lol outsourcing Destiny to a group that's never done an online shooter and is best known for Skylanders? I'm sure that'll work well
Netduma doesn't really work when the population is too low. Going to give you reds anyway.
I can't seem to get into Iron Banner this month. I'm having trouble playing more than a couple of matches. I'd usually have all of the bounties done already, but I've only finished one so far.
It just isn't grabbing me. I may be burnt out.
Wasn't this known over a year ago or am I thinking of a different studio?
Essentually, this puts a stronger bias on connection quality, with less emphasis on skill matching.
lol outsourcing Destiny to a group that's never done an online shooter and is best known for Skylanders? I'm sure that'll work well
Soooooo, skill based? Or nah? Sounds good either way, I just hope it isn't bullshit.
Drops from SRL are a bit of an unknown I think.
Previously they dropped SRL "armour" BUT most of the gear had light switched off/0. It WAS dropping max-light enabled helmets though, because at the time the hard mode raid was really stingy about helmets so quite a few people were struggling to get max light helmets.
They've said the new gear is light-enabled but there's no need for them to drop max light gear...as you can get it all from the raid.
But maybe they will, just to try and get player count up.
ToC worked in SRL last year.
So now with matchmaking, instead of being shot through walls I have a higher chance of just playing a bunch of people significantly above my own skill level? Is that the jist of what I'm reading?
Do you need to win the race, or just finish it?
Finish, like other PvP. It procs when you get your rep points.
Oh well, it's up to the RNG then. Someone mentioned, that there might be a chance to get exotics from SRL with TOC, like in the Crucible.
Thanks for the info anyways.
That was probably me
Gear will definitely drop at the end, with RNG, just like crucible matches. What's unknown is whether it will have light 0 and have to be infused or if it will drop with light levels appropriate for your current level. And if the latter then what light level it will be capped at, 385, 390 or 400.
Actually thinking about it, matching the light of the drop to your current level will be annoying for old players. They'll want to equip their existing SRL gear which means they'll only be 200 lightish.
ToC will almost certainly work unless they deliberately code it out. I doubt that at this stage but they do weird stuff (e.g. rift IB).
Last night, My friend and I was in a fireteam together just us two. We matchmake into iron banner and we are both put on different teams and can talk to each other. I have never seen or heard about this before.
What about you guys?
Fixed an issue where some players did not receive the Student of History Trophy/Achievement or Sigil of the Young Wolf Emblem for attuning all of the Rise of Iron Artifacts
The completionist among you will be happy to hear that we have fixed the issue keeping you from your final Trophy/Achievement in Rise of Iron. If you haven’t already attuned all of the ROI Artifacts, now is the perfect chance to go do it as you will also get the Sigil of the Young Wolf Emblem.
Skeleton Keys have been adjusted:
Skeleton Keys drop rates have been slightly increased in the SIVA Crisis playlist, SIVA Crisis Heroic playlist, and weekly Nightfall
Players will now receive a Skeleton Key for their first account Nightfall clear per week
Everyone has been on the hunt for Skeleton Keys to get their hands on that sweet Strike specific loot. We’re increasing your chances to see them drop and guaranteeing you 1 per account for your first Nightfall clear every week.
Characters who are level 40 will now automatically convert Uncommon Engrams(Green) to Weapon and Armor Materials on pickup
If you haven’t already heard, we’re going to save you some time by automatically converting Uncommon Engrams to materials. Once you are level 40, you don’t have much use for Greens. We’re going to go ahead and dismantle them on pickup for you after you reach max level.
Brother Vance now offers materials exchange for Passage Coins and Motes of Light
A lot of Guardians have found themselves short on Passage Coins when Trials of Osiris goes live. Brother Vance will now offer them in exchange for Motes of Light.
Legendary Weapons obtained from the Gunsmith's Rank 2 Quest can now be repurchased from the Gunsmith
The Gunsmith will now be very popular with Guardians who dismantled their Stillpiercer, Immobius, or Susanoo. You can repurchase these weapons from him for Legendary Marks.
Nothing again?
One guaranteed strike key per week! Passage coins for motes!
Holy smokes that's some ugly ass armour.
that armor is beautiful and you will take that back
That armor is something Freddie Mercury would wear.
I don't think I ever cried more than when I watched the making of his last video.
Told you guys Shiv is a beast.
As long as we don't play on Pantheon, that map is the drizzling shits.Told you guys Shiv is a beast.
A rabbit kicked the shit out of me.
Well here's the BWU: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/45540/7_This-Week-At-Bungie---12082016
Titan armor looking straight sexy.
also these other classes
Patch Notes Preview
Thought you left on your own.
Someone joined. Could put on some boots if you want back in.