voksis challenge mode Only (who has the CP?)
Friend of Glam
2 more!
Im good. F0X-AIV3E
voksis challenge mode Only (who has the CP?)
Friend of Glam
2 more!
Man, 2 more bosses in a raid is an INSANE amount of work for Bungie. Designing a GOOD encounter and make it fit in the raid is crazy hard. The raid is fine as is imo, Aksis phase 2 is the best boss this game has bar maybe Skolas back in the day anyway. Besides 2 more bosses would make the raid drag forever.
KF may be a more "complete experience" first time around but in terms of replayability it loses to WoTM 10 times to 1.
HM WotM soonish?
I forgot the Forge. Does that apply only to Heroic Raid?
I wish they'd offer more ways to get +390 gear for the PVE players. We did CoE yesterday, and it was disappointing that it gives only 385 gear from maxing the scorecard. It's starting to look like there isn't much to play at this point. I enjoy playing patrols the most, followed by the occasional heroic story missions and strikes, but due to the limited rewards there's little benefit in doing them, unless there's an ultra that might give you an exotic. Not to mention, that there are no PVE events that give you +390 gear.
HM WotM soonish?
Yeah, it's frustrating. Nearly the entire loot stream of any PvE activity is rendered useless. The heroic strikes should go to 400; it's ridiculous that regular Crucible matches drop gear up to 400 and the heroic strikes are capped at 385. At the very least skeleton keys should drop a lot more often.
Yeah, it's frustrating. Nearly the entire loot stream of any PvE activity is rendered useless. The heroic strikes should go to 400; it's ridiculous that regular Crucible matches drop gear up to 400 and the heroic strikes are capped at 385. At the very least skeleton keys should drop a lot more often.
Yeah would mainly be playing for fun as well, although I guess I could scrape a cple more drops out of CM. So, 3 of us, just need 3 more.If you need one more I'm happy to tag along. Just for key fragments and because I like running WotM![]()
Well, i am not sure if I agree that Heroic Strikes should drop gear above 385. You can finish them in like 7-10 minutes and they are super easy. Crucible games last around 10 minutes, are extremely challenging and usually drop stuff every 4-5 games.
How are they challenging? The loot drops randomly so there is no reward based challenge.
The Heroic Strike playlist should also drop rewards in the same fashion based on current LL.
With the right difficulty modifiers the Heroic Strike playlist can be somewhat of a challenge. Crucible for the most part seems like a casual experience through and through and matches generally go super quick as well.
The skeleton keys are your reward. its better than dropping shit you dont need on the post match screen. you can take your skeleton key and open a chest with whatever is holding you back. plus, they can drop bonus artifacts and ghosts.
I meant challenging in the sense that you get your ass handed to you and its not a pleasant relaxing experience like heroic strikes. It's much easier to grind out strikes than grinding out PvP rounds even if the drops are random.
Free loot. At the boss now.One more for NF
join on jayforone or Mindlog
Yeah, it's frustrating. Nearly the entire loot stream of any PvE activity is rendered useless. The heroic strikes should go to 400; it's ridiculous that regular Crucible matches drop gear up to 400 and the heroic strikes are capped at 385. At the very least skeleton keys should drop a lot more often.
CM done.
Man... that was a lot of work.
Wasn't CM supposed to be a guaranteed 400 drop?
Only got 395 gear.
CM done.
Man... that was a lot of work.
Wasn't CM supposed to be a guaranteed 400 drop?
Only got 395 gear.
There's an entire page in my vault with just SRL armor. For giggles. No Dpulicates.Yeah, it's frustrating. Nearly the entire loot stream of any PvE activity is rendered useless. The heroic strikes should go to 400; it's ridiculous that regular Crucible matches drop gear up to 400 and the heroic strikes are capped at 385. At the very least skeleton keys should drop a lot more often.
There's an entire page in my vault with just SRL armor. For giggles. No Dpulicates.
I stare at the page and wonder, 'What's the point.'
SRL armor is completely useless since it can't be infused and loot drops at your LL. Was it the same way during SRL?
Does anyone need to run the NF?
Umm, infusion?
Skeleton Key Strike Hoard chests are very limited as far what types of gear you can get (no leg or chest armor).
Crucible is a goldmine for 400 LL weapon/class item infusion fodder.
Crucible has been a rather harmless experience for myself. You win some, you lose some, you have good games, you have bad games and a lot of in-between. So what, who cares? The rewards are random anyways.
I am not sure what we are arguing anymore. I am perfectly fine with Crucible drops. I do use them for infusing my old weapons. I enjoy crucible myself at times. I was originally trying to tell Ghaleon that PvE has at least four or five different ways for you to hit 400 without ever touching the raid.
I wouldnt call strike chests VERY limited when they are only missing 2 out of 10 things you need to hit max level. What would you call crucible then which is missing 6 out of the 10 things you need to hit max level?
We can agree to disagree on whether crucible is more challenging than heroic strikes. it doesnt matter. i like the reward drops in crucible. they are a huge improvement over year 1 and year 2. they are rewarding and encourage noobs to suffer through getting shottied over and over again.
It took me a week to get a chest piece which was the only thing holding me from hitting 400. My last chest engram had decrypted to a 399 chest. A full week and god knows how many exotic engrams, crucible weapons, nightfalls, and useless skeletons keys later, I finally got another chest engram that decrypted to 400. So yes, i know how frustrating it can be and i'd appreciate if strike hoards contained chests and leg armors, but going back to Ghaleon's post there should be many different ways to hit 400 or at least 399 relatively quickly without ever doing the raid.
Sorry for being late on this, but I'd you want to run it still, join up on greyblade.I do.
Tried out the 4th Horseman cheese on Phogoth and man people weren't lying. With blessing I killed him in 2 and a half clips before one of my friends even made it into into the room.
Think I'll be farming the NF for keys this week
How long does the whole strike take with the 4th Horseman cheese?
Tried out the 4th Horseman cheese on Phogoth and man people weren't lying. With blessing I killed him in 2 and a half clips before one of my friends even made it into into the room.
Think I'll be farming the NF for keys this week
Thanks for the run guys. I'm going to run one more NF if anyone is interested. Psn is greyblade.
I'll run it with my Hunter.
Im joining againThanks for the run guys. I'm going to run one more NF if anyone is interested. Psn is greyblade.
IB next week with Clever Dragon as a drop.RIP Crucible going forward.
It was inevitable. What would be the God roll clever dragon?
IB next week with Clever Dragon as a drop.RIP Crucible going forward.
Every other person in crucible already either has it or a Grasp anyways. Fuck it.
Grasp is not broken. The spread on the CD is too tight even without a stability perk. If it's the same as the Grasp it would be fine.
Unfortunately Bungie has a precedent for using the nuclear option when nerfing. Only buffs are subtle. #neverforget0.04%Haha. Deku pls. The nerf is already incoming. Hopefully they don't destroy the whole archetype in the process.
Oh, I thought they were more or less the same.
What about The Waltz?