Well, it's the last day to grind for the new meta weapon. This is turning into one of the worst times to play crucible yet.
Hopefully Bungie acts quickly and removes or fixes HCR. As of right now, you don't loose gun fights to better skill or movement, you loose them to a single perk. It's a real shame.
Let's not give Bungie an ideas to nerf another weapon class to shit shall we?
They killed off Auto-Rifles.
They managed to (nearly) kill all Handcannons.
They managed to only have 2 decent Scout-Rifles.
I agree that the Clever Dragon is an annoyance in the Crucible right now but there's plenty of other weapons that can compete with the thing. It's because Iron Banner is around and people take the best they can. Despite the High Caliber Rounds being a pain in the ass the user is still required to be on point with every shot. Miss one and you give the enemy a chance to retaliate. IMO, it's not THAT bad.
I've seen plenty of Blind Perditions, Auto-Rifles or Handcannons that took me out with some well placed shots. A handcannon with Firefly or Explosive Rounds can knock your aim off-target ... a MIDA Multitool still hits like a truck. Thorn can still be a pain in the ass (DoT) and I can go on and on. Grasp of Malok, Blind Perdition, MIDA, Eyesaluna, Hawksaw, PDX, Palindrome or any other decent rolled Pulse/Auto/Handcannon can go against a Clever Dragon.
After all the un-needed nerfs I'm really anxious ... I agree that some things need tuning but ... what was the point in nerfing the Twilight Garrisson again?