let me check if macello will play. If he doesnt you get the spot.
Any HM raids going on?
Any Fresh HM raids on PS4?
is there a titan who has the Outbreak Prime available to help me help a friend complete the final phase of the quest?
PSN rasengan1337
How's the raid pulse rifle?
sorry for leaving guys...something unexpected and important came up, hopefully this doesn't affect my "Destiny cred"
Are you using the strange coins to buy 3oC from Xur?Three out of my last four nightfall rewards have been strange coins. Fucking ridiculous when my options for levelling beyond 390 are so restricted anyway.
It wouldn't be so bad if Xur regularly sold Y3 engrams but he doesn't even do that. I must be pushing close to 600 strange coins in my inventory now, not even exaggerating.
Three out of my last four nightfall rewards have been strange coins. Fucking ridiculous when my options for levelling beyond 390 are so restricted anyway.
It wouldn't be so bad if Xur regularly sold Y3 engrams but he doesn't even do that. I must be pushing close to 600 strange coins in my inventory now, not even exaggerating.
Three out of my last four nightfall rewards have been strange coins. Fucking ridiculous when my options for levelling beyond 390 are so restricted anyway.
It wouldn't be so bad if Xur regularly sold Y3 engrams but he doesn't even do that. I must be pushing close to 600 strange coins in my inventory now, not even exaggerating.
Are you using the strange coins to buy 3oC from Xur?
I don't get it. 3oC or strange coins are the best nightfall loot.
Is there any other way to get +390 gear in PVE than using ToC and Skeleton Keys? If not, it seems like they're once again favoring the PVP side with its events.
Apart from the raid, no. You can get uncapped class items (I think?) from Archon's Forge.
I forgot the Forge. Does that apply only to Heroic Raid?
I wish they'd offer more ways to get +390 gear for the PVE players. We did CoE yesterday, and it was disappointing that it gives only 385 gear from maxing the scorecard. It's starting to look like there isn't much to play at this point. I enjoy playing patrols the most, followed by the occasional heroic story missions and strikes, but due to the limited rewards there's little benefit in doing them, unless there's an ultra that might give you an exotic. Not to mention, that there are no PVE events that give you +390 gear.
I want to reach 390 before I jump into WoTM, now its 388 . is there any way to level it up ( please dont say PvP cuz I hate it )
Why not do the raid then?