Which quest is the 'weekly patrol quest' for the book anyway?
The one you get in Iron Temple, where you have to do 15 patrols 3 of assassinatiins 3 of quarantine and so on.
Which quest is the 'weekly patrol quest' for the book anyway?
The one you get in Iron Temple, where you have to do 15 patrols 3 of assassinatiins 3 of quarantine and so on.
Casual Osiris/Raid anyone?
I wonder if the current leveling rates are working according to plan for Bungie, or if this is slower than they expected.
I don't remember any other point in the game since day 1 with leveling this slow and grindy. Stealing from Tolkien - "[it] feelthin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread".
I'm not so sure that it's just that there's not enough content, it's more like they want to stretch out how long people are playing this content, to make sure it doesn't drop off too fast, (and I'm just speculating here) to make sure that if people were thinking about buying the expansion a few weeks or month after release that there would still be people playing to make it more enticing.
I hope that's not the case, and that the artifact / ghost rates will be tweaked, because the grind is starting to go from fun to work pretty quickly.
So it will accelerate from tweaks.This Week at Bungie said:We’re looking into the way Destiny: Rise of Iron rewards the completion of activities with items that will increase your Light. Currently, our opinion is that Ghosts and Artifacts are dropping less frequently than intended, making it difficult for players to reach higher Light after 365. In the weeks to come, we’ll be investigating a solution that provides alternate max Light sources for these two slots. Additionally, when the Heroic Raid is released, many Activities and all Engrams will increase their maximum Light, making it easier overall to progress.
fucking hell's bells captain.As a big fan of fusion rifles, I'm beyond happy with this from the 7 win tier. Beautiful.
Yes to all your questions. I wanted to watch Finding Dory but the movie is ruined for me because my ex saw it on the day she cheated on me.
I feel the same way about the Raid.
Never happened to me before RoI...but since RoI I've had like 3-4 blues turn into exotics. Always at the felwinter cryptarch too.
Sadly none of them have been a Hawkmoon.
It's an unpleasant balancing act but I do feel that they accomplished making this less restrictive than many previous iterations of their attempts at vertical progression.
Packaged dropped me a comedia with full auto, final round and rifled.
I'm loving the Hex caster.
Well, that's the thing, it doesn't really require that though. For the vast majority of Destiny players they'll simply make incremental progress over time from blue drops, faction/vanguard/crucible rank ups, legendary/exotic engrams and I mean the raid gear does drop at a minimum of 365. If you enter at 355 which is perfectly viable you shoot up quite a bit from anything. I don't necessarily disagree that Light drops should be based on the individual slot something drops for you rather than your overall Light but I haven't seen run any simulations of how this affects the progression curve, and I am giving them the slight benefit of the doubt that they have.It just needs to be more obvious. If your leveling system requires people on forums to post multiple paragraphs explaining how to do it then you fucked up a bit. There needs to be a clear progression path that doesn't take a hardcore player to decipher.
The current works to a certain point. Run strikes until 365, nice. It's after 365 things get hairy. If the raid dropped gear at a higher guaranteed minimum LL I think that would be a start. If my LL is 372 but I'm wearing 375 boots, I shouldn't get 373 boots as a raid reward. That's bogus.
What is the shortest RoI story mission to complete over and over on hard for the record book?
What is the shortest RoI story mission to complete over and over on hard for the record book?
Well, that's the thing, it doesn't really require that though. For the vast majority of Destiny players they'll simply make incremental progress over time from blue drops, faction/vanguard/crucible rank ups, legendary/exotic engrams and I mean the raid gear does drop at a minimum of 365.
I won a match last night because I suppressed a striker mid smash with tether, why in the world would you give up your super for one more grenade?
The second one. Especially as a Bladedancer and invisibility.
What is the shortest RoI story mission to complete over and over on hard for the record book?
1. Gulfwarvet
2. Gulfs obnoxious son
3. Noisepurge
4. Noisepurge+1
Looking for two for 19:00 UK. About 25 mins, any sheep herders available?
Looking to run a full WOTM Raid with monitors at 3pm EST (1,5 hours from now).
1. Hzoltan969 (Warlock, 380)
2. jayforone (Warlock, 370)
3. Branaghs
Need 3 more. Please be experienced with the raid and over 370LL.
In that case the system is just way too slow then. The "end game" should be about chasing specific gear, not raising my light level. I have a screw or two loose as well and have been playing nonstop since RoI launched and I'm finding it really difficult to get past the low 370's. There's always going to be a sense that you need to get to cap ASAP to start working on endgame stuff. Maybe I've just played too many MMO's, but until I'm at level cap I feel like a liability to a fireteam.
Well I can empathize because that's where I'm at as well- and I was really feeling the burn to contribute more to my newbie group yesterday- so I think the changes they are planning to make are completely welcome. However on the other hand, despite the onerous burden that is currently in place, I do know that people out there have already made it past the theoretical cap of 385.In that case the system is just way too slow then. The "end game" should be about chasing specific gear, not raising my light level. I have a screw or two loose as well and have been playing nonstop since RoI launched and I'm finding it really difficult to get past the low 370's. There's always going to be a sense that you need to get to cap ASAP to start working on endgame stuff. Maybe I've just played too many MMO's, but until I'm at level cap I feel like a liability to a fireteam.
Hey DestinyGAF, I just launched the Collection for the first time and it asks me if I want to use my old character (only played Vanilla) or start a new one. What should I do?
1. Gulfwarvet
2. Gulfs obnoxious son
3. Noisepurge
4. Noisepurge+1
5. Moculas
Looking for two for 19:00 UK. About 25 mins, any sheep herders available?
There's no drawback to using Nolan already in place character, so if you like the look and class then go for it. You have 3 slots so you can go either way with little negative effect.
Alright, thanks. 😄
I thought they might had changed the first missions or something but since I can just pick them and play it's no big deal then. My character is fine so I'll just continue. Now to get used to all this UI and loot system again.
Still looking, if anyone is available.Anyone on Xbox wanna carry me to 5 wins in Trials today?
I'm not asking for much lol
Still need one, preferably a high ll sherpa
Looking to run a full WOTM Raid with monitors at 3pm EST (1,5 hours from now).
1. Hzoltan969 (Warlock, 380)
2. jayforone (Warlock, 370)
3. Branaghs
Need 3 more. Please be experienced with the raid and over 370LL.
Still need one, preferably a high ll sherpa
1. Gulfwarvet
2. Gulfs obnoxious son
3. Noisepurge
Looking for two for 19:00 UK. About 25 mins, any sheep herders available?
Exotic pulse quest question:
Can you help other players with their Titan, Warlock, Hunter SIVA charge quests if you don't have the SIVA charge at all?
For example, I have it on my Titan but can I help another Titan player out on my Warlock and Hunter alts?
Lost my buddy, just me now
I can help in ten minutes or so but if it starts to take to long I might have to bail, I've got like 2-3 hours max. What is everyone's LL and familiarity with raiding in general?
What is everyone's LL and familiarity with raiding in general?
Looking to run a full WOTM Raid with monitors at 3pm EST (1,5 hours from now).
1. Hzoltan969 (Warlock, 380)
2. jayforone (Warlock, 370)
3. Branaghs
Need 3 more. Please be experienced with the raid and over 370LL.
Is there anything besides exotics and AF class items that drop above 385?
Only on step 2, 5 and 8.You don't have to have a specific team for those