Cool write up Ghal, seems like you'll be joining us faster than you expected when you restarted your character. Playing through it in its entirety is something I've wanted to do for a while. The new expansions have been fun in that you are constantly equipping and trying out new gear as you head towards max light level. And your right, the game is stunningly beautiful and is super smooth. Playing a game like No Man's Sky and or Fallout 4 and coming back to Destiny is unbelievable.
Whelp, clan just tried the raid
in earnest after our half-hearted attempt last night. We figured out the mechanics, man they are a doozy and require quite a bit of coordination. Unfortunately our current strategy is not getting enough DPS. We've made it through a few phases but barely tickled the boss. I think we are going to throw in the towel and look at what the rest of the Destiny world is doing to beat it. We have 3 people over 370 and 3 under 370 and it just seems that add control gets out of hand and we can't do enough boss DPS.
Whelp, clan just tried the raid
final boss second phase