What's the Matador god roll?
Field choke, Full Auto, Smallbore/Rifled Barrel, Rangefinder.
I have like 3 of these. Full Auto is no joke.
What's the Matador god roll?
Field choke, Full Auto, Smallbore/Rifled Barrel, Rangefinder.
I have like 3 of these. Full Auto is no joke.
I have full auto/smallbore/rangefinder, but I don't have field choke. I have smooth ballistics, cqb ballistics, and aggressive ballistics.
Which should I use?
Field choke, Full Auto, Smallbore/Rifled Barrel, Rangefinder.
I have like 3 of these. Full Auto is no joke.
Full auto decrease one hit kill range. Also aggressive ballistics is the one you want instead of field choke.
And never fucking smallbore. Rifled or reinforced.
Full Auto is amazing. Take out multiple opponents with ease. Smallbore also gives extra stability which helps recenter your sights since the Matador has a lot of recoil. Helps me with the Full Auto.
I have rifled barrel with the exact same other perks.
No and no.
Use the one with rifled.
You play enough to get the idea where to anticipate where shotgunners hide or can come from. Shoot them before they reach you. Once they get too close to you, you know what happens.
I was tired of waiting for the perfect roll on my PD-X 45 package. I settled for the latest one that offered perfect balance, hidden hand, and rifled barrel. It doesn't seem to stand against the sea of grasps / dragons, but it does feel pretty nice.
I heard those are a good counter to shotguns...been trying with trespasser and it hasnt worked so well as I feel I am outranged by the shotguns.
Full Auto on a shotgun like the matador widens the pellet spread making it's range and consistent kill potential worst then a matador without full auto.Field choke, Full Auto, Smallbore/Rifled Barrel, Rangefinder.
I have like 3 of these. Full Auto is no joke.
Full Auto on a shotgun like the matador widens the pellet spread making it's range and consistent kill potential worst then a matador without full auto.
Accurized ballistics, Perfomance bonus, Rifled Barrel, and Close and/or Personal (to kill supers) is the best roll IMO.
I encourage you to play with whatever roll you see fit, if full auto work for you and you enjoy it, stick with it. As long as it's a matador with max range your good. Im just here inform not impose.I pick whatever gives me the most range. I feel like Full Auto is mandatory for me without a doubt. Performance Bonus (that's last bullet in the mag does more damage?) - if so - I don't use that because unless I'm out of ammo I always reload. All my matadors have Full Auto, rangefinder, rifled barrel/small bore and field choke (the perks)
Every other match.How often should I use a three of coins when playing Crucible? Every match? Every other match?
I encourage you to play with whatever roll you see fit, if full auto work for you and you enjoy it, stick with it. As long as it's a matador with max range your good. Im just here inform not impose.
Performance Bonus give you a chance to have a shell go back in the reserve ammo afrer a kill, the perk your thinking of is Final Round.
So I've been away for 2 days
Cleaning up my room and adjusting stuff
So I'm selling my 160GB PS3 Slim, 500GB PS4, and a busted OLED 3G/WiFi Vita
2 Dualshock 3's, 2 Dualshock 4's
Was gonna sell the PS3 and PS4 games but I'm getting like 0.50-1.00 for like COD Ghosts or Skyrim @ GameStop, will sell lot on GAF BST hopefully
So yeah I might not be back till weekend
Hopefully all trade in and $100 gets me the ps4 pro hopefully
I'm down if you're still there.If anyone wants a quick Nightfall, I'm at the boss. I just got him down to 10% and then my own super (Shadowshot) killed me somehow. :
I'm getting much better at timing activations of my super. Quite a few 3/4 kills with my blade in IB last night! Still struggle to control it sometimes, particularly to deal with people jumping. I also need to learn to blink as I'm rushing down more.You have to be sneaky.
I've noticed it this time around too - they're supposed to group randoms against randoms but I've been up against a lot of full or almost full fireteams. Wasn't a real problem last time out but I've definitely noticed it more this week.Yes I get it. People in fireteams are going to do better in Iron Banner. But does that mean we solo players have to get fucking destroyed EVERY match? It's really demoralizing.
What's everyone playing besides Destiny? I never did the raid but I'll be at 400 within the next couple days, and if there's no more updates there's no reason to keep going after that.
I'm going to try out Titanfall and I'll be getting Battlefield on Black Friday (or maybe sooner). Also have Dishonored 2 being delivered today so I should have plenty to keep me busy the next couple months.
Edit almost forgot about TLG releasing in a few weeks and I also bought World of FF. So I'm good lol. Going to miss Destiny though.
Playstation Pro arriving in a couple minutes. Bungie Pro patch pls.
Since it has not been announced already I would assume that it won´t ever come.
AggBalls + Rifled/Reinforced + Rangefinder will give you the highest possible OHKO range.Full Auto on a shotgun like the matador widens the pellet spread making it's range and consistent kill potential worst then a matador without full auto.
Accurized ballistics, Perfomance bonus, Rifled Barrel, and Close and/or Personal (to kill supers) is the best roll IMO.
My copy of Destiny: The Collection has arrived.
If I redeem the codes on PSN and then 'download' them to my PS4 whilst I'm at work - will that work without the base game installed?
Or do I have to be patient and wait till I get home and install the base game first...
Congrats - awesome game.....
EDIT: Wait! Misunderstood you - pretty sure you can download expansions, but not play them without the base game.
The expansions are just keys so while you can redeem them they won't trigger the base game download.
But on the 'redeem code' sheet it says: 'Destiny game installation required prior to redeeming code' so I guess it needs the base game before it can download the expansions![]()
Had a pretty good Clever Dragon drop last night; has PB or BF and the 2nd column has high caliber rounds (hidden hand and life support on the 3rd column). Think I like it better than my Grasp.
BF, HCR and "X" is a great roll.
1) Rangefinder or CB
2) HH
3) HeadSeeker, Glass Half Full
Those are my preferences but you really can't go wrong with any of those, so long as you have BF + HCR. For example, some people really like HS
I use 3oC every match now. I've gotten back to back exotics a few weeks back when I cared to use them.
Last night on Xbox, I played 7 IB matches, used 1 on each match and got exotics on game 6 and game 7.
I used to skip the next game after getting an exotic and it would work ~ 1 exotics per 5-7 games, but I noticed with ROI it dropped to like 10+ games at times without an exotic. Every match now has seemed to work best for me.
HOWEVER, please let 3 of Coins DIE. Burn it and never go back to it, Bungie. It's SUCH a boring mechanic and it doesn't feel rewarding WHATSOEVER. Bring back random exotics dropping in the wild, just do it with the frequency they drop as if you used 3oC every match.