I'm looking for a mercury group but I'll do some scrub runs for warm ups
Cool, thanks. I'll send you a friend request.
I'm looking for a mercury group but I'll do some scrub runs for warm ups
One more for some casual trials runs
5 Hunters and 1 Titan is the optimal team combination for the last fight. Titan with weapons of light. One Hunter with tether and the other 4 with golden gun nighthawk. Always sacrifice one empowered to supercharge the whole team. Tether him every teleport and nighthawk with weapons of light. Take him down in 2 rotations.
Looking for a trials group to get the book thing done. Casual trials
Casual trials run to finish some of these bounties anyone? PSN is KINGofCRA5H-
Reposting for new page, looking for three more for an Aksys kill, got CP in phase 2
1. JJShadow77
2. Ryuuga
3. Sheppard (Branaghs)
If you're not full, gimme 20?
Reposting for new page, looking for three more for an Aksys kill, got CP in phase 2
1. JJShadow77
2. Ryuuga
3. Sheppard (Branaghs)
Sent a friend request!I'm down. Still haven't done the nightfall on my titan.
PSN: Jaydee191
If you still need one more, I still need the kill with my warlock. My PSN is Vincentgrey
Sure, you're in! We only need one more to be ready
1. JJShadow77
2. Ryuuga
3. Sheppard
4. zombiemortar
5. Strangelove77
Could you elaborate on the "sacrifice empowered to supercharge" thing? I did my first attempt on the final boss last night and didn't have much luck, one because my LL was too low, and the other being that we were not doing enough damage to the boss.
Still need one? I just sent a friend request.
Sent a friend request!
Have a third, just need you. Have a chat up and ready.Alright. Let me know when you find a third and I'll hop on
Is there some sort of requirement to access to DGAF's discord? Or am I misunderstanding and it's more of a private thing?
Thanks for tagging along. Key drops are so low. And artifact over what I need is even lower.
Is there some sort of requirement to access to DGAF's discord? Or am I misunderstanding and it's more of a private thing?
Doing CoO for artifact. JOin on me. ShadowKayos
Must have 420 LL and completed WotM hardmode at least 5 times.
PM Hawkian or JohnofMars (I think I got the name right). It's kept private to avoid lurkers, I believe.
Send Hawkian a PM. He'll hook you up with an invite.
So, the person who put our raid group together apparently bailed and joined another without telling anyone...
Please don't do this guardians, it's not good community etiquette.
If anyone's running a full raid any time soon, I'd love to join. 365 Titan, WotM newbie but very raid experienced.
PSN: astropoff
anyone up for some chill trials? we need a third.
Sign me up!
Streaming trials with my kotaku buddies if anyone wants to watch.
My two friends and I are looking to do a fresh WotM in about 2 hours 20 mins from now (4:30pm EST) if you (or anyone else) would like to join.
yea i'm going to be skipping this raid because apparently nobody cares about spoilers these days. haven't seen a damn video for the thing and i already know the majority of the encounters. thanks guys.