My daughter is still dancing...
We got time. Let her ヾ(⌐■_■
My daughter is still dancing...
My daughter is still dancing...
Clever dragon seems to be heavily weighted in scoreboard loot, I have gotten 7 on my TItan as I hit rank 4 last night. Good point on not needing to hit rank 5 on alts either, once I hit 5 I can just grind the 4 quests (really 2, I don't care about weapons honestly) and be completely done with IB.
I've tried a few of my CD's in crucible and I still infinitely prefer my outbreak prime to it. I get more consistent headshots and the effect has gotten a few extra kills for me. I rarely get the heavy in control so its a good exotic slot. I'm sure in Trials its not as good, but I love it as a primary.
I wish more armor would drop from scoreboard, have had 2 pieces I think but would be nice to get more of that infusion material instead of primary.
Still a great week of IB, double dipping on the crucible bounty makes it fast and easy.
Aksis Phase 2 CM
-Sky Walker
I´ll come online a soon as my daughter falls asleep.
She´s almost sleeping - any minute now
IB anyone? Join up.
I'm sad because no Dragons are dropping.Best boots are space boots.
This is probably the saddest day I've seen people.
Watching this just made me angry.
Best boots are space boots.
This is probably the saddest day I've seen people.
Aksis Phase 2 CM
-Sky Walker
I´ll come online a soon as my daughter falls asleep.
She´s almost sleeping - any minute now
The office has the atmosphere of a morgue today.
I don't get the mentality of people. They didn't like the results but they didn't vote. I know far too many that are like that. People say it over and over. Every vote counts. Some people also give up too easily.
Good shit, team.
That roll you got is my God Roll. Braced frame in the first slot is the preferred perk, HCR are best in the second and Range Finder might be my personal preference on the last.
The initial thought from the community was that BF, HCR and CB were true God roll but CB seems like such overkill. I'm curious if people feel differently now that so many people got the weapon.
BF seems like the most important item in the roll with the 2nd and 3rd being personal preference. I got a roll of BF, Quickdraw and Headseeker which I am loving. Not sure if Range finder would be better overall though, need to test to find out.
Bladedancer has the worst super.
That would be the problemYou have to be sneaky.
Not sure if anyone else said this but I got higher light IB weaponot drops when I completed my rank 3 and 5 quest from Efrideet. Also got some good drops from completing each IB bounties as well.
It is a one time quest the first time you do IB on a character. The next IB you won't get rank 3 or 5 drops.
It is a one time quest the first time you do IB on a character. The next IB you won't get rank 3 or 5 drops.
So if there's no rank 3 or 5 drops, what's the point in reaching either or?
To whit: no point in reaching rank 4 or 5 on alts.To buy stuff from Efrideet.
Yup, I've been there. Even more frustrating when your matches are a laggy mess. Really hope Destiny 2 will be an improvement on that.
yeah 5 medals isn't enough stacking them to 10 would be betterI still don't understand how that happens. I'm almost always in the top 3 but I lose over half the time. If it's all random, why am I "randomly" on the losing team so often? Shouldn't it be a wash?
Makes no sense.
Shotgun range is bullshit. Also, all of pvp basically being shotguns is aggravating to no end.
Join the party.
Been using a side arm for a change. I'm honestly enjoying it
Use a Telesto.Been using a side arm for a change. I'm honestly enjoying it
Been using a side arm for a change. I'm honestly enjoying it