PS4? PSN: ZonySUX. (sent you a fr)NF anyone?
Edit: Thx for the quick run, that last room went real smooth. (I hate that strike ;_
PS4? PSN: ZonySUX. (sent you a fr)NF anyone?
Wish I saw this before I dismantled a full auto matador yesterday. Saw the full auto and figured it was useless on such a slow firing gun. How much faster are we talking?
Full WOTM Raid with monitors at 3pm EST.
Just need it on my third, so let's make it quick and easy
1. Hzoltan969 (Warlock, 380)
2. RickyRozay ?
3. jayforone (Warlock, 370)
Bungie wishes that strike never existed. Too much cheese. To hard to do legit with the wrong burn.
Got my Trials emblem on the tenth win. Finally rng is with me.
Hey Bungie,
If 385 is the cap and I'm at 386...why are my drops 384?
Why are they 384 when I'm 385?
Why are they still 384 when I'm 384?
Who is in charge of this shit?
Thx for the strikes, dude.
Need 4 for Raid w/ monitors in about 15 min
365 min LL, any takers?
Hey Bungie,
If 385 is the cap and I'm at 386...why are my drops 384?
Why are they 384 when I'm 385?
Why are they still 384 when I'm 384?
Who is in charge of this shit?
It's working as intended.Hey Bungie,
If 385 is the cap and I'm at 386...why are my drops 384?
Why are they 384 when I'm 385?
Why are they still 384 when I'm 384?
Who is in charge of this shit?
367 Titan.
Psn: astropoff
Need 3 for Raid w/ monitors
365 min LL, any takers?
Yep. What I was thinking also. Remix + old raids getting updatedI think they're saving it for next year's April update equivalent. Update that one, throw in a new strike maybe, and update VOG making it Vex themed.
Need 4 for Raid w/ monitors in about 15 min
365 min LL, any takers?
OkPSN Thaennon
Need 2 more.Need 2 for Raid w/ monitors
365 min LL, any takers?
Played for hours the last couple days and cant get a damn Primary weapon or Chest piece that's above 365. Or a ghost for that matter.
A few things to fix the leveling could be:
- make blue drops up to 365 in Archons Forge (at least for enhanced/perfected)
- any legendaries after 365 should decrypt like Faction packages/Archons Forge legendaries
-Patrol missions like Quarantine/High value target and such should also go up to 365 with a chance of a legendary
- give a small chance of 365 blues from chests.
It's annoying enough going from 350-365, but going much above 365 is nearly impossible through regular play of the game.
Just got the thorn, got a 0.6KD in crucible trying to use it.
Does anyone use it in PvE or should I just get rid of it?
I have no idea why they brought this gun back =/
Need 2 more.
1. Wizard
2. Wizard's friend
3. Zakalwe
4. Rahvar
So I opened a skeleton chest and literally got nothing... what the hell?
I'll play, PSN: ZonySUX.Ok
Need 2 more.
1. Wizard
2. Wizard's friend
3. Zakalwe
4. Rahvar
So you can't do it or you're still good?Seems we need one more for the raid = monitors. 365 min, preferably experienced but confident will do!
Add me or WeTeHa
Hey man, been pulled in on alt duties. Commuted to these guys first, apologies.
Lol. Lima is like on his 30th win post-9 on his card and nothing. Rng is why scarab does not mean much for skill at all. Especially a few weeks from now.
Now that exotic engrams are a major way to raise your LL is it gonna be that Xur never sells them again?
For regular PvE you have exotics, faction packages and skeleton key drops....ranking up is going to be RNG and take awhile. Faction packages are most consistent to earn but always seem to be 1 or 2 above character light level, which means you get stuck pretty often.
For regular PvE you have exotics, faction packages and skeleton key drops....ranking up is going to be RNG and take awhile. Faction packages are most consistent to earn but always seem to be 1 or 2 above character light level, which means you get stuck pretty often.
You can also get guns as crucible drops, if you love/like/tolerate PvP.
It will be interesting to see if iron banner goes up to 385 as that will give people a fairly large amount of play time, a lot of end of game drops, faction packages, and exotic drops.
Holy shit I can't believe I didn't know about redeeming engrams one at a time from the cryptarch until yesterday. Got almost 50 light levels in one day
I finally hit 365 LL. Reading the level-up guide in the OP, I need to concentrate on NF, Heroic Strikes, Crucible, and Raid for better loot, right? Also, is Spekis Perfected viable at 365? I know you have a chance for 3oC, but should I avoid this one now?
What's the best auto rifle outside the raid? I love my Zero Day Dilemma, but the low mag (24) really blows.