Unfortunately I'm out of town and sitting in a hotel. No Destiny for me until the weekend.So uh train anyone?
Unfortunately I'm out of town and sitting in a hotel. No Destiny for me until the weekend.So uh train anyone?
Unfortunately I'm out of town and sitting in a hotel. No Destiny for me until the weekend.
I enjoy Bungie fibbing their way through another BWU. Why do they keep denying SBMM like it's Area51? Everyone knows the Crucible was vastly different in Year 1.
We literally cut Aksis in half.
Holy crap, this place seriously died. Any word on when SRL will drop?
Same here
What is Destinys network tick rate?
Combat damage is sampled at 30Hz (30 times per second). We track and network how your shots land in every frame of gameplay you can see. You receive updates on systems like scoring or ammo spawn timers from an Activity Host at 10Hz (10 times per second).
Bungie responds to Reddit.
Ever payed money and/or given your account to someone to get pulled to Mercury?
Ever payed money and/or given your account to someone to get pulled to Mercury?
Ever payed money and/or given your account to someone to get pulled to Mercury?
Driz ran my account for the Y2 cat emblem. Trials was too sweaty by that point for me.
I wouldn't spend money on it glam. There are good guys on gaf who will get you there or run your account if you want.
It´s not about the money.
It´s the part where I give someone my account details that scares me.
That said I would give anyone from DGAF my details in a heartbeat.
Too freaked out hy this to do something like that.
Hey, you running reset next week? I'd like to get the challenge out of the way asap.
For anyone that's curious, Xur is selling;
- Eternal Warrior
- Knucklehead Radar
- The Impossible Machines
- SUROS Regime
- Shock Hazard (ornament)
- Born in Fire (ornament)
3 spots left for a newbie raid tomorrow, this Saturday.
11/19/16 - 12:00PM EST - Wrath of the Machine - Normal
First come first serve: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1...Iu8AG8XtSc2gCnCjvGCoGg/viewform?usp=send_form
Cool. I will be going back to rotating weekly through the Legacy raids eventually as well if you guys want to jump into a King's Fall someday.Excellent timing I was just going to be asking if you still did these. I've signed my friend (not on Gaf) and myself up. We've never been able to organize a group of friends to do this raid (or the last one actually). Looking forward to it!
Cool. I will be going back to rotating weekly through the Legacy raids eventually as well if you guys want to jump into a King's Fall someday.
One spot left for tomorrow now.
what rolls on your Aegis? I freaking loved my OG aegis of the kell.
"Either this user hasn't linked their Bungie.net account to a Twitch account, or the user doesn't even exist. If it's the latter, what are you doing try to watch a fake person play video games?"
Uh... what do?
Thor: The Dark World was great.
Edit: Oops wrong thread.
Make a new account?
- matched with a full lobby of players in under 20 seconds
- all green bar
- almost everyone will have a kd under 1.0
The top 10% or so of players are put into a shitty MM pool together, the remaining 90% get to enjoy a properly functioning game.
3 spots left for a newbie raid tomorrow, this Saturday.
11/19/16 - 12:00PM EST - Wrath of the Machine - Normal
First come first serve: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1...Iu8AG8XtSc2gCnCjvGCoGg/viewform?usp=send_form